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Meh, the Sun/Jin characters were better when Jin was a badass. I miss Eko though, his death seemed a bit needless, although it did in the end bring about one of my favourite ever Lost lines: "Checkmate Mr. Eko"

I'm siding with Matt on this one, Sun has bored me to no end the last few series. Jin, I'll always have love for Jin, both badass 'I DID WHAT I HAD TO, FOR US' Jin and 'UDDERS! UDDERS!' Jin. Daniel Dae Kim is fantastic at making him this badass killer and a loveable character at the same time.

I feel the whole, siding with the dark side thing would have been better served with someone else, but that's just because Sun has always annoyed me, so now that they're giving me a reason not to like her, I'm not going to like her even more. :x I would have prefered she had 'died' on the freighter and we had this unhappy, empty Jin that was willing to go back to the island if it meant there was a chance to find her.

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We had a power outage and I missed something crucial, can someone please tell me what happened between.....

Rousseau's baby kicking was the last thing I saw before the outage....her shooting at Jin as he ran away from her on the beach was the next thing I saw.....what the fuck happened in between!!!!!
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We had a power outage and I missed something crucial, can someone please tell me what happened between.....

Rousseau's baby kicking was the last thing I saw before the outage....her shooting at Jin as he ran away from her on the beach was the next thing I saw.....what the fuck happened in between!!!!!

Monster kills the other chick in the Expedition then snags Montand. Tries to drag Montand down a hole when the other science people grab him causing Montand's arm to rip off. He's still alive down there and the other guys go down the hole after him. Jin convinces Danielle not to go for the baby.


Jin sees black smoke, goes there and finds the dead bodies of two of the science people. Then he sees Robert and Danielle arguing. Robert convinces her to put down her gun and when she does so, he smiles evily and tries to shoot her. Danielle then snipes his face off, sees Jin, yells that he just disappeared and he had the sickness too. So she shoots at him.

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Motherfucker, this show is such a kick in the balls every week. Great episode though, it looks like things really get going next week.

One minor little tidbit:

Not sure if it's been mentioned on here or not, but the name of the company on the black van that Ben drives is an anagram for "Reincarnation"
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Motherfucker, this show is such a kick in the balls every week. Great episode though, it looks like things really get going next week.

One minor little tidbit:

Not sure if it's been mentioned on here or not, but the name of the company on the black van that Ben drives is an anagram for "Reincarnation"

Fuck yes. I always thought this might happen.

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Didn't Ben pretty much give us a massive *WINK WINK* last week regarding Locke not really being dead?

SOME WOMAN: "Why're you so worried about his body? It's not like he's getting up any time soon."

BEN: "......Right."

I love Ben. That line, though not 100% accurate, is just a show of why his performance has always been great. He has such a great presence.
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Another great episode.

No clue how they're going to work the rest of the group into returning. And the Locke stuff is crazy, because I really like the guy and want to believe he isn't dead, but I just have this feeling he actually is.

And the Daniel character gets more and more interesting as the weeks go by.

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I am inclined to believe that myself. If we look back and remember Ben stumbling into the funeral home where he met Jack. He was probably there to give him another dose. And also maybe that is what was in the box in the hotel

That sounds logical but I think he is dead. But when he gets to the island he'll be resurrected like Christian.

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I'm still not convinced he's dead...

I think he may just have been given the Medusa spider venom, making Nikki and Paulo at least have contributed one thing to the show :shifty:

Weren't Nikki and Paulo introduced as a way of saying "here's what the rest of the survivors have been doing, happy?" and they were then killed off because the audience pretty much went "no, actually, they're cunts, stick to the plot".

Speaking of which, where are the rest of the survivors nowadays?

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No, they were introduced to help extend the length of the season whilst they negotiated, they wanted five seasons and ABC wanted seven, so they compromised at six, in the meantime season three became a major waste of time for the large part because they weren't sure how much time they needed to fill whilst they were writing it.

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So they're all on the island again now? That was certainly quicker than I expected, although I'm looking forward to see why all of them were on the plane in the end, certainly Kate. I'm still not sure Locke will come Back to life, really hoping he does though. Great episode.
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What exactly did that letter say? I couldn't make it out for shit.

Glad they're all back now, but it looks like maybe the Island is stuck in the past? What with Jin being in a dharam suit, it could be interesting to see them all try and survive having to deal with both the Dharam initive and the Others. Also might mean we'll finally find out some more about Dharma.

I think it's pretty clear that atleast a few of them were visited by ghosts from the island. Hurley was Charlie and I reckon Kate was visited by Claire.

Really, really good episode I thought. Can't wait to find out why there was no crash (Maybe the Island only took the people that were on the first plane?) and I'm interested to see if that guy that was sorta randomly there will have any importance. Also looking forward to Kate and Sawyer reuniting and seeing what happens there, even though I think there's more potential in Sawyer/Juliet. At this point, it's pretty clear Kate will go Jack or nothing.
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What exactly did that letter say? I couldn't make it out for shit.

Glad they're all back now, but it looks like maybe the Island is stuck in the past? What with Jin being in a dharam suit, it could be interesting to see them all try and survive having to deal with both the Dharam initive and the Others. Also might mean we'll finally find out some more about Dharma.

I think it's pretty clear that atleast a few of them were visited by ghosts from the island. Hurley was Charlie and I reckon Kate was visited by Claire.

Really, really good episode I thought. Can't wait to find out why there was no crash (Maybe the Island only took the people that were on the first plane?) and I'm interested to see if that guy that was sorta randomly there will have any importance. Also looking forward to Kate and Sawyer reuniting and seeing what happens there, even though I think there's more potential in Sawyer/Juliet. At this point, it's pretty clear Kate will go Jack or nothing.

Jack, I wish you had believed me. JL
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