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NFL 2009


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Both teams got ripped off by officials in that game. I'd argue that the Steelers were hurt more by bad penalties, but penalties didn't miss two FGs, the officials didn't let the Bears drive right down the field 3 times. Blown calls didn't affect the game.

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It's funny how prior to the start of the Colts-Dolphins game, while the Colts warmed up, they showed Dallas Clark's stats, and pointed out that he had never scored a touchdown against the Dolphins, and bam, first play and TD by Clark.

At first, I thought the Bears didn't had a good chance against Pittsburgh because of the loss of Urlacher and the lack of confidence in Jay Cutler, lucky for me, I was completely wrong and Cutler and those youngs WRs in the offense made it for the win.

Even though the Titans lost, that game was off the chain. It was awesome, from start to finish. The the face-to-face trash-talking, the late hits, the power hits, those were just great. Specially Cortland Finnegan's jump over Andre Johnson.

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I know Washington hasn't been great, but they aren't that bad. I think Portis could rip that D to shreds.

Just because I'm picking Detroit doesn't mean I don't think Washington is "that bad", but they haven't shown all that much. Detroit has made some decent acquisitions and really have only been hampered by Stafford's poor decision making. I'm more picking this because of all the turmoil with Washington. Their offensive play calling is down right terrible and not giving Campbell the leniency to throw the ball around. And typically one of two things happen during these times: A team blows out the next team, or loses a bad game. I'm going for the latter because with New York, Philly, and Dallas --- someone has to implode in that division. Might as well be Washington this coming week.

I think Stafford limits his interceptions, Washington's play calling keeps them in the game, and Detroit hits a couple big plays (Stafford to Johnson) to win by 10.

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Bengals are too solid of a team to get murdered by anyone. They have skilled recievers, Palmer, Benson decides to play like a decent NFL back, and the defense isn't all that terrible. I figured the Steelers would win, but they really need to find a way to change up the offensive and allow them to run the ball and give Ben some time.

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I figured the Steelers would win, but they really need to find a way to change up the offensive and allow them to run the ball and give Ben some time.

Did you watch the game?

The offensive line played great today. Dick Lebeau's defensive scheme failed. The offense left too many points on the board, and the coaching staff blew.

Ben had enough time to do what he does. Ben doesn't need 4-5 seconds because he can make plays on the run. The offensive line might've been the best unit overall today.

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The Lions win. The Ravens have an offense a passing game. And Ben loses in Ohio.

The world is ending.


They've always been able to run somewhat effectively, but Jeebus, Flacco thinks he's Dan Fouts all of a sudden. I just got done making fun of some of my league-mates on my blog for using Ravens receivers, but they're still relevant. I'm still waiting for it to turn off, but I am beginning to wonder.

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