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UFC 2009: Undisputed


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I was 18-11 online yesterday, I woke up this morning to find I was now 18-20 and level 9! WTF is up with that?

Sorry, so desperate to play I broke in and played for a bit. My bad, thought I was in unranked. Will make sure I am tonight.

Edited by QuomQuat
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Had 2 ranked fights, Both as Rich Franklin.

One was against some douchebag CAF called Valentino Rossi (Yes, I know who he is) Who kept spamming the superman punch and had to find a way around it, But seeing how his Cardio was like through the roof compared to a normal Middleweight, He TKO'd me late in the final round.

Second fight was less bullshit, I fought a guy using Thales Leites, No big deal I knew he was a submission wizard, But the Level 16 player I faced with stars and trophy's around his name knew he was a submission wizard too, Because every single time he took me down he went for a submission and every time I tried to GnP him he would try and submit me and every time I forced him to play stand up with me I would kick him in the guts a few times followed by pounding his face in when he tried to special punch me, Finally it ended with me KOing him after 3:47 in the final round after making him miss his ducking right hand with a ducking right hand of my own, Felt kinda good knocking out a guy that was on a streak and snuffing submission attempt after submission attempt, I really wish I could have seen the guys face after I kept slipping out, I'll give him credit, He didn't disconnect.

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I fucking hate quitters. I'm 50-10, but I'd be probably around 70-11, as so many people disconnect when I beat them. I have never disconnected once. The one more loss I should have is when the game had its own connection error and the fight wasn't counted.

Lost a rough submission battle to make it 50-10 though. After being up all night, subbing people out and knocking them out, your hand tends to get a bit, well, limp.

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How does everyone usually spend their weeks preparing for the fight? I'm curious as to how I can manage my time better. Also, you can actually train in your training camp? I thought it just made your sparring partner try different things during your sessions?

The best things for leading up to a fight is sparring and the camp invite session, then throw in possibly a regular intense training if you've got enough weeks. I'd rarely take the chance of photoshoots and stuff either, I did at first but haven't at all any more, simply because it takes up too much time. In the sparring one, the more damage and stuff you do, the more points you'll get. If you can get a few strong shots to the head, maybe a clinch with a few uppercuts and a take down or an attempted submission, you should get at least 50 points. The most I've now had is 60 or so, but you really have to keep getting around that mark once you get better and the stats take 5 points to push up. Also in the camp invite sessions, check out the tasks and see which are the easiest. Track the ones that you feel you can do and once you've got them out of the way, just take time and try to do the rest. As long as you can score at least four in every invite it should be okay. I missed the first three camp invites but I've managed to come back and sort it out, so it's not big deal if you mess up a couple.

Lost to a right shit Forrest last night online. Dominated him from start to finish and any time I take him down, he quickly attempts to submission. Clearly he had the stamina bar on, because he skanked me in the second round despite barely touching me and won by submission, despite me tapping faster than Usain Bolt can run. My record had slipped big time from numerous losses last night. I was something like 41-10 but am now 41-20. Still, I have my unbeaten record with Mir, 10-0. And yeah, the people who quit are complete dicks. I've had numerous people quit now, possibly cost me about ten wins as well. The thing that pisses me off is that it goes on my record as DNF, which they seriously need to fix, because I don't want to look like some cheap pussy who quits when losing.

Edited by Scum Fan 4 Life
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I just got an email from Dana saying my guy is going into the HOF. Still training for my last fight before retirement, but currently my cred is 103012, and my record is 31-5-0.

I don't recall it ever being said implicitely, but does the submission mechanic work the same as the smackdown games, i.e. to get submission with an armbar, you have to have dealt damage to their arms first? I ask because I've yet to manage a single submission, and I'm guessing it's because I can't get into position for a guillotine lock >_>

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I just got an email from Dana saying my guy is going into the HOF. Still training for my last fight before retirement, but currently my cred is 103012, and my record is 31-5-0.

I don't recall it ever being said implicitely, but does the submission mechanic work the same as the smackdown games, i.e. to get submission with an armbar, you have to have dealt damage to their arms first? I ask because I've yet to manage a single submission, and I'm guessing it's because I can't get into position for a guillotine lock >_>

I have been forced to tap out via an armbar online within 10 seconds, but that's because I probably pressed the wrong buttons <_< I think against the computer you surely need to damage the arm first, just like if you hit your opponent a lot in the mid-section you can knock him out by a punch to the spleen or something after a while.

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I was hoping the submission stuff would work like that, yet so far it seems to work more on stamina. If you're tanked, you've got little chance of surviving a submission. I've kicked the shit out of someone's leg for two rounds and still couldn't tap them out, so I'm not sure how much of a role that part plays. Mostly down to stamina from what I've seen so far.

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How the fuck are you supposed to get the trophy where you have to make someone tap out WITHOUT striking them once. You need strikes to wear them down. I tried it as Machida against the shit Japanese guy in the same class, doing submission after submission after submission, and he kept on blocking it before I even locked it in. Went the full 3 rounds and ended up winning on decision <_< .

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How the fuck are you supposed to get the trophy where you have to make someone tap out WITHOUT striking them once. You need strikes to wear them down. I tried it as Machida against the shit Japanese guy in the same class, doing submission after submission after submission, and he kept on blocking it before I even locked it in. Went the full 3 rounds and ended up winning on decision <_< .

What about putting it on the easiest difficulty?

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Use clinch slams to drop them.

Holy shit, that was fucking epic. My last match in career where I've won every fight by KO, I'm up defending my Light Heavyweight belt against Tito Ortiz who gave me my first ever loss. Determined to get a sub finish or go the distance, since I've done neither so far. Manage to lock in a few subs, but he always counters out of it. We go to the fifth round, and almost immediately, he knocks me down with a big right hand. Leaps on me in open guard, starts pounding on me. I grab his hand, mash like hell, lock in an arm bar, and pick up the win, my very first ever submission victory, in my last ever fight :D

And then I got inducted to the HOF >_>

Edited by Kaney
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I was hoping the submission stuff would work like that, yet so far it seems to work more on stamina. If you're tanked, you've got little chance of surviving a submission. I've kicked the shit out of someone's leg for two rounds and still couldn't tap them out, so I'm not sure how much of a role that part plays. Mostly down to stamina from what I've seen so far.

This. Stamina is the key to submissions, not limb damage or whatever. Strikes to the torso and legs will wear them down and then go for the submission and they'll be too tired to fight out of it.

In my career I submitted Shogun in the first round after rocking him, my 4th submission victory and then I went on to beat Machida by decision. I demolished him with strikes but everytime I took it to the ground he either got out or tried submissions so in the end it went to a decision. Next up: Quick Silver vs. Wanderlai Silva III for the Light Heavyweight Title.

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With submissions, You have a shot early on in a fight if you can catch them by surprise.

For example, Punch counter to armbar or the choke from Open Guard Defense - Down.

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I was hoping the submission stuff would work like that, yet so far it seems to work more on stamina. If you're tanked, you've got little chance of surviving a submission. I've kicked the shit out of someone's leg for two rounds and still couldn't tap them out, so I'm not sure how much of a role that part plays. Mostly down to stamina from what I've seen so far.

This. Stamina is the key to submissions, not limb damage or whatever. Strikes to the torso and legs will wear them down and then go for the submission and they'll be too tired to fight out of it.

In my career I submitted Shogun in the first round after rocking him, my 4th submission victory and then I went on to beat Machida by decision. I demolished him with strikes but everytime I took it to the ground he either got out or tried submissions so in the end it went to a decision. Next up: Quick Silver vs. Wanderlai Silva III for the Light Heavyweight Title.

You choose Quick Silver? I thought I'd be the only one who chose that name. Shame there isn't a few more options on that front actually.

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