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UFC 2009: Undisputed


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Not being funny but what do you expect when you're going into the fight with 62% stamina? Really you should be losing that fight.

The tweaking comment had nothing to do with the loss as the 62% was an error I stated was on my behalf in my original post. The tweaking comment was an overall general opinion towards much of the game. Clear it up before you comment.

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Not being funny but what do you expect when you're going into the fight with 62% stamina? Really you should be losing that fight.

The tweaking comment had nothing to do with the loss as the 62% was an error I stated was on my behalf in my original post. The tweaking comment was an overall general opinion towards much of the game. Clear it up before you comment.

Okay, calm down and stop taking everything so seriously. I thought you was talking about the fact that you lost, so there's no need to start acting like you're offended because I questioned what you said. It seemed like you was moaning about the flash knockouts or the loss, both of which shouldn't really be something to moan about.

And Mr Evil, Muay Thai/BJJ > All (Y)

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Yes, because you made that abundantly clear, how could he have ever missed it?

Agreed though, the game does need tweaking, shouldn't take 23 tries to get someone off of you when they have you in full mount, especially when they aren't even doing anything to you in between attempts. I'd understand it if I were getting pummeled while trying to squirm out, but when the guy is just sitting on me, its ridiculous.

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Edit:Fucking thing...not posting my post....


Not being funny but what do you expect when you're going into the fight with 62% stamina? Really you should be losing that fight.

The tweaking comment had nothing to do with the loss as the 62% was an error I stated was on my behalf in my original post. The tweaking comment was an overall general opinion towards much of the game. Clear it up before you comment.

Okay, calm down and stop taking everything so seriously. I thought you was talking about the fact that you lost, so there's no need to start acting like you're offended because I questioned what you said. It seemed like you was moaning about the flash knockouts or the loss, both of which shouldn't really be something to moan about.

And Mr Evil, Muay Thai/BJJ > All (Y)

The word you are looking for is "were", not "was"...good try though. (Y)

Edited by Ruki The Zombie
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Not being funny but what do you expect when you're going into the fight with 62% stamina? Really you should be losing that fight.

The tweaking comment had nothing to do with the loss as the 62% was an error I stated was on my behalf in my original post. The tweaking comment was an overall general opinion towards much of the game. Clear it up before you comment.

Okay, calm down and stop taking everything so seriously. I thought you was talking about the fact that you lost, so there's no need to start acting like you're offended because I questioned what you said. It seemed like you was moaning about the flash knockouts or the loss, both of which shouldn't really be something to moan about.

Well, in all fairness I can see where you thought I was coming off dick-ish towards you in that reply, but I wasn't. My bad. I was just saying, take a moment and ask what I was referring to when I mentioned the tweaking instead of assuming that I was talking about the loss. I figured if you had read my original post then you would have known I had admitted the error which is why my post was more of a "I lost. Also, games needs tweaks" and not "I lost, game needs tweaks."

Get what I am saying? Once again, wasn't coming off towards you with attitude or anything.

Yes, because you made that abundantly clear, how could he have ever missed it?


Remember that time in the MMA News thread when another poster and I didn't share the same opinion on something and you decided to come in and poke your nose in where it wasn't welcome or didn't belong? Yes, this is just like that.

Or how about that time when you decided to take the liberty of jumping into something in the Music forum in the same manor? Yes, this is like that.

Please, Maxx - go away and stop butting into everything I post. If you notice I rarely post around here anymore (mainly Coin-Op and MMA threads) yet you still seems to pop up and have to reply to my post when they have nothing to do with YOU.

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Mike says:

I'll be shocked if he doesn't freak out, more shocked if its not on me

That was about you, 5 minutes before your reply. You fucking spaz.

Gee, how dare I fucking post on a public message board, I forgot you had exclusive rights to topics you post in, and god forbid anyone ever reply to anything you say in a negative fashion. Because I'm the only person to ever do that, apparently.

Why thank you for bringing up the two past instances of your retard level freak outs. I do remember the MMA one, where many people were discussing how a fight ended, and I happened to disagree with you, and being a retard, you lost your fucking shit. I recall pretty much no one agreeing with you, and you looking like a fucking twat after the whole affair.

I remember the Blink 182 thread where you hilariously tried to agree with Dragsy about a point that he never made, showing one again, you're a fucking retard and you freaked out like a fucking 5 year old who had their toys taken away, a spasm which only subsided when Dragsy arrived to tell you just how fucking retarded you actually are. Lets not forget that lovely episode involved you given us a glimpse into your incredible delusional and claiming that I essentially followed you around and disagreed with everything you posted. As if I like to read whatever worthless tripe you manage to type out in between slapping yourself in the chest and drooling.

Its a message board, you're an idiot, that's a poor combination. People are going to disagree with you, because you tend to be wrong, what with the being a fucking moron thing you've got going on. Here's my favorite part to all of this, you ACKNOWLEDGE that your initial post was fucking stupid and did not at all encapsulate what you actually meant to say, and apologize for it coming off like that and you coming off like a dick, and yet you also use that as a jumping off point to spaz the fuck out on me again.

So, you admit you came off like a fucking jackass (as usual) but you're pissed off someone else pointed it out? Boo fucking hoo. You don't like me replying to your posts? Stop being a fucking brain dead moron or stop posting in general. I'm going to recommend the second option, as its far less likely to have you furrowing your brow and breaking a sweat while you try to figure it out.

Oh there's one more option too!

You could grow the fuck up, stop acting like a whiny little bitch when someone disagrees with you and shut the fuck up.

But again, I'd recommend the second choice, as the third is probably far too much of a challenge for you.


Edited by Maxx
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Not being funny but what do you expect when you're going into the fight with 62% stamina? Really you should be losing that fight.

The tweaking comment had nothing to do with the loss as the 62% was an error I stated was on my behalf in my original post. The tweaking comment was an overall general opinion towards much of the game. Clear it up before you comment.

Okay, calm down and stop taking everything so seriously. I thought you was talking about the fact that you lost, so there's no need to start acting like you're offended because I questioned what you said. It seemed like you was moaning about the flash knockouts or the loss, both of which shouldn't really be something to moan about.

Well, in all fairness I can see where you thought I was coming off dick-ish towards you in that reply, but I wasn't. My bad. I was just saying, take a moment and ask what I was referring to when I mentioned the tweaking instead of assuming that I was talking about the loss. I figured if you had read my original post then you would have known I had admitted the error which is why my post was more of a "I lost. Also, games needs tweaks" and not "I lost, game needs tweaks."

Get what I am saying? Once again, wasn't coming off towards you with attitude or anything.

Yes, because you made that abundantly clear, how could he have ever missed it?

Remember that time in the MMA News thread when another poster and I didn't share the same opinion on something and you decided to come in and poke your nose in where it wasn't welcome or didn't belong? Yes, this is just like that.

Or how about that time when you decided to take the liberty of jumping into something in the Music forum in the same manor? Yes, this is like that.

Please, Maxx - go away and stop butting into everything I post. If you notice I rarely post around here anymore (mainly Coin-Op and MMA threads) yet you still seems to pop up and have to reply to my post when they have nothing to do with YOU.

I read your post as Johnny did, that you were pissy about losing a fight you were ill-prepared for, and I'm quite sure a fair few others would have taken it the same way. The point of posting is to....y'know, make a point, no one gives enough of a shit to ask what you're talking about before replying. so don't say something vague and get pissy when someone doesn't get what you said, because you just come across as a prick, which I guess shouldn't be surprising since you have a history of coming across as a prick. And don't think yourself so important and special that Maxx has to follow you around the board trolling you. He's rightfully calling you out on your bullshit like he does to anyone else on here. Just look at the NFL thread for a quick example.

EDIT: I forgot what I actually came in to post, and that is fuck the 6-0 wall. There is no way I should be tapping when I have full green stamina and he has nothing.

Edited by Dragonzord
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Knocking someone out online when they go for a takedown and instead receive a knee to the head is the best thing ever.

Yes, yes it is.

Just dropped a decision to Mir which was really boring and lame. I spent three rounds reversing his sub attempts and trying to box with him. I'd land a small combo and then two or three heavy hits to the head and then he'd take me down at ease. I'd get right back up and then it'd be the same thing over and over, but his takedowns out scored my hits I landed. I completely destroyed him standing and he just sat on me.

Edited by Gene Kiniski
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Finally decided on my new career character. Big, chunky, heavyweight boxer/something Mark Viduka! Shame Australia isn't listed as a nationality, I'll take on some PS3 folk online in a few weeks...

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Finally decided on my new career character. Big, chunky, heavyweight boxer/something Mark Viduka! Shame Australia isn't listed as a nationality, I'll take on some PS3 folk online in a few weeks...

Heavyweight is shit. You'll run through the entire division until the last 3 or 4 top guys and then you'll get sat on the entire time of each fight.

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Started a new career as a Welterweight named Fulani Asad. Picked Muay Thai, which I've never really used and Wrestling, my old favourite. I'm just after going 7-0! I honestly thought the streak would have ended long ago but no, it went on! Next fight is the UFN 35 Headline. I'll probably go with the lowest ranked guy like I always do as it leaves me a chance to fight the other one's later on. And during this career I realized :

Muay Thai = Greatness

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