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AMC's "The Walking Dead"


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In my opinion you shouldnt have to use them. It's a topic about the show. Why should we have to censor how we talk about a show in the actual show's topic? If you dont want to know you shouldnt look. Just my opinion dont take it as a rule or anything like that.

I dunno...in this forum, I wouldn't mind something like the 48 hour rule used in the Flying Elbow actually.

But there are no tags in the Raw thread. Maybe I am just too lazy to do tags :P

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I don't think spoiler tags are required, because honestly, if you have to wait to watch a PPV or a movie, do you go check out what other people are saying about it and hope not to get spoiled? seems like a bad idea...


I think they overdid the wound on T-Dogg, but he was bandaged up and sitting out the search for Sohpia so its not like he's just okay now, it could be a problem later.

Also, I never read the comics so I'm curious, what characters were not in the comics? I know somebody said Daryl, which is hard for me to believe because he is far and away my fav character.

Also, I hope Merle comes back soon, I love Michael Rooker and his character seems like it could be a real problem down the road. Is Merle in the comics? Please do not say if he does come back soon or not, I don't want a spoiler, I just want to express my interest in him.

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Robert Kirkman has outright said that the Dixons are the characters he really wishes he had created for the comic. I think someone else (Darabont?) was responsible for the idea of them.

And speaking of, I grinned when I saw that Norman Reedus is in the opening credits. He deserves it, Daryl Dixon was a highlight of season one.

And also, regarding some earlier discussion of S2E1;

I'm glad they didn't kill off T-Dog. He's nowhere near my favorite character but I don't want anyone in the group to feel overly expendable, and just offing him right off the bat would have been... acceptable, because he's the most expendable character, but one of the best things about The Walking Dead is that character deaths are spread out so they really mean something. And T-Dog has been through enough shit that I'm actually invested in him, which was a pleasant surprise for me after my big "eh, whatever" about the death of Jacqui last season.

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Last night's episode was very loosely similar to the start of the arc after "Days Gone By," but it wasn't winter like it was in the books. Still, the basic idea that they're on the road just trying to figure out what the hell to do was similar.

Yes, but most of the time it´s just hints at the comic, the majorety of time (and the all in all feel of the show) is a lot different from the book. I don´t mind that at all since it´s potential to give me more than what i already got as long as the writing is as good as it was in most parts of episode 1 and 5 of season one. (i also think that mainstream TV dos not work in a way the comic dos, the show can never be as "unfun/depressing" and hopeless as the comic is)

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I was iffy about getting back into the show, but wow and damn. That season premier was amazing. The beginning was suspenseful as all hell, and the rest was pretty nice too.

Daryl just plopping a corpse and a zombie on him and T-Dog was just downright badass. If there is one character I love it is Daryl.

I like how they had the interaction with Dale and Andrea happen, with her not feeling thankful for him 'saving her life'.

At first I thought Carl would be sideswiped by a Zombie at the end, but a bullet works too. I dont know if it is what they meant to portray, but I love how Rick is meant to be the leader, yet some of the decisions he comes up with dont exactly pan out the way he though and the resulting disaster can be considered his fault. If Carl dies, I wonder if the stuff Lori told to Carol will be washed away with Lori now blaming Rick or something.

All in all, I am actually excited for the show now.

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Kids, it´s realy messed up if you just plaster spoiler tags all over the place. I don´t care since i already read the comic and get in here only after an episode was watched... but seriusly, how can you tell about anything in here if it´s just tags tags tags? Maybe it´s comic spoilers, maybe it´s preview spoilers, maybe it´s spoilers for an episode that already aired 3 days ago.

Either mark your spoilers properly or just put stuff in them that common sense would put in them. (as in shit that has not aired on TV yet, be it from the comics or some on set/actors contract/bla info)

In other news, Hardcover Book 7 was just released. (so HC is up to issue 84 now i belive)

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I absolutly love the Hardcover Books. They take up little space, look very nice and got great paper qualety. (+ compared to single issues they are cheaper i think).

If you want to be a bit more up to date you can grab the TBP SC every six month. (one HC = two TPBs) They usualy are somewhat conclusive as far as it is possible in an ongoing storyline. So you might get a clifhanger to what happens next, but your not fucked in the middle of an arc. (even if i stoped out of greed for new, i belive reading TWD in full arcs is the best way to do it)

If you want to go in cheap and easy. The first 48 issues are around as "The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 1" Softcover for about 35-40€. Obviusly you´ll not get the same paper qualety as with the HC Books that give you 12 issues for 20-25€ but it´s still the same great book. (like i read my Bone one Volume edition about a million times because it´s just so good you forget about being able to see through the thin pages)

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