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AMC's "The Walking Dead"


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I think they could set up the prison inmates who were the villains of the initial prison arc (Dexter/Thomas/That Other One. Andrew?) as a decent enough obstacle to end the season. But who knows, I sure as hell wasn't expecting this season to end the way it did so for all I know there'll be a ton of entirely new stuff that alters the direction of season two.

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I don't understand how anyone can say there wasn't a big ending to the season. It was revealed to the audience that the hope for mankind is basically lost and in the shitter. I'd say that's a great way to end the season, because leaves us with so many questions: mainly, how the fuck are these people gonna keep going forward.

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I don't understand how anyone can say there wasn't a big ending to the season. It was revealed to the audience that the hope for mankind is basically lost and in the shitter. I'd say that's a great way to end the season, because leaves us with so many questions: mainly, how the fuck are these people gonna keep going forward.

That's a revelation for the characters but for viewers, we all knew this going in. I'm not WITH the people who didn't like it, I can just agree this wasn't a huge bombshell of a finale. I'm ok with that. I don't think every tv show has to adhere to the structure of a show ending with a massive bombshell. I can understand maybe, some people wanting a couple more threads(such as Merle) to either be tied off or continued but, this was not a typical season, it served as a preview for what the show can be and in that regard, I am pleased with it. They can always expand on things with Merle/Vatos/whatever but they closed off the season with our characters not knowing what's next, to me, that's a good place to end it. Shanes character is still one of the more interesting of the group and I think they would have jumped the gun if they followed the comic books version of the Lori/Rick/Shane triangle. I definitely want more scenes with Rick and Shane, without the leadership struggle and the secrets between friend and wife, we would have one less interesting character dynamic to tune in for.

Great first series, I hate the long wait between seasons but fingers-crossed it'll be worth the wait.

Edited by Boogey131
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In all seriousness, I really enjoyed the entire season, even if there were things that were questionable like having almost no mention of Merle recently, especially since Daryl threw a fucking fit when they learned he was left to die and then just almost never brought it up again. Still, a minor "complaint", and it really didn't take away the amount of enjoyment I got from this series.

Was it perfect and the best television ever? No, but it's got the potential, and had a pretty good first season in my opinion. Definitely excited to see where Season 2 takes us.

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I don't understand how anyone can say there wasn't a big ending to the season. It was revealed to the audience that the hope for mankind is basically lost and in the shitter. I'd say that's a great way to end the season, because leaves us with so many questions: mainly, how the fuck are these people gonna keep going forward.

That's a revelation for the characters but for viewers, we all knew this going in. I'm not WITH the people who didn't like it, I can just agree this wasn't a huge bombshell of a finale. I'm ok with that. I don't think every tv show has to adhere to the structure of a show ending with a massive bombshell. I can understand maybe, some people wanting a couple more threads(such as Merle) to either be tied off or continued but, this was not a typical season, it served as a preview for what the show can be and in that regard, I am pleased with it. They can always expand on things with Merle/Vatos/whatever but they closed off the season with our characters not knowing what's next, to me, that's a good place to end it. Shanes character is still one of the more interesting of the group and I think they would have jumped the gun if they followed the comic books version of the Lori/Rick/Shane triangle. I definitely want more scenes with Rick and Shane, without the leadership struggle and the secrets between friend and wife, we would have one less interesting character dynamic to tune in for.

Great first series, I hate the long wait between seasons but fingers-crossed it'll be worth the wait.

But we didn't though? I can understand what you're saying with everything else, but unless you've read the comic (and even then, I'm sorry, but apparently that's not going to help you know what's going on anymore) you have no idea what's happening. For all we knew, the guy at the CDC still being around meant that there could be others. It's a bit of a lame ending when you compare it to something super exciting, but if you don't it can stand alone well.

I think all the people that have read the comics (well, apart from GoGo) need to take a step back and realise that this isn't going to be Watchmen levels of faithful (thank god). This is The Walking Dead as done by someone else. Maybe you'd prefer Kirkmans Walking Dead and that's fine, but that's not what this is. You can bitch and moan about things from the comic being better or this and that not being done as well, but at the end of the day I'd rather just forget about the comic, sit back and enjoy the show for what it is rather than what it's not. Was it perfect? Not really, but it was still fantastic television and something we've really never seen before on such a big budget scale.

I'm hoping what Rick heard from the Doc wasn't the revelation that she's preggers (we can do that plenty of other ways and it'll be very interesting when the whole 'Is it Ricks or Shanes' comes into it. I can see that being what finally breaks Shane) but something more along the lines of a vital piece of information that Doc figured out. Something that could be the key to a cure. With that, they can give the characters and the viewers some hope for the future, that they could save the world if they can just find the right person to give the information to.

Comic Spoilers for the next bit:

For example, what if what Rick was told was some kind of crucial piece of info about the disease and that 'somewhere out there is a scientist that can help'. Leading eventually to the Scientist guy from the latest bits in the comic. I can't remember where it is they're supposed to be heading (Is it Washington that's apparently overrun but has something there? Can some remind me about that?) but I'm sure that plays into it later.

Also hoping we have a bit more classic zombie scares next series when they have more episodes to play with. I love that we're focusing on characters and survival, but come on, it's a zombie TV show, we need a few more scares in the dark!

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My biggest complaint for the entire season has to be that they never even acknowledged Morgan and his kid's existence after the one episode they were in.

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My biggest complaint for the entire season has to be that they never even acknowledged Morgan and his kid's existence after the one episode they were in.

Yea they did, one of the reasons that Rick went back to Atlanta was to get the radio to contact Morgan and tell him Atlanta was overrun. Then he left a message on the mustang before they headed to the CDC.

Anyway, a six episode season sucks but next season apparently is going to be 13 episodes. Six episodes feels far too short, as soon as I start getting into the story its over. I only read the comics up to around the prison part, but I think there's enough beforehand stuff to fit a season, then maybe end the season with them walking up or into the prison.

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If you're referring to how you never see them again, then I can see that. But they are mentioned constantly. The lead characters here are the camp survivors. It'd be like us revisiting the Vatos over and over again incessantly. One thing that I think the show is utilizing that the comic did was the idea that, just like in real life, you will meet people and they will come and go and you might never see them again. In this zombie apocalypse-type world, it goes without saying that Rick and the crew might never see someone ever again. Again, knowing what I know about the comics being used more as a starting point, I can assume that Morgan and his son will be back much faster than they were in the comic.

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I don't understand how anyone can say there wasn't a big ending to the season. It was revealed to the audience that the hope for mankind is basically lost and in the shitter. I'd say that's a great way to end the season, because leaves us with so many questions: mainly, how the fuck are these people gonna keep going forward.

That's a revelation for the characters but for viewers, we all knew this going in. I'm not WITH the people who didn't like it, I can just agree this wasn't a huge bombshell of a finale. I'm ok with that. I don't think every tv show has to adhere to the structure of a show ending with a massive bombshell. I can understand maybe, some people wanting a couple more threads(such as Merle) to either be tied off or continued but, this was not a typical season, it served as a preview for what the show can be and in that regard, I am pleased with it. They can always expand on things with Merle/Vatos/whatever but they closed off the season with our characters not knowing what's next, to me, that's a good place to end it. Shanes character is still one of the more interesting of the group and I think they would have jumped the gun if they followed the comic books version of the Lori/Rick/Shane triangle. I definitely want more scenes with Rick and Shane, without the leadership struggle and the secrets between friend and wife, we would have one less interesting character dynamic to tune in for.

Great first series, I hate the long wait between seasons but fingers-crossed it'll be worth the wait.

But we didn't though? I can understand what you're saying with everything else, but unless you've read the comic (and even then, I'm sorry, but apparently that's not going to help you know what's going on anymore) you have no idea what's happening. For all we knew, the guy at the CDC still being around meant that there could be others. It's a bit of a lame ending when you compare it to something super exciting, but if you don't it can stand alone well.

I think all the people that have read the comics (well, apart from GoGo) need to take a step back and realise that this isn't going to be Watchmen levels of faithful (thank god). This is The Walking Dead as done by someone else. Maybe you'd prefer Kirkmans Walking Dead and that's fine, but that's not what this is. You can bitch and moan about things from the comic being better or this and that not being done as well, but at the end of the day I'd rather just forget about the comic, sit back and enjoy the show for what it is rather than what it's not. Was it perfect? Not really, but it was still fantastic television and something we've really never seen before on such a big budget scale.

I'm hoping what Rick heard from the Doc wasn't the revelation that she's preggers (we can do that plenty of other ways and it'll be very interesting when the whole 'Is it Ricks or Shanes' comes into it. I can see that being what finally breaks Shane) but something more along the lines of a vital piece of information that Doc figured out. Something that could be the key to a cure. With that, they can give the characters and the viewers some hope for the future, that they could save the world if they can just find the right person to give the information to.

Comic Spoilers for the next bit:

For example, what if what Rick was told was some kind of crucial piece of info about the disease and that 'somewhere out there is a scientist that can help'. Leading eventually to the Scientist guy from the latest bits in the comic. I can't remember where it is they're supposed to be heading (Is it Washington that's apparently overrun but has something there? Can some remind me about that?) but I'm sure that plays into it later.

Also hoping we have a bit more classic zombie scares next series when they have more episodes to play with. I love that we're focusing on characters and survival, but come on, it's a zombie TV show, we need a few more scares in the dark!

I just didn't see it going anywhere else when the last episode he was making the drunken video log. In that moment we already knew that, as far as this character is aware, there was nobody out there. But the character was needed this early to take away the biggest piece of hope the survivors have had and change their goal from trying to find out what happened and how to cure it, to purely surviving in the world, so in that regard, yes the character and CDC was required and will (hopefully) change the mindset of the group.

I agree about looking too much into what the comic does, I think a TV show like this has to become its own thing and not rely on the source material for its twists and characters. I'm really glad the tv show seems to be unafraid to completely alter the source material while still maintaining a similar tone, to me, that's the best way to do a adaptation. Watchmen was a great adaptation but on its own, was a pretty average movie and if it comes down to it, Id suggest people just read the book. With this? I'd be more hard pressed to pick one over the other as they both offer different experiences.

I find it weird that the physical special effects can look amazing but when it comes to CGI everything begins to look like a made-for-Sy-fy movie. I can live with it since I doubt we'll see a building implode on itself often but, just a weird contrast tot he amazing zombie make-up.

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In that moment we already knew that, as far as this character is aware, there was nobody out there. But the character was needed this early to take away the biggest piece of hope the survivors have had and change their goal from trying to find out what happened and how to cure it, to purely surviving in the world, so in that regard, yes the character and CDC was required and will (hopefully) change the mindset of the group.

I don't agree with this at all. The fact he was still doing experiments, still giving updates, still chugging along indicated to me there was a chance for a cure/survival. What fucked them over was running out of juice and the explosion.

Also, I am saying this having not read the comics. Perhaps the problem (for some) is that you guys have read the comics and have preconceived notions about what is going on and where the story is going. Having not read the comics and/or spoilers, I can tell you that the ending was kick ass in my mind. The only two things that maybe were lacking was no mention of Merle and no connection with Morgan. However, it was six episodes and they did a lot with the six episodes they had. Maybe if this was a half season of 12 episodes I'd be a bit upset, but they can't work magic.

Also, it's under the assumption that the writers have any plans in bringing the characters back. Maybe they do, maybe they don't.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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The fact that Morgan didn't show up again this series gives me a horrible feeling as to what's happened to him.

It'll be much sadder if what happened in the comics happens in the TV show. I felt the comics left it so late that it didn't really have an effect, but the TV show actually did a better job of helping us feel for the character when he was in it as well. I don't want Morgan to go postal and have lost his son.


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