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AMC's "The Walking Dead"


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Oh really? How many of those zombies have AIDS?

Not as good as last week's episode, but still solid. I really like the casting choice for Herschel, I look forward to seeing how close they keep him to his comic counterpart. Is it just me, or did Carl totally steal Sophia's thunder? Not even her mother seemed particularly concerned with finding her anymore.

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Yeah, the casting for Herschel is solid. I buy him in that role and his characterization is in line. Interesting casting for Otis, too; doesn't physically resemble him in the slightest but I like the actor. Also interesting to note that Billy Greene doesn't appear to have transitioned over from the comic.

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That was my only concern with Carol. She was moaning forever about her daughter, and once everyone decided to pack it in, she just went along with it. Some ideas did come up however, which I will put in spoilers as it talks about spoilers from the comics.

With people already believing that Merle is the governor, could Sophie take the place of the daughter? Granted Sophie is still alive in the comics, but besides small moments, she has yet to break through with any sort of story like the other characters. I can't picture anyone else having Sophie right now, than Merle.

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Comic spoilers.

I doubt that the govs daughter will even be on the show. If i remember it right he pulled all her teeth and raping her and other girls (it´s prittymuch the most over the top the comics ever went)

I think TV behaves a bit different than comics, because stuff dos not seem that far away... you can´t keep Zombies relatives alive every Season for example. The first season had Morgan not shooting his wife, this season will very likely have Otis boys alive in the barn (they already had it clearly vissible in the background) - So i just think the Govs daughter is the easiest cut to make so they don´t repead themselfs to often.

I thought the episode was fairly solid for Walking Dead TV Standarts (wich still means i am hopeing for a lot better, but it´s far better than episode six for example)... something was very freaky with the sound (you clearly heared them moving background noises up and down like a jojo) and i think you could see the budget cuts in the zombie sceens for the first time.

It´s extremly hard to care for T-Dawg after he prittymuch was just around the past seven episodes. I still see him as dead meat... maybe they even let him die like that to show that zombies arent the only danger, they need to creat some room in the cast for everybody at the farm so someone should fall soon. It would be a silly way to kill someone of, but look how lame Jacky was tacked on and killed of.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Just out of curiosity (and should probably put the answer in spoiler tags), but has their been any "special" infected or a mutated zombie of some sort in the comics?

No, the zombies are always presented as a threat due to their numbers, there's nothing else to them. The way it should be, I think.

I thought it was a decent episode, it didn't really grip me at all apart from the ending though. I mean, Carl isn't going to die... so there's not much tension there. I honestly think Merle will end up not appearing again. I mean, it's a bit of a stretch now they've traveled so far and he's been missing for ages. The only way I think it'd make any sense is if he somehow has the radio Rick gave to Morgan.

Edited by tkz
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I think they've basically said that Merle is going to show up again. No point in having that thread dangle if he doesn't.

I liked the episode. It was slower paced and quieter but that's true to the comic, and it ended in thrilling fashion that makes me think they're going to do a better job balancing episodes like this with episodes like last week's.

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I don't get why Shane had to have such a heart to heart with Rick about staying there so he can give blood to Carl... I mean if they need Rick to keep Carl alive why the hell does he want to leave so badly? Because he has to find Lori? He has to help Shane? If he does either, Carl would die...

I found that pretty stupid.

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I liked the episode. It was slower paced and quieter but that's true to the comic, and it ended in thrilling fashion that makes me think they're going to do a better job balancing episodes like this with episodes like last week's.

Yeah, i like that aswell, it feels less episodic and more like the ongoing story the comic is.

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I don't get why Shane had to have such a heart to heart with Rick about staying there so he can give blood to Carl... I mean if they need Rick to keep Carl alive why the hell does he want to leave so badly? Because he has to find Lori? He has to help Shane? If he does either, Carl would die...

I found that pretty stupid.

I think it was down to the fact that if Shame were to get killed, they would lose an important person in the group and not be able to bring the equipment back to save Carl.

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I know it's not new for him, but Shane just sank deeper into being the biggest dick in the crew.

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Dick move, but if he didn't do it, they both die and Carl likely also dies. He saved the people he cared about, shitty choice to make, but their world is a shitty place. It's quite obviously making him unhinged though.

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