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AMC's "The Walking Dead"


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Everyone's talking about the 'death' of a guy who isn't dead yet and quite possibly not likely to die.

If he does leave the show, they don't necessarily have to kill him off. Anyone bar Rick, Lori and Carl could leave the group for any number of reasons.

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Not... what I was expecting, casting-wise.

But then who predicted the bloke from Teachers to play the lead character of a Southern sheriff? I don't read the comics but I wouldn't worry.

Nice to get a very zombied up episode this week after none last, don't know whether its just me but the special effects seem to be getting better too. The zombie peeling his face off trying to get in the car and the guy who had half his face bitten off being highlights if that's the right word...

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Alright guys..sorry for the SoA spoiler. Didn't stop to think before I posted

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18 Miles Out

Like how they appear to be building towards the group finding out that the disease isn't necessarily spread via bite or scratch. Or at least, that's how I interpreted the whole exchange about the two guards/officers in town and Shane saying he couldn't see any bite or scratch marks.

Brawl was cool. Shane kicking that kickstand out to topple a bike on Rick was brutal. And then when he shattered that window and the Walkers came, there were some great moments - Randall going apeshit on that one Walker, and Rick being part of a Walker sandwich. Rick coming back for Shane and the looks on Shane's face - when he sees Rick leave and when he sees Rick come back - were great. My only problem with all the stuff in town was like.. twice Shane stuck his arm out to stab a walker, and neither time he got bit? Even when he got his knife stuck in that one walker? I get that the first time he'd smeared his blood so they were distracted by that, but by the second stabbing it seemed like that fell to the wayside.

Someone also brought up a good point on Talking Dead in an email too: If that's the same knife Shane used to kill the other guard walker, then he cut himself with it on the bus, does that mean he's infected now?

The characterizations of both Lori and Andrea are super annoying. Right now the only females I even half-way care about are Beth and Maggie.

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18 Miles Out

Like how they appear to be building towards the group finding out that the disease isn't necessarily spread via bite or scratch. Or at least, that's how I interpreted the whole exchange about the two guards/officers in town and Shane saying he couldn't see any bite or scratch marks.

Brawl was cool. Shane kicking that kickstand out to topple a bike on Rick was brutal. And then when he shattered that window and the Walkers came, there were some great moments - Randall going apeshit on that one Walker, and Rick being part of a Walker sandwich. Rick coming back for Shane and the looks on Shane's face - when he sees Rick leave and when he sees Rick come back - were great. My only problem with all the stuff in town was like.. twice Shane stuck his arm out to stab a walker, and neither time he got bit? Even when he got his knife stuck in that one walker? I get that the first time he'd smeared his blood so they were distracted by that, but by the second stabbing it seemed like that fell to the wayside.

Someone also brought up a good point on Talking Dead in an email too: If that's the same knife Shane used to kill the other guard walker, then he cut himself with it on the bus, does that mean he's infected now?

The characterizations of both Lori and Andrea are super annoying. Right now the only females I even half-way care about are Beth and Maggie.

I thought they were getting at that when Beth fainted but she's seemed to recover so I guess it was a red herring.

I loved the look on Shane's face as Rick and Randall run off. It was a perfect moment of clarity for him. He now knows what it's like to be left behind for the safety of others.

The knife thing is interesting. I hope it doesn't go that route as I think having Shane just succumb to the virus is a bad way to kill him off. He should go out in a rage and have to be shot. Not only is it closer to the comics but it also would be a more shocking moment.

Also, agree on Lori and Andrea.

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Can I ask why people don't like Lori and Andrea? Everyone is free to have their opinions and everything but I think it's pretty good storytelling. Oh and I think I would have killed Randall. Though I wouldnt be in that situation because I would have shot him last week when he was stuck on the fence.

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Man. I can't decide if this episode sucked or was great. I liked the stuff with Shane and Rick and it was nice that the show finally stopped trying to include everyone in every episode, because we definitely needed to focus on the Shane/Rick relationship now we know that Rick has known about it all. There was no need for Darryl to pop up for 15 seconds, for example, just to remind us he's there. I thought the fight was pretty stupid in a wide open area that could have been filled with Walkers for all they know, but I guess you could chalk that up to it being unavoidable, they've been close to coming to blow for a while.

But the stuff at the farm? Fucking stupid. Overall, it was stupid because it completely killed a lot of the tension from the Shane/Rick stuff to just cut back to people having a conversation like that. But also, they cut back to Maggie (who I realize I'm probably in the minority of disliking) and her sister, who's been such a non-factor so far that I don't even know her name, who's now suddenly awake? What was even wrong with her in the first place? And now she wants to kill herself because there's no hope, which would be interesting, if it wasn't already done with Andrea, a character we at least kind of know and that... y'know, has a character. Then there's Lori, who would have been fine if she was just being sensible and helping out, but then she goes off on one at Andrea for not helping out with the woman's jobs and how their job is to stay at the farm and cook and clean? What the fuck? As far as jobs that matter, I'd put keeping an eye out for Walkers and actually helping kill them WAY ABOVE CLEANING AND COOKING. I was half expecting Lori to say some shit about how they should be seen and not heard next.

And then there's Andrea. Who... just acts like a complete idiot. Fair enough, when she wanted to kill herself, really she had nothing left. The sister has most of her family left and Andrea just doesn't seem to care how they'd feel about that and is just like, "Fuck it, yeah, kill yourself! It's your decision!" and just leaves this traumatized teenage girl to off herself.

My problem with the Lori thing is that it was fucking awful writing for her character. Andrea, it wasn't really awful, because it fits with her character. It was just a shitty thing for her character to do.

Summary: I can't decide if this episode was good or awful. It was goful.

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I am amazed how sitty they are at writing these women.

I doubt Shane will get turned by useing the knive, thats just not how the smarts of this show work. I wonder how he managed to not get bit at the bus door anyway... yeah sure, your blood only gets the attention of one walker, the others will stare at you and not snack on your arm when you put it out there... i absolutely hate how the world has no consistency. It always acts the way the writes need it to and the audience is supposed to take it serious...

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18 Miles Out

Like how they appear to be building towards the group finding out that the disease isn't necessarily spread via bite or scratch. Or at least, that's how I interpreted the whole exchange about the two guards/officers in town and Shane saying he couldn't see any bite or scratch marks.

Brawl was cool. Shane kicking that kickstand out to topple a bike on Rick was brutal. And then when he shattered that window and the Walkers came, there were some great moments - Randall going apeshit on that one Walker, and Rick being part of a Walker sandwich. Rick coming back for Shane and the looks on Shane's face - when he sees Rick leave and when he sees Rick come back - were great. My only problem with all the stuff in town was like.. twice Shane stuck his arm out to stab a walker, and neither time he got bit? Even when he got his knife stuck in that one walker? I get that the first time he'd smeared his blood so they were distracted by that, but by the second stabbing it seemed like that fell to the wayside.

Someone also brought up a good point on Talking Dead in an email too: If that's the same knife Shane used to kill the other guard walker, then he cut himself with it on the bus, does that mean he's infected now?

The characterizations of both Lori and Andrea are super annoying. Right now the only females I even half-way care about are Beth and Maggie.

Rick said he saw scratch marks on one guards hand and on the others cheek. Also I hate the way that both Lori and Andrea are portrayed in the show.

Edited by Don Ready Slacker
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Comic spoilers and upcoming show speculation:

I'm betting that all dead people turn to zombies regardless of bites is what the guy at the CDC whispered to Rick.

And I'm officially backlashing against the Lori/Andrea backlash. We have to realize, we're dealing with a bunch of small town hillbillies in the middle of the apocalypse, of course some will think they should break off into "Men do man stuff, girls do girl stuff." And this is exactly how the women were early in the comics, it's not until Michonne shows up and Andrea becomes a badass that it starts to change.

Andrea's evolution is slower (like everything else on the show compared to the rapid-fire early days of the books) and she's quite bitchy, but I thought she took an awesome turn last night. She wasn't wrong, even if she was blunt about it.

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