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UEFA Champions League 2009/10 Thread


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Ferguson was talking about Neville going up against Ribery earlier, so I doubt he'll be dropped.

I really hope Bayern win tonight but you can never count out Man Utd, without Rooney they've got a tough task though. I can't see Macheda getting the goals to see them through.

And there's no doubt Messi is the best player in the world right now. He's better than Rooney, most definitely. I can't say if he's the best ever because I've never seen the likes of Maradona, Pele and Eusebio etc. play since they were before my time.

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It seems that the only thing going against the idea of a Man United loss is that people don't think that they'll lose three straight matches.

For a couple of seasons Bayern had a huge problem where they only had one strong winger, meaning that to beat them all you had to do was double up the amount of markers on Ribery and attack down the other flank. However, since getting Robben that problem has been neutralised because it means that too many markers will be required to render them inefficient, leaving acres of space around them to just power down either flank.

At the same time, as a whole they are an utterly lethal counter-attacking team, once one of their defenders gets the ball it'll be in the oppositions box within twenty seconds.

Essentially Bayern remind me of United a couple of seasons ago, they have two immense wingers who can switch around whenever they want and a midfield strong enough to supply them with everything.

It's certainly going to be a good match.

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I'm not really going to get into it. For me he's fantastic, but he isn't the greatest player ever and even if Argentina win the World Cup, he still wont be the greatest ever in my mind. I still believe there's two players in the game who are as good as him right now, but it's just a matter of opinion. Greatest or not, he's clearly sensational.

Let me guess, Rooney and Ronaldo.

What a surprise that would be.

Yes, what a gigantic surprise that is :w00t:

Rooney isn't on the same level as him at all. Ronaldo is probably the only player who comes close to Messi at the moment but I would still say Messi is the best in the world right now.

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I think saying he could be the greatest player ever is a bit too much at this minute in time. Yes he's the best player in the world at the minute with Rooney up there as well but in a few years time he could probably very well be the best player ever but Adam's got a good point that applies to me as well in that Pele etc were before my time i only caught glimpses of the end of Maradonas career.

With the Man.U game i really think you shouldn't risk playing Neville against Ribery as i can just see Neville getting teared apart. Players really need to step up their game when Rooneys not their i can see someone like Valencia, Park or Nani if they can play to their potential then Man.U could very well win. You've got an away goal and it's only 2-1 on aggregate at the minute you've comeback from worse results away from home in the first leg and i can't see why you can't do the same. But i am hoping Bayern win as a Liverpool fan :P But it should be a good match nonetheless

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Let's fucking pray he doesn't win a World Cup then, because I couldn't bare to see him billed as the greatest ever. That said, sensational again last night.

Terrified for tonight, pretty unpredictable really. I'm hoping he doesn't play Berbatov up front on his own, otherwise I'll be worried. We'll need to step up our performance from the Chelsea game and hopefully we can get an early goal to settle any nerves.

Changed your tune about worrying about Bayern then?

Also how is O'Shea shit(if you were serious about that) he's been dependable since the 06-07 season and a very useful squad player.

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I'm liking the lack of the old brigade, couldn't believe that Nev, Scholes and Giggs all started against Chelsea, great players in their time but they really should be phased out not starting big games! This could be one of the most exciting games in a long time, such anticipation and the huge boost of a Rooney return adds even more intrigue. Hopefully Gibson, Nani and Rafael can seize their chance.

Edited by Sam
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2-0! Huzzah!

I am of course supporting United in this match. Two more Champions League matches for them to deal with around the time they play City and Spurs in the league? Yes please. :P

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