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It was Jimmy's ex. He thought she was having an affair with the photographer, but she's actually sleeping with the photographer's wife. I didn't recognise the other guy. Think he's something to do with the New York mafia though.

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So I have seen Life On Mars (UK Version) Series One via DVD. I noticed Netflix has Life On Mars (US Version) The Complete Series available on Instant. So I just watched the Americanized version of the first episode and....wow we suck over here sometimes when we adapt shows. With the exception of Jason Mara who does a fine Sam Tyler, the casting on this is not all that great. Gretchen Moll as Annie is terrible, Harvey Keitel, greatness that he is, is no Gene Hunt, and while I like Michael Imperioli, not in this. I did notice that for the pilot at least it is nothing but a New York version of the pilot, down to exact lines. I will probably slowly watch the American Version here and there just to see how different they went, but not before I finish Series Two of the REAL version as I don't want the great mystery of what happened to Sam Tyler to be ruined. God no wonder ya'll get pissy about Americanized shows. Between this and the Americanized Being Human....

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So I have seen Life On Mars (UK Version) Series One via DVD. I noticed Netflix has Life On Mars (US Version) The Complete Series available on Instant. So I just watched the Americanized version of the first episode and....wow we suck over here sometimes when we adapt shows. With the exception of Jason Mara who does a fine Sam Tyler, the casting on this is not all that great. Gretchen Moll as Annie is terrible, Harvey Keitel, greatness that he is, is no Gene Hunt, and while I like Michael Imperioli, not in this. I did notice that for the pilot at least it is nothing but a New York version of the pilot, down to exact lines. I will probably slowly watch the American Version here and there just to see how different they went, but not before I finish Series Two of the REAL version as I don't want the great mystery of what happened to Sam Tyler to be ruined. God no wonder ya'll get pissy about Americanized shows. Between this and the Americanized Being Human....

The whole Sam mystery is different for each series. If what you've seen so far makes you cringe then the american ending will make your face turn inside out in comparison to the original. It's not that the original ending is particularly fantastic, but the remake is just... well, just wait and see what you think.

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Definitely. In fact, you could skip seasons and get into the really good stuff. Early on it's very freak of the week. Later on it really develops and becomes phenomenally good. Long way away, obviously, but season nine is probably amongst my favourite seasons of anything.

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If you've got the time to sit through ten seasons, yeah.

It gets crazy good by like, Season 07. For the rest of the time there's like, 6-7 great epsiodes a series, mixed with a whole lot of okay and a bit of crappy. I'm really glad I stuck with it. I suppose it also depends on how much Monster of the Week you can deal with, because the first 3 seasons are pretty much nothing but that.

Though, I always thought the first few series were worth it for the Lex/Clark relationship, Lana being gorgeous (before she got crazy annoying) and Lionel. Good god, Lionel is wonderful.

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Instead of starting to write my term papers, I just watched the first episode of Lost. Needless to say, I think it's now settled that I will never finish university.

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Yeah, I actually thought it was Tuesday earlier and went to download it but then realised I had to wait until tonight for it to air :(

Looks like there's gonna be some pretty weird shit going down from one of the trailers I saw. Between that and the Greek finale I have some awesome stuff to wake up to tomorrow.

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Anyone else insanely curious/excited about tonight's episode of House?

SRR, Pesci, I'm looking at you.

I'm excited! Have to wait for it to be available, but excited nonetheless.

I finally got around to watching the first episode of Sherlock. I can't believe it took me this long, because I'm a sucker for anything even remotely related to Sherlock Holmes. Anyways, it's brilliant and I'm glad that three more episodes are going to be produced.

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Anyone else insanely curious/excited about tonight's episode of House?

SRR, Pesci, I'm looking at you.

I'm excited! Have to wait for it to be available, but excited nonetheless.

I finally got around to watching the first episode of Sherlock. I can't believe it took me this long, because I'm a sucker for anything even remotely related to Sherlock Holmes. Anyways, it's brilliant and I'm glad that three more episodes are going to be produced.

I have had those three episodes of Sherlock sitting on my computer since they originally aired. I should get around to watching that someday. And the second season of Misfits.

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Oh man Greek. Just as I'm ready to say goodbye, you give me one more reason to love you. :( Such a sad/happy finale. I love this series to bits, so glad everything ended on a high note. I kind of wish there'd been a 5 YEARS LATER bit though. I'll forever miss Cappie.

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House was very sad this episode, but it was a fun episode for the most part.

Btw did anyone notice how they killed off three characters on Supernatural? I wonder if this is really the end..though they have done this before. R.I.P Rufus =(

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