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Is Person of Interest worth watching? I feel like I almost want it to fail, only to free Michael Emerson to be able to make the proposed show with Terry O'Quinn.

It's pretty great. It feels like the story could have been wrapped up in one season so I'm not sure where they'll take it for season two other than...

Someone hacks into The Machine and that would do a whole 180 on the formula of the first season I would assume.

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I liked the Street Countdown episode. That was fun.

Yeah, Revolution looks good simply because it has Giancarlo. He's brilliant.

I wish Emerson and O-'Quinn could do their Odd Men show, it sounded quality and I've got a huge hardon for both actors.

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Just watched the NCIS finale and...

What in holy fuck is with every single show I like threatening the deaths of characters I love lately? First, Psych has Henry Spencer get shot at the end of the current season. Then, the penultimate episode of Grey's Anatomy ends with a plane crash, and the previews had somebody sucked out, and two people stuck under pieces of the air craft. Now, NCIS gets attacked by a car bomb, trapping Ziva and Tony in an elevator and implying that it might be crashing down to the bottom, the others are in front of windows exposed to the explosions, and Ducky has a heart attack.

Screen writers just love causing mayhem in the final episode, don't they?

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Guest mr. potato head

Holy fuck at the end of West Wing Season 1/Start of Season 2. This show is awesome and so is Aaron Sorkin.

You know that feeling where you know what's coming next and you're happy for the person it's coming to but you don't want to say anything to ruin it? I've got that right now.

As for the reason I came in here, my two-month-long rewatch of Breaking Bad came to a close the other night. Goddamn. Best TV show I've ever seen. Barely a single misstep along the way, and NEVER in the main plot. Just phenomenal. I don't have enough words to go on about how great it is.

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I can't believe it took you two months. Fair do's it's a rewatch, but my first exposure to it was about two months ago and I machined through everything in two weeks.

Then again I don't have a job soo... :shifty:

But it's indeed awesome. The storytelling and the characters are just perfectly flawed in their behaviour. I'm also glad it's going to be ending on its own terms so we can see this entire story finish up.

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Guest mr. potato head

I can't believe it took you two months. Fair do's it's a rewatch, but my first exposure to it was about two months ago and I machined through everything in two weeks.

Then again I don't have a job soo... :shifty:

But it's indeed awesome. The storytelling and the characters are just perfectly flawed in their behaviour. I'm also glad it's going to be ending on its own terms so we can see this entire story finish up.

I don't know why I said rewatch, it was my first time through. :shifty:

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Have you seen Breaking Bad? You should probably watch that. Or Mad Men/The Wire/Sons of Anarchy/Sopranos.

Slowly creeping through season one of Sopranos. And by slowly I mean episode five now >_>.

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This week's Veep is absolutely tremendous.

That was the Chang one, right? That was phenomenal. I'm loving Tony Hale as the VP's personal assistant.

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Yeah. My favorite scene by far was the hospital one because it was perfect bait-and-switch; I expected one sort of cringe comedy and got an entirely different but equally hilarious cringeworthy result.

Also, I'm amazed/in awe of the shit that Apartment 23 is getting away with considering that they're a primetime show on ABC.

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