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Yeahhh, I've heard good things about Vampire Diaries but fuck, the first episode really didn't do anything good for me.

Yeah, the first episode is pretty terrible. They do away with the whole diary voiceover thing pretty quickly though. I would suggest sticking with it because it gets balls-to-the-wall awesome as it progresses. Seriously, they go through major plot developments in a matter of a few episodes the way some shows use an entire season to do.

Yeah I watched the first four when it was first on the air and walked. I came back last summer and once I forced myself to sit through those first 8-10 episodes, it quickly becomes awesome and doesn't let up. Oh it's silly and stupid, but for a guilty pleasure show it fucking rocks.

And okay this summer I try Revenge then.

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Off of that list, I would go:

Game of Thrones

Mad Men

Sons of Anarchy

Person of Interest

GoT is clearly the best choice and Mad Men is very solid, though slow and Sons of Anarchy is good but I've lost a lot of respect for the show after this latest season. I haven't seen much of Person of Interest as it's more procedural that I was hoping for but it didn't seem too bad.

I don't know what you have or haven't seen so I'm just taking stabs in the dark but I would suggest:

Justified (Best drama on TV right now and when you consider that Breaking Bad exists, that's really saying something)

Archer (If you don't already love this show then you need to be punched in the face)

Greek (A very underrated comedy/drama about life at college & fraternities/sororities)

White Collar (Nobody would ever confuse it with a gritty crime dram but it's a very good easy-to-watch show, something USA excels at)

Psych (Another easy-to-watch USA show but on an entirely different level as it's funnier than anything else on the network and the Shawn/Gus relationship is one of the best friendships portrayed on TV)

The Sopranos (One of the best dramas in TV history)

The West Wing (Aaron Sorkin is tremendous and even though he's not present in the latter half of it's run, it's still fairly solid, albeit not quite the same)

Shameless US (I'll echo TKz's suggestion as it is a very good show)

I'll just stop here because I could probably go on forever.

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So..yea..wow that House finale sucked

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A lot of season finales this year have left fans going, "Whaaaaaaaaat... the fuck?" I'm not surprised House is on that list.

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I think there's about 3 episodes of Alcatraz left in the UK. For someone who's watched the rest, without spoiling much, does it have a satisfying ending, bearing in mind there probably won't be a second season due to the cancellation?

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A lot of season finales this year have left fans going, "Whaaaaaaaaat... the fuck?" I'm not surprised House is on that list.

Difference is House was the SERIES finale...and it was absolutely terrible. And this is coming from someone who tried to find the best in the last few seasons of the show that have been very subpar

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I didn't mind the House finale up until the very end.

My biggest problems:

Oh no! House is dead! But wait, no, he's not! That rascal faked his own death! Now he and Wilson are going to fart rainbows and ride off into the sunset on their motorcycles, wheeeeee!

No. Fuck that. I also have a big problem with the fact that House - already a cripple - falls through a second story floor, lands on his feet (which would've done more damage to his legs) and is able to SNEAK OUT THE BACK of a burning fucking building in record time, then LOL I SWAPPED MY DENTAL RECORDS WITH THE DEAD HEROIN ADDICT OH HOUSE, YOU RASCAL.

I'd have much rather preferred the series to end with Wilson's speech at House's funeral, go out on a somber note. Instead we get HOUSE X WILSON TRALALALA RAINBOWS AND GUMDROPS SKIPPING OFF INTO THE SUNSET YAAAY EVERYONE'S HAPPY.

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I didn't mind the House finale up until the very end.

My biggest problems:

Oh no! House is dead! But wait, no, he's not! That rascal faked his own death! Now he and Wilson are going to fart rainbows and ride off into the sunset on their motorcycles, wheeeeee!

No. Fuck that. I also have a big problem with the fact that House - already a cripple - falls through a second story floor, lands on his feet (which would've done more damage to his legs) and is able to SNEAK OUT THE BACK of a burning fucking building in record time, then LOL I SWAPPED MY DENTAL RECORDS WITH THE DEAD HEROIN ADDICT OH HOUSE, YOU RASCAL.

I'd have much rather preferred the series to end with Wilson's speech at House's funeral, go out on a somber note. Instead we get HOUSE X WILSON TRALALALA RAINBOWS AND GUMDROPS SKIPPING OFF INTO THE SUNSET YAAAY EVERYONE'S HAPPY.

Tell me you seriusly did not expect this?

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