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So, Newsroom, worth watching?

With me being sick it is the ideal time to find a new TV show to get into.

EDIT: Actually, I've not heard of this Veep and it sounds great so I'll just watch that. I'll try to catch Newsroom another time.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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Veep is awesome. The Newsroom I did not like so much. I'll give it a few more episodes to find its legs, but overall it came off as incredibly preachy and kind of blah in its first episode.

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How good is Deadwood? Finished Breaking Bad and I think Game of Thrones is going to have to be my next show. Watched the first few episodes a while ago and enjoyed em, but just lost them. Want to do Boardwalk Empire, too. So, EWB, quickly help me which show I should do next.


Game of Thrones

The Wire

Boardwalk Empire


Or More West Wing (I took a little pause mid season 2)

Or something else equally as good I might've missed. I've got Cowboy Bebop on the way too, cos I've heard great things.

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Oh my god, there are so many factors there. How fast do you watch TV? Like, Boardwalk Empire's new season starts in three months so I would place that at a point in your order where you can watch both seasons not too long before the third starts.

For personal preference, The Wire is the best show on that list, and there are a bunch of other EWBers who are watching it for the first time right now too, though I think you'd like Game of Thrones more. Deadwood is part of what I'd consider the dramatic TV canon (as are The Wire, and The Sopranos), though I don't love it in the way so many people love it. Dexter is also a show I think you'd like, and it too comes back in the fall, but after season four I think it becomes a really bad show so I'd prioritize that the lowest. Cowboy Bebop is fucking awesome. Never seen any West Wing.

So I'd go with this order;

1. The Wire (Ruki's watching it, Cloudy's watching it, JHS is maybe still watching it, and I think other EWBers are starting to give it a shot. Keep in mind that it's a show that rewards patience and sticking with it so don't go "THIS PILOT SUCKS" and then drop it. It doesn't suck, but it's very different from what you think a pilot would be.)

2. Game of Thrones (it's so different from the other dramas in this list that I think it works best as a way of distancing from gritty crime drama)

3. Boardwalk Empire (I think after a combined seven seasons of The Wire and Game of Thrones you'll probably be decently close to the premiere, unless you watch TV even faster than I do)

4. Deadwood

5. Cowboy Bebop (after the Shakespearean, David Milchiness of Deadwood you'll probably want an easy watch)

6. Dexter

But starting with Game of Thrones works just as well, probably, if you've already seen some of it.

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Guest mr. potato head

Yeah do GoT first, Boardwalk Empire in time to be caught up by September, and then go back to West Wing. The Wire can wait, there will always be people finally getting around to it.

After Game of Thrones and Homeland and Breaking Bad so far in 2012 (I watch things at a slower pace when there's a bunch of new TV to keep up with than in the summer), I needed a comedy so I'm currently working my way through Yes Minister. Boardwalk Empire's up next, should leave lots of time to have it done before new episodes start, and then either Friday Night Lights or The Wire or my long-delayed Sorkin rewatch (Sports Night, West Wing, Studio 60).

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Sweet, cheers everyone. It depends how into the show I get/how much time I have, but I got through 4 seasons of Breaking Bad in less than a month, I'd say. If that gives a good scope. I think I'm going to go with Game of Thrones, first - with the odd episode of Cowboy Bebop, Freaks and Geeks or It's Always Sunny just to break things up. Looking forward to GoT, did enjoy the 1st two episodes, might watch em again though to get caught up.

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I've started watching the new season of Punk'd, mainly for stuff to watch up until other shows restart.

The good thing is that Falling Skies is back this Tuesday, and Supernatural should be coming in July sometime. Definitely a help considering Grimm is coming to an end.

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