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Watched the third season premiere of Boardwalk Empire. Pretty good. Most importantly;

Holy shit, there goes Manny. I wasn't expecting him to get killed off immediately, even if he more than deserved what he got at the hands of Richard.

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Did anyone watch the pilot of Revolution? I'm pretty sure it'll end up being another Flash Forward, The Event, Terra Nova; lots of money thrown at it, cliche writing, gets cancelled after 1 season. It had some enjoyable moments but overall already so many missed opportunities, shitty dialogue and unrealistic shit. The lead actress is gorgeous though.

Might give Hell on Wheels a shot.

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I saw the tail end of Revolution. Honestly, it looks like it's going to turn in to a combination of, "the world has gone back to Feudal Era technology" and "gigantic terror plot gone horribly right". Quasi probably has this one fingered. It was kinda' crazy that they advertised it on RAW, though. "Hey, folks. Don't care about the final hour of this extremely long show? Watch this instead!"

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Did anyone watch the pilot of Revolution? I'm pretty sure it'll end up being another Flash Forward, The Event, Terra Nova; lots of money thrown at it, cliche writing, gets cancelled after 1 season. It had some enjoyable moments but overall already so many missed opportunities, shitty dialogue and unrealistic shit. The lead actress is gorgeous though.

Might give Hell on Wheels a shot.

Hell On Wheels is good, but the first season kind of meanders for a while and then picks up at the end.

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Well, Revolution was the highest rated TV drama premiere in three years, so there is more than a chance that they get a second season if the trend continues.

And since we're somewhat talking about TV shows that could be good but are not, I'm catching up on American Horror Story. Total train-wreck of a show, but it is hilarious to watch it anyways just to see what kind of crazy shit they throw at me next. Pretty sure that's not the original intention of the show, but then again, I'm not sure what else this show could be trying to accomplish.

Oh, and also Gravity Falls. Pretty funny animated show on the Disney Channel, with a bit of an horror / surreal setting. You should definitely check it out.

Edited by fr34k
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Well, Revolution was the highest rated TV drama premiere in three years, so there is more than a chance that they get a second season if the trend continues.

I believe the last show to have numbers like that in its debut was V. So yeah... :shifty:

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Well, Revolution was the highest rated TV drama premiere in three years, so there is more than a chance that they get a second season if the trend continues.

And since we're somewhat talking about TV shows that could be good but are not, I'm catching up on American Horror Story. Total train-wreck of a show, but it is hilarious to watch it anyways just to see what kind of crazy shit they throw at me next. Pretty sure that's not the original intention of the show, but then again, I'm not sure what else this show could be trying to accomplish.

Oh, and also Gravity Falls. Pretty funny animated show on the Disney Channel, with a bit of an horror / surreal setting. You should definitely check it out.

Yeah, I've seen Gravity Falls, it's interesting. Don't think I'll be seeking it out but I wouldn't say no to watching it.

Yes! Gravity Falls!

It is the new obsession for me and my friends. Love the show to death.

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Watched the third season premiere of Boardwalk Empire. Pretty good. Most importantly;

Holy shit, there goes Manny. I wasn't expecting him to get killed off immediately, even if he more than deserved what he got at the hands of Richard.

Just watched it. Very pleased with all of the developments.

I'm a sucker for several of these characters now. Richard, Van Alden (I actually felt bad for him!), and a bunch of the minor characters. For instance, I lit up as soon as Eddie Cantor entered. Same with the Little People showing up for a hot second.

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Watched the third season premiere of Boardwalk Empire. Pretty good. Most importantly;

Holy shit, there goes Manny. I wasn't expecting him to get killed off immediately, even if he more than deserved what he got at the hands of Richard.

Just watched it. Very pleased with all of the developments.

I'm a sucker for several of these characters now. Richard, Van Alden (I actually felt bad for him!), and a bunch of the minor characters. For instance, I lit up as soon as Eddie Cantor entered. Same with the Little People showing up for a hot second.

Richard and Van Alden's situations in the wake of the end of season two were definitely the most interesting. I'm wondering if there's an intentional parallel between seeing Van Alden's home life tonight and Manny's home life just before he gets killed, given Van Alden inadvertently saving O'Banion's life and clearly not getting anywhere on the straight and narrow.

And yeah, any time Eddie Cantor shows up I'm happy.

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Watched the third season premiere of Boardwalk Empire. Pretty good. Most importantly;

Holy shit, there goes Manny. I wasn't expecting him to get killed off immediately, even if he more than deserved what he got at the hands of Richard.

Just watched it. Very pleased with all of the developments.

I'm a sucker for several of these characters now. Richard, Van Alden (I actually felt bad for him!), and a bunch of the minor characters. For instance, I lit up as soon as Eddie Cantor entered. Same with the Little People showing up for a hot second.

Richard and Van Alden's situations in the wake of the end of season two were definitely the most interesting. I'm wondering if there's an intentional parallel between seeing Van Alden's home life tonight and Manny's home life just before he gets killed, given Van Alden inadvertently saving O'Banion's life and clearly not getting anywhere on the straight and narrow.

And yeah, any time Eddie Cantor shows up I'm happy.

With this show, if you ever find yourself thinking "I wonder if that's intentional?" the answer is always yes. Even the stuff that Terrence Winter doesn't actually intend to mean anything always ends up meaning something, because this production team just works that way.

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Well, Revolution was the highest rated TV drama premiere in three years, so there is more than a chance that they get a second season if the trend continues.

I believe the last show to have numbers like that in its debut was V. So yeah... :shifty:

I forgot V in my list of "omg epic new TV show with huge budget!" that got cancelled quickly due to horrible writing. I remember being so hyped for V, and it basically got killed after 2 episodes.

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Malcolm Tucker explaining Star Wars is officially the greatest TV moment of all time ever. Like, seriously, this series of The Thick Of It has so far been phenomenal. Not yet a patch on series 3 although that's mainly down to that finale and being straight up shudder enducing,

I'm surprised we haven't seen any of The Fucker in government yet, I figured they were bringing him for at least a story arc at the enD of S3.

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My only tangible complaints so far:

- It gets reeeeeeaaally self-serious at times. This is thankfully cut by the occasional bit of Falstaffian ribaldry and whatnot, but sometimes those moments don't come often enough.

- Some of the accents. They're not god-awful, but there's a noticeable difference in quality between some of the actors. Peter Dinklage and Aidan Gillen are the most notable offenders here. After a few episodes, I began to understand why Dinklage made that choice in dialect, but it still hits my ear a bit oddly. Gillen's is just an odd case, because he's apparently Irish but pulled off a solid American dialect in The Wire. Yet here, his Probably British dialect feels a tad clunky.

Those things aren't killing the show for me though.

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