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Really loved tonight's Boardwalk.

Major, major improvement over last week.

The pseudo-bottle episode stuff in the cellar, Eli trying to step up, and Al's parallel stories with his son and his worker were all great, making for a tremendous final sequence.


I had a feeling Big Chief was gonna get bad news. :( I wonder if this'll be Clarke Peters' last season on the show. Also, I didn't realize it until I saw her name in the credits, but holy shit that was Taryn Terrell putting her boobs in Nelson's face, wasn't it?

To be honest, I never have anything bad to say about Treme.

Big Chief!

:( So sad, so moving, and I never quite know where this show is going.

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Really loved tonight's Boardwalk.

Major, major improvement over last week.

The pseudo-bottle episode stuff in the cellar, Eli trying to step up, and Al's parallel stories with his son and his worker were all great, making for a tremendous final sequence.

When Nucky said "... I thought you said you didn't smoke" I realized that Rowland was fucked and was just waiting for the gunshot. What a great single-episode showcase for that kid, I genuinely thought he was going to stick around until that moment.

And yeah, Eli realizing all the signs and nobody listening was great.

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Really loved tonight's Boardwalk.

Major, major improvement over last week.

The pseudo-bottle episode stuff in the cellar, Eli trying to step up, and Al's parallel stories with his son and his worker were all great, making for a tremendous final sequence.

When Nucky said "... I thought you said you didn't smoke" I realized that Rowland was fucked and was just waiting for the gunshot. What a great single-episode showcase for that kid, I genuinely thought he was going to stick around until that moment.

And yeah, Eli realizing all the signs and nobody listening was great.

Indeed an amazing episode. Once again shows how amazing Stephen Graham is as Al Capone, this guy can do no wrong apparently. His scenes were absolutely fantastic.

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Season 2, Ep 12 of FNL:

Jeez, they spent a lot of the season holding their guns and it paid off. Smash and latino guy who I can't recall the name of both exploding, Tim finally bucking up the courage to go to Lyla, only to see her with another guy. The Taylors finally letting go of Gracie-Belle was sweet.

Great episode.

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Did anybody see the premiere of Arrow? I thought it was so-so. I wasn't particulary drawn in by this episode but I'll probably give it another chance next week.

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Ehh...wasn't big on this weeks episode of Revolution.

Man, I was.

How could you not be? It was super sad! & the reveal at the end was interesting.

Wait, what was the ending? That Miles knew the mum was alive? That was very 'meh' to me.

The dog guy was a shitty bad guy. The captain owing Danny his life will hopefully lead to some interesting arcs, though.

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The problem with Revolution (or one of them) this week was that the ads for the episode fucked up the episode's impact a bit.

The moment Maggie got a flashback I realized she was dead because they were all "SOMEONE. WILL. DIE." and in that moment I realized that she was indeed the one whom killing off benefited the story the most (because now Aaron's the only one who knows about the pendant and now the group lacks a medic). It was much too telegraphed. Her death scene was well-done, though, and I do appreciate the willingness to kill off a main character from the very first episode.

I also like that the episode established how easy it is to die from things that aren't quite as much of a death sentence normally. The fact that the daughter of dog guy (who was a pretty uninspiring villain, I agree) died from tetanus was effective enough.

And I have yet to care about Monroe and the mom and all that crap yet. Stop being cryptic and pull the damn trigger already.

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Did anybody see the premiere of Arrow? I thought it was so-so. I wasn't particulary drawn in by this episode but I'll probably give it another chance next week.

Yup. I thought it was gonna be way worse, but I'll definitely watch again the next week. It wasn't great or anything, but there were some fun moments.

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I thought Arrow was pretty decent, as far as series premieres go. I don't think anyone expects that it's going to be groundbreaking either.

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Ehh...wasn't big on this weeks episode of Revolution.

Man, I was.

How could you not be? It was super sad! & the reveal at the end was interesting.

Wait, what was the ending? That Miles knew the mum was alive? That was very 'meh' to me.

The dog guy was a shitty bad guy. The captain owing Danny his life will hopefully lead to some interesting arcs, though.

I think it hinted towards Miles being the person who locked her up in the first place.

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I liked Arrow. It reminds me of The Cape (which I actually enjoyed), the action scenes were shot really well, and it seems like their doing a good job of introducing the characters to people who aren't familiar with The Green Arrow

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I liked Arrow. It reminds me of The Cape (which I actually enjoyed), the action scenes were shot really well, and it seems like their doing a good job of introducing the characters to people who aren't familiar with The Green Arrow

Oh fucking hell, now I'm dreading what they've done to Green Arrow.

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