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Pssh. Lack of anything from Glee invalidates that list.

Also, I thought the first two seasons of Entourage were okay with occasional outright good episodes (I loved the Comic-Con one). I still wouldn't bother trying to watch it.

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Yeah, Christina H is one of my least favorite writers on that site. She's better now than she was when she first started but not really good. In fact, I don't really like anybody on that site. Seanbaby is the closest but I've always found him obnoxious.

Actually, Soren is pretty good and surprisingly good-looking for a writer on a comedy site.

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The two best characters on Entourage were Drama and Lloyd. I would maybe watch a show featuring them and nobody else from that show.

Also, Animal Practice has been canceled and its spot is being given back to Whitney. Community is still probably laying in wait for the death of Up All Night so it too can go back to its original night.

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"Hey bro let's go to Colorado bro!"

"I dunno bro I'm not sure if my next picture's gonna make ten million or eleven million this is REALLY IMPORTANT."

"I understand your special pain bro but come on, I insist, let's hop a private jet and have sex with models!"

"Okay if you insist, bro!"


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I was watching Animal Practice. Pretty harmless television, but just so pedestrian. Poor Justin Kirk. He deserves so much better.

Don't get too attached. It's been canned as of yesterday.

Yes, that's why I brought it up. :P

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It's Always Sunny was great last night. A basic outline of the episode without spoilers, but didn't want to give away the main plot to everyone without them wanting to see it:

Basically a meta episode where Dee keeps saying that they're doing the same things over. Frank wants to run the plan for their scheme without having everybody else change things. Also, people/ideas are rehashed.

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About four episodes in, my two favorite things about Ben and Kate;

1. The cast has already proved to be good at pairing off into subgroups for plots. Everyone bounces off each other well. This is super-important for sitcoms.

2. The show doesn't double down on having an adorable, decent child actress. She's there, and she's endearing, but it's not like Full House or something where I feel like they're beating me over the head with it.

It's only laugh-out-loud funny a couple times an episode, though. This week it was BJ's insane, endless "Ben is like a circus" speech.

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Definitely. Fall season hasn't provided much. The best drama pilot I've seen was Nashville, and that's pretty much a country music soap opera.

I think this will be the first year of the year end TV list where there isn't a show that debuts huge like Game of Thrones did last year and Walking Dead the year before. I'm not even entirely expecting a new show to hit the top 30.

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