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Guest Mr. Potato Head

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wow, was Syco's post idiotic or what. How do Ichiro, Nomar and Rickey fall in the same galaxy as Bonds?

I was naming players (off the top of my head, I know I forgot Tony Gwynn), that are/were great hitters, but not power hitters. Ichiro is EASILY the best singles hitter in the game right now, and maybe ever. Nomar was a very good hitter before he got the injury bug, and Rickey is arguable the best baseball player of all time. Leader in steals, walks, leadoff homers, and a few more categories I am not 100% sure of what are (mostly leadoff stuff). He is EASILY the best leadoff hitter of all time, and, in my opinion, one of the two best players of all time, with Willie Mays.

Bonds is NOT the best player of all time. Best power hitter? Arguably. You can't really compare him and Ruth, due to the era's, and even him and Aaron is a sketchy comparison at best. At this point in time he's a barely adequate outfielder, who would be better served as a DH, although he was very good before he bulked up. He's still got a good arm, it used to be better. He's tainted by steroid rumors, wether thats true (I believe he did something, but I'm not going to go to the mat about it), or not, it hurts his legacy. People dig the long ball though, so a player like Rickey, who did EVERYTHING you could ask of him, and more, and could still contribute to a team, gets overlooked, because he didn't put up gaudy power numbers, which he didn't need too.

Add in the fact that I'm a Dodger fan, and admittedly biased, though I liked Bonds before the steroid shit, and you can see why I think he's a tad overrated. Hall of Famer, sure, unless there is concrete proof he did steroids. Top 10 all time, probably, again, without steroids. Best hitter of all time? Don't make me laugh. Hitting is more then homeruns.

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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A court hearing is scheduled for Wednesday in the dispute over who is the rightful owner of the ball Barry Bonds hit for his 700th home run.

The hearing will be in San Francisco County Superior Court, according to Daniel Horowitz, the attorney representing Steve Williams. Williams is the Giants fan who ended up with the prized ball during a melee in the left-center field bleachers at SBC Park on Sept. 17.

Williams was notified that he was being sued by attorneys for Timothy Murphy, who said he pinned the ball underneath his leg during a scrum for it after the baseball struck Murphy's chin. Murphy claims he is the ball's owner because Williams stole it from him while he was in a pile of fans.

Doug Allen, president of MastroNet, a Chicago-based auction company, estimated the ball's worth at ``over six figures.''

It is not the first time fans headed to court over the fate of a Bonds' home run ball. In October 2001, Bonds' record-setting 73rd homer of the season sparked litigation that ended when a judge ordered both men to split the $450,000 the ball fetched.

I'd say just either give the ball to Bonds or the Hall of Fame. This is ridiculous and petty.

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In other news:

On MSN.com it's being reported that the Expos might move to Washington..

Article: http://msn.foxsports.com/story/3044408

Richard Nixon was president and man was still making trips to the moon the last time the word "Washington" appeared in the major league baseball standings.

On opening day, April 4, 2005, look for the nation's capital to return.

Baseball was to announce Wednesday that Washington will be the new home of the Montreal Expos, according to a city official who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

The city was to celebrate Wednesday afternoon with a news conference featuring people associated with the old Washington Senators, the official said.

"I think we'll be in a position where we can have a celebration tomorrow," Mayor Anthony Williams told WUSA-TV late Tuesday. Williams was noncommittal at his regular weekly news conference Wednesday, telling reporters he was still waiting for official notification from Major League Baseball officials.

The announcement comes one day before the 33rd anniversary of the Senators' final game. The team moved to Texas after the 1971 season, which was also the last time a major league team was relocated.

A crucial hurdle was cleared this week when, according to the city official, baseball reached an understanding with Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos, who had previously objected to having a team relocate just 40 miles from the Orioles' Camden Yards stadium.

Baseball has been looking for a new home for the Expos since the financially troubled team was bought by the other 29 major league owners in 2002.

Bob DuPuy, baseball's chief operating officer, did not return telephone messages seeking comment Tuesday night. Angelos refused comment when reached at his home, and there was no confirmation by baseball of a deal between the commissioner's office and Angelos.

Las Vegas; Norfolk, Va.; Monterrey, Mexico; Portland, Ore.; and Northern Virginia also made bids, but Washington clearly took the lead during negotiations over recent weeks, strengthened by its wealthy population base and a financial package that would build a new stadium primarily with taxpayers' money.

The negotiations have produced a 30-page document that would conditionally award the Expos to Washington, pending approval by the City Council. The document had not yet been signed as of Tuesday night, the city source told the AP.

Baseball commissioner Bud Selig, reached at his Milwaukee home, declined comment.

Plans call for a $440 million package that would include a new ballpark to be built along the Anacostia River about a dozen blocks south of the U.S. Capitol. The package also includes a $13 million refurbishment of RFK Stadium, where the team would play for three seasons while the new facility is being built.

Some fans interviewed Wednesday in the district's downtown were wary of the financial implications for the cash-strapped city government.

"It's probably money that could be better spent elsewhere," said John Beckley, a Virginia resident who routinely treks to Baltimore to see the Orioles play.

"I guess the nation's capital deserves to have a representative in baseball, but obviously it's going to cost a lot of money," said Stephen Thomas, a district resident.

Others, liked retired district resident Bob Ryan, were clearly elated.

"I've lived here all my life. I was a Washington Senators fan in the old days," Ryan said. "It's good to have it back."

"It's been way too long without a team down here," said Erin Dieterich, of suburban Silver Spring, Md. "It's a national pastime and this is the nation's capital."

Washington needed an answer from Major League Baseball this week because the ballpark legislation had to be introduced in the City Council by Friday in order for it to be passed by Dec. 31, when terms expire for several pro-baseball council members.

Even now, some members of the council think the deal might not pass because it is perceived as too generous to baseball in a city that struggles to fund adequate schools and city services.

"I think everybody is excited about baseball coming to the District," Councilman Adrian Fenty said. "Very few District residents are excited about a full subsidy to pay for this stadium. ... At the end of the day, you're not going to have seven council members support it."

The move also must be approved by three-quarters of major league owners and survive legal challenges by the Expos' former limited partners.

After the announcement, the process of selling the Expos will start. A group that includes former Rangers partner Fred Malek has been seeking a Washington franchise for five years. In addition, several baseball officials have said in the past week that Stan Kasten, former president of the Atlanta Braves, Hawks and Thrashers, might be trying to assemble a group.

The original Senators played in Washington from 1901-60 before moving to Minnesota to become the Twins. The expansion Senators called Washington home from 1961-71 before moving to Texas and becoming the Rangers.

Montreal's last home game is scheduled for Wednesday night against Florida. Tuesday night's game, which the Expos lost 5-2, attracted 5,416 fans.

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The NL Wild Card race is just now getting heated up, the Cubs lost today to the Reds and the Astros are playing the Cardinals which the Astros really need this win, and the Giants play the Padres.

Who do you see coming out of the NL Wild Card?

After tonight here are the remaining series

Braves vs Cubs

Rockies vs Astros

Dodgers vs Giants

I would have to say the Astros would have the advantage because the Rockies are at 67-90 right now, one of the worst records in the NL.

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Best hitter? The fucking babe! He was the greatest PLAYER ever. He could run with speed, pitch with effectivness and hit with power AND consistancy. Yea sure, the Era thing might play a little factor, but if anything baseball was harder back then...because the players didn't take enchancement drugs/steriods. And not only that, but I think the distance between home and the mound was actually shorter then. Also, players are more 'in shape' now. Harder workout routines. My point is, that today's players have it easier, AND are in better shape.

Maybe Ichiro could make a vote for the best hitter in the last decade or so, but even that's tough, because he's only been hot for a couple of years now. I think it's really too early in his career to compare him to GREAT hitters, like Williams, Boggs, and Mays. Nomar is no where in this league.

Back to bonds. Best power hitter? I'm sorry, but the steriod, or..."PERFORMANCE ENHANCERS" really get to me. Guys like Rose, Mattingly, Mays, Winfield....they accomplished great feats without that crap. IT (the steriods thing) all started with Mcgwire, who I think was just a notch below Bonds.

Now, Vlad Guererro (on the Angels). Now THAT'S a real power hitter. In two years this guy will be Bonds re-incarnated.

I'm not saying that Bonds is a shitty player...or even an average player. He is definately above average, but this drug things makes him the "Barry Bonds" of the last two years. Overated. I bet you he'll be like Giambi in a couple of years. Or like McGwire. Retired, with the side effects of excessive 'drug' use. And, of course we no Giambis deal. Big power hitter last year. Came through in the clutch many times for the yanks. he comes back this season, he's like 100lbs less than what he was before, and next thing you know he misses the whole season due to being 'weak'. Something's wrong with that, eh?

Ricky Henderson:

Best leadoff man ever?: Probably. He did hit alot of lead off hr's. And probably was one of the best base stealers ever.

Best player ever?: No, but one of the best. Top 10.

And whilke we're comparing...Am I the only one that thinks that Buck Showalter is an AMAZING manager.?

He turned around the yanks, by managing them for a few years, rebuidling the team, and STARTING what Torre gets to inherit and finish. (Though I'm not putting down the Torre-Stottlemeyer combination. Legendary, and equally as effective. But I don't think Buck shoud've been fired)

(Buck) Did a damn good job with the Diamonbacks Expansion team. Got fired. Took time off and did ESPN. Then gets right back in the game and does ANOTHER AMAZING JOB with the TExas Rangers, putting them in the pennat race for a good part of this season Though they'll probably JUST miss the playoffs, it's AMAZING what this man has done. He's very young, but he deserves to be in the playoffs.

Yup. My sudden baseball rant of the day.

Edited by Javert
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Best hitter? The fucking babe! He was the greatest PLAYER ever. He could run with speed, pitch with effectivness and hit with power AND consistancy. Yea sure, the Era thing might play a little factor, but if anything baseball was harder back then...because the players didn't take enchancement drugs/steriods. And not only that, but I think the distance between home and the mound was actually shorter then. Also, players are more 'in shape' now. Harder workout routines. My point is, that today's players have it easier, AND are in better shape.

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Btw, in further news, the Expos WON'T be re-named the Senators when they move to Washington. Someone, I forget who, said it wouldn't make sense because D.C. doesn't have a Senator.

There's apparently a petition going around to name the team the Washington Greys, after the old Homestead Greys team in the Negro Leagues, which played in D.C.

Personally, I don't like that idea. MLB road uniforms are already grey in color, and a team named the Grays would likely have a shitload of charcoal grey or dark grey as the main color on their home and road uniforms. Grey, white and another color = a crappy look for a baseball team.

They could name them the Washington Generals, but somehow I think the Harlem Globetrotters would have a problem with that.....

Edited by GhostMachine
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And Oakland > Angels, San Fran, and LA.

Washington will be named the Nationals, I think. That's what I heard, anyway.

The Expos moved. Boo hoo. Nobody in Montreal cared, and if they did, they certainly didn't do anything about it - judging from the 3900 in attendance in the 50,000 seat stadium for their second last home game EVER.

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Actually, I've always liked Sheff. I liked him in Florida, and I liked him in LA. I still like him as a Yankee. He's the only Yankee I like, although I used to like Giambi, since the A's are my AL team.

Anyway, the wild cards going to San Fran, sad to say, since they won't win the West. LA better win a fucking playoff game this year, and keep Milton Bradley, I don't give a fuck what he throws at fans.

And fuck the Angels, you might have won a World Series, but you still suck, and you needed a Dodger to do it ;)

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