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UFC 2010

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I am at the same point - my trick to get conditioning up is to light train.. but even then you have to rest after a while and that is a 20 percent knockback.

This whole stats cap thing should be patched or made optional because it's a real fucking pain in my ass at this point, I can't play casually anymore.

Yep, this.

I want to play through a career, but trawling through the menu's in the lead up to my first fight with the training/sparring in particular areas got very boring when I tried it out. I get that you need to make your fighter better, but the fact stats drop so much if you don't focus on an area for a few weeks sucks arse. I just want to be able to fight in the main game mode without being bored 90% of the time. My fun is coming from the event mode.

Is it just me or is the swaying sluggish compared to your AI opponents, particularly on the higher difficulty levels? I notice when I try to sway, the only time I dodge a punch is if by chance he threw a punch after I swayed, whereas I can throw bombs but the CPU opponent is like lightning in ducking it.

In events mode I had Shane Carwin vs. Roy Nelson set up for the main event, with me controlling Carwin. In the first two rounds, I was the one hitting the big shots, but Nelson kept retaliating with a takedown and some GNP which wasn't doing too much damage to me, but probably scoring him enough points to win both rounds. A minute into round 3, he misses with a right and BAM, lights out for the knockout victory. Very satisfying.

I still haven't got the "touch gloves 10 times" trophy despite offering my hand at the beginning of EVERY fight I've had on the game so far. Is there a certain place I can stand to make sure the gloves touch? I've noticed it a couple of times, but more often than not the arms extend but don't touch with the opponents making us look retarded. shifty.gif

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Yeah Savallery is the most brutal position in the game. Most of my fights go Clinch -> Suplex into SC -> Savallery -> Punch Into KO

And is it sad that after making GSP tap, everything else in this game seems a little underwhelming? :(

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After beating Mike Swick in an UFN Main event by Superman punch KO i'm on the main card for PPV for the 1st time at UFC 168 fighting Paulo Thiago. Last time i was on PPV i beat Dan Hardy on the undercard. Two fighters with 21-6 records either me or Thiago is goin 21-7 ;)

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Man, if ONLY I could slam some of the guys....like...they block my attempt every single time, and then get out. If I was able to slam them once, it would be over.

Upgrade your takedowns. I was having that problem until I turned my Suplex into Level 3. After that, not even GSP could reverse it.

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won my 1st ever decision beat Thiago 29-28, 30-26, 30-26 to go 22-6. Was set to fight Thiago Alves in the Co-Main Event of a PPV but filled in to face GSP with 5 weeks to prepare this is going to test where about i am in the division as i'm close towards a title shot being in the top 8 in the division. Turns out it was an undercard fight but still hopefully a win might earn me a title shot as Alves was ranked 2

Also Ruki what's your clinch grapple and takedown grapple offense like?

Edited by davidmarrio
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Ugh, it's really starting to feel cheap. I cannot for the life of me get a win in advanced, I mean Lidell has great takedown defense yet I still get taken down at will. And despite using the right controls to block transitions and takedowns, I can't defend them. It actually feels like the AI's just carrying right on and ignoring my controller inputs entirely. I don't mind losing if it's a decent fight (I've had some epic clashes with Lidell against Rua), but it's not feeling like it is. And if I am starting to take advantage and get the upper hand, it just seems to increase the chances of a flash KO, it's bloody annoying. I know I'll probably just get told to drop down a difficulty, but it's just too easy, it isn't fun.

Also fuck the entire sway mechanism, it's rubbish.

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Damn you GSP....rear naked choked me in the 2nd round and well i really hope he wasn't badly ranked as that could stunt my path towards a title shot :(

Fighting Anthony Johnson who is ranked 3 on the main card though soon chance to bounce back control it on the ground maybe look for the submission.

Think i'm going to learn some transitions and slams from the cage. Training at 10th planet to learn to get out from mount into open guard etc stuff like that which will be effective

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Started a light heavyweight career last night. tried experimenting with training and sparring with the starting sparring partner I'm pulling in roughly 24 points per sparring session. the first couple sparring sessions I didn't use any of the points i earned. Saved them up after a year I had enough points to up every stat except sub offense clinch striking offense to 30. Still in WFA and I'm undefeated. have started attending camp(I picked the last camp) hopefully I will have all their moves learned before stepping into the UFC.

For sparring I just run to the opponent take him down get up and keep using the cage to take him down.

i think it's better with stats to immediately get the stats you need to survive up to thirty. let the others fall and save up your points till you have enough to up secondary skills to 30 and etc.

Yeah i don't like the sway system at all.

I think after this career is over I'll use this guy as a base for all the other cafs i create so I won't have to take each through the career mode.

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Ugh, it's really starting to feel cheap. I cannot for the life of me get a win in advanced, I mean Lidell has great takedown defense yet I still get taken down at will. And despite using the right controls to block transitions and takedowns, I can't defend them. It actually feels like the AI's just carrying right on and ignoring my controller inputs entirely. I don't mind losing if it's a decent fight (I've had some epic clashes with Lidell against Rua), but it's not feeling like it is. And if I am starting to take advantage and get the upper hand, it just seems to increase the chances of a flash KO, it's bloody annoying. I know I'll probably just get told to drop down a difficulty, but it's just too easy, it isn't fun.

Also fuck the entire sway mechanism, it's rubbish.

The way I did it was start at beginner diffculty because it's been a solid six months since I even played 2009 and it's massively different in so many ways, so I started at beginner to practice and to learn how everything works. Now that I have a solid understanding of everything, I bumped it up to expereinced on career mode and I've been doing some exhibition matches on advanced, but I totally get what you're saying. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it takes practice.

EDIT: Yeah, I rarely use the sway system. I usually keep my distance and just block with the RB and the RT(yeah, I got a crapbox), works better for counter punching, IMO. Also, I kinda found my own way to get into camps, I pick the fight with the most time in between and the first week of training for that upcoming fight, I head to a camp. Got Hendo's spinning back fight up to a Level 3 and I completely floored GSP to win the title back.

Edited by syck
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Defended my Walterweight title for the fifth time just now against Matt Serra. He is the only loss I hadn't avenged so I decided to disrespect him the whole way, was fun to be the douche for once. Destroyed him too, defended his takedown and clinch attempts all the way through the first round and just punched and kicked him. Second round he came at him with a takedown against the cage, then he slammed me and laid on me for a while until I finally got out. He went to punch but I swayed backwards and used my superior reach to land a punch that knocked him out.

I have GSP next, who I only managed to beat last time so we'll see how that goes.

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Just got the game today and had a bash on it with a mate. I like Dan Hardy, he's pretty good and Anderson Silva is just a beast. Been tearing through opponents with him. Not too big on Vitor, was hoping he'd have a LOT more speed than he does. He's far too sluggish and crap on the ground.

I'm loving how the Heavyweights just feel like pure sluggers and any punch can end it. Had a LOT of fun as Turk against Kimbo. Three punch knockouts from the opening bell. Brilliant. I managed to submit my mate but I've no fucking idea how to actually do it. Ah well.

Career mode here we go!

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Submission Guide

found that guide very helpful after some time in practice mode I got my first sub in expert mode. The guide is tailored to xbox users but the methods work for PS3 users as well

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All problems aside I still do love the game and career mode as well - after working hard and I mean really working hard at it I eventually became the Light Heavyweight champion seven years into my career, defeating Rampage Jackson and defending against him, Rashad Evans, Shogun Rua and Lyoto Machida before heading up to Heavyweight which I just started this evening. I opened up with a 47 second TKO victory over Mirko Cro Cop and just had an amazing nearly three round battle with Brock Lesnar, but I put him down for another TKO just before the third round ended.

He kept going for takedowns, he was viscous and every punch was a split hair away from knocking me out each time.. phew.

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Oh yeah its still a great game. One think I think they should have included a better tutorial especially for the new ground game aspects.

For next years game I would love to see 2 career modes.One being called The Ultimate Fighter. in this mode you create your guy and try to stay on the show and get the contract. In this mode you start to build up your guy's stats and moves. if you win the contract you then can load your guy into the main career where you can continue to beef him up with better camps and etc. If you don't get the contract you can still load him into the other career mode but you won't get any stat bonuses.

I think they need to either tweak the sway system or redo it from scratch. More camps need to be available and they need to balance out the difficulty levels

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