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The 2010 NFL Thread


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No!!! We can't lose Asante! Why can't we try to pawn off Sheldon instead! I like Sheldon Brown, but Asante/Nnamdi would be wonderful

But anyway, I came here to post this...

As we've mentioned once or twice, quarterback Tim Tebow's habit of openly expressing his religious beliefs could potentially rub folks the wrong way, especially in a locker room of grown men who choose to keep their beliefs to themselves, who don't share his beliefs at all, and/or who only want to hear "God bless" after they have sneezed.

We're told that Tebow already has gotten a taste of the resistance he might face at the next level.

At the Scouting Combine, the Wonderlic exam is administered to players in groups. The 12-minute test is preceded by some brief instructions and comments from the person administering the test.

Per a league source, after the person administering the test to Tebow's group had finished, Tebow made a request that the players bow their heads in prayer before taking the 50-question exam.

Said one of the other players in response: "Shut the f--k up." Others players in the room then laughed.

We're not passing judgment on this one; we're just passing along what we've heard. And it illustrates the type of challenges that could be faced by the team that drafts Tebow.

That said, some teams might embrace those challenges. The final decision will depend largely on the composition of the team, and the personalities of the coach, the G.M., and the owner.

He better get used to it if he tries to "convert" other players in the NFL. Sure, people like Reggie White, Brian Dawkins etc were/are known to wear their religious beliefs with pride, but they are/were respected veteran players. I don't think it would be as tolerated from a rookie like him

According to something else I read, Tebow hs said that this isn't how it happened. He said the only person in the room that he talked to was Max Hall, and that several other people who were in the room can back him up that this story isn't true as stated above. Take that for what it's worth, but it sounds like maybe it's something that got blown out of proportion, like seemingly EVERYTHING with Tebow does.

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If the Eagles trade for Nnamdi, it won't be McNabb they trade for him. McNabb has said he won't go to the Bills or Raiders.

The Eagles have said they want a top 42 pick for McNabb, and I don't see any team willing to give that up for him unless McNabb is willing to sign a 2-3 year deal with them rather than just be their QB for one year. And I don't see McNabb being willing to go to a team that won't be a contender. He's said he'd be willing to go to the Vikings, but they're waiting on Favre to make up his mind about whether he's coming back or not. So I don't see that happening unless Favre suddenly decides "fuck it, I'm done for good this time" before the draft, and that's not very likely.

If the Cardinals are smart, they should consider trading for him. Because with Anderson they'll be lucky if they don't finish near the bottom of the whole league, and taking a chance on Leinart is risky.

Yeah, well, Anderson won't be our starting unless Leinart absolutely fails. Homer alert, but Leinart shouldn't fail; he won't be Kurt Warner, but with the focus shifting off of the passing game and onto the running game, there won't be as much emphasis on Leinart or reliance on him winning us games. We should be okay. A lot of the hate towards him is really unfounded.

I think they just want to find out once and for all what they have with Leinart, similar to Rodgers/Packers a few years ago. They can't afford for him to go to another team after this year, and have a Steve Young-esque comeback, which is the major reason why they're not interested in McNabb. That, and because McNabb can't win when it matters most. =P

Edited by Mysterio2000X
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McNabb makes the Raiders a viable playoff team. I doubt you've even looked at Oakland's roster, Powerhart, because if you did, you'd see that they have adequate (or better, mostly better) talent at every position except QB.

Honestly, McNabb or not, Oakland should win at least 8 games next year, and maybe challenge for the division. Laugh all you want, but the talent is there.

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I said it last year, and as much as it pains me as a Denver fan, but DMN is right. Oakland has potential out the ass. If they get McNabb they could be rather dangerous. Hell, Jamarcus just played non-shit the last few weeks of the season and they looked good. God knows what they can do if they get a quarterback that plays well.

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By the way, the source I have for McNabb saying he wouldn't go to the Bills or Raiders is the 1st and 10 segment on First Take. Forget who said it, but I don't think it was Skip Bayless. *May* have been Rob Parker.

That doesn't necessarily mean I think he shouldn't go to the Raiders (no one in their right mind goes to the Bills, so that's a diffent story), but I'd be surprised if he does.

I think the 3 best teams McNabb would fit in with the most would be the Cardinals, Vikings (which won't happen due to them waiting on Favre) or Raiders. The Raiders may challenge for the division, like DMN said, but I expect the Broncos or Chargers to win it, with the Raiders finishing second or third.

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I don't know why the Bills would even want him right now. They need to use this season to find out if Trent Edwards is their guy and if not, start working on their next quarterback. Bringing in McNabb would be a move similar to bringing in TO - a move designed to sell tickets.

I've read that the Bills are possibly moving Marshawn Lynch. He has had some personal problems and Fred Jackson took his position away.

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I think with a full season of Gradkowski, or JaMarcus showing the form he did at the end of the season not last season, but the one before, Oakland could suprise some people.

Word is that JaMarcus showed up for mini-camps (or whatever) in better shape, so maybe someone got in his ear. Its a longshot, but with a work ethic, dude might be decent. He has all the athletic talent in the world.

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I think the 3 best teams McNabb would fit in with the most would be the Cardinals, Vikings (which won't happen due to them waiting on Favre) or Raiders. The Raiders may challenge for the division, like DMN said, but I expect the Broncos or Chargers to win it, with the Raiders finishing second or third.

I would absolutely love it if Chilly thought "Wait, wouldn't it be cool to actually know who my QB will be before August 19?" and ask the ownership if a McNabb deal could get done.

If Donovan could take Brian Westbrook and a receiving group that included guys like Jason Avant and Reggie Brown to playoff wins, where could he take Adrian Peterson, Percy Harvin, Bernard Berrian, and Visanthe Shiancoe?

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the Raiders problems stem at the fact they still won't realize Jamarcus is a failure and the worst qb in the league even among backups. Gradkowski was doing fine as the starter, so the team can't be beyond hope. though they did seemingly waste 2 more picks on Heyward Bey and McFadden.

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He had a bad postseason and then that carried into this past season but he's hardly the worst. JaMarcus has yet to show any potential except for when it doesn't matter.

And I could see the Raiders making the playoffs if McFadden acts like the 4th overall pick he was, regardless of who's playing QB because I think the Broncos will miss Marshall more than they think (if he gets traded) and I'm not sure about the Chargers. They did well without a running game last year but that's pretty much because the rest of the division was pretty bad, the hot start by Denver notwithstanding. And I love Sproles but they need somebody to balance it out a bit.

I find it a bit odd though that the 2 worst divisions in the NFL are both in the West.

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