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The 2010 NFL Thread


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I take it none of you saw JaMarcus's 2008 season when he was actually half-way decent.

Also, of course they'll give him every chance, he was a first overall and is making a shit ton of money. Any team would do the same.

Also, you can shit talk the Haywood-Bey pick all you want, it was a terrible reach (although Louis Murphy picks up a ton of the slack), but trying to say that Russell or McFadden were bad picks at the time makes you look like you don't know what you're talking about.

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McFadden no, Russell yes. McFadden was coming off a year where he tore the country a structurally-superfluous second asshole and, even though it was patently obvious it was Al Davis' attempt to catch the Adrian Peterson lightning in a bottle again, there wasn't much arguing against it. Russell, on the other hand, was a mistake when Joe Thomas was sitting there and would have made an infinitely better selection, and this is of course the same argument used against Detroit picking Stafford over Jason Smith. You build from the lines out, and Oakland buggered that up.

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At least Oakland had the argument of having been bitten in the ass by the Robert Gallery pick. I agree with the 'build from the lines out' philosophy (obviously, we just had that discussion), but there were mitigating circumstances.

How so? If your argument is "we drafted a tackle this high before and look how that turned out", then that's outrageously blinkered.

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At least Oakland had the argument of having been bitten in the ass by the Robert Gallery pick. I agree with the 'build from the lines out' philosophy (obviously, we just had that discussion), but there were mitigating circumstances.

How so? If your argument is "we drafted a tackle this high before and look how that turned out", then that's outrageously blinkered.

I'm not saying I agree, but, from what I've heard, it was a combination of Russell's crazy arm and 'once bitten, twice shy'.

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It's easy to look back at the draft and say that so and so should've been drafted before so and so and even looking back at that draft, Thomas would probably still go in the same spot (I imagine, if a "re-draft" were to happen that Peterson would go #1 with Darrelle Revis and Patrick Willis going #2 or #3). At the time, though, QB was Oakland's biggest need and Russell was clearly the best QB in the draft and was seen as having mass amounts of potential despite how raw he was.

EDIT: Keep in mind, I'm also a huge Wisconsin fan and adore Joe Thomas.

The Russell and McFadden picks were pretty much the right moves at the time, despite what the turnout was. Heyward-Bey, though, was a bad pick and Crabtree proved that with 3/4's of a season compared to Heyward-Bey's full season but there's still time for Heyward-Bey to prove that even that was a wash.

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I think with a full season of Gradkowski, or JaMarcus showing the form he did at the end of the season not last season, but the one before, Oakland could suprise some people.

Word is that JaMarcus showed up for mini-camps (or whatever) in better shape, so maybe someone got in his ear. Its a longshot, but with a work ethic, dude might be decent. He has all the athletic talent in the world.

I dunno what "better" shape it..according to Adam Shefter he showed up around the 290-300lbs mark..

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Russell was the consensus top pick at QB and was very good at LSU. Obviously it hasn't translated to the NFL but it was hardly a terrible selection at the time. McFadden was an equally fantastic runningback in college but has also been bogged down by injuries/being on an awful team.

No Heyward-Bey was just stupid. I mean I won't say he;ll never be good after his rookie year, but I didn't see anyone rating him ahead of Crabtree or even Harvin/Maclin. Still at least Oakland has picked a couple good defensive players who have given the team a good D.

Just my two cents, I don't remember any experts saying Russell or McFadden would be 'busts' and in McFadden's case I don't even know if you can say it now.

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I never claimed the Heyward-Bey pick was good, but I won't call a WR a bust after his first year.

Again, word out of Oakland is that Russell might (stress, might) be developing a work ethic. If he does, great, if not, he'll be gone eventually.

Powerhart can shut up, though. He's proven time and time again he knows fuck all about football, and just trolls in here.

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I never claimed the Heyward-Bey pick was good, but I won't call a WR a bust after his first year.

Again, word out of Oakland is that Russell might (stress, might) be developing a work ethic. If he does, great, if not, he'll be gone eventually.

Powerhart can shut up, though. He's proven time and time again he knows fuck all about football, and just trolls in here.

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Maybe like, two, of you will get this reference, but, as a Raiders' fan, I have to ask.

Where is the great former Pittsburgh Steelers' head coach Chuck Noll to lead a crusade against this criminal element in the National Football League?

For those who don't get the reference, in the 70s, during the height of the Raider/Steeler rivalry, Chuck Noll, then head coach of the Steelers, sued Oakland, basically because they were too rough on the field. He claimed that they were a criminal element in the NFL, not for anything they did off the field, but for on the field play.

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Browns and Eagles agree to a trade where the Browns get Sheldon Brown and Chris Gocong for Alex Hall, a 4th, and a 5th

Love the deal for the Browns, Alex Hall is a nobody, reworked Brown's deal to get him more money in year 1 where there's no cap...Filled 2 defensive needs and still have 10 picks to work with. 2 thumbs up Holmgren/Heckert

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Gotta love Shaun Rogers not getting the memo that guns on planes = bad idea. It's only been 8 1/2 years since 9/11, you'd figure word would have gotten out by now.


Plaxico Burress's sweatpants and Gilbert Arenas's locker-room arsenal think Rogers is a dumbass.

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