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In Bart Scotts defense, Sal Pal has a weekly program here in Philly, and he said the Patriots would destroy the Jets..

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If the Jets win I'll eat my hat, and buy you a steak.

If the Jets win I'll eat my hat, and buy you a steak.

You're on. I'll let you off easier. You can buy something off my Amazon wishlist instead. (Y)

Btw, move over Manning/Brady, Rodgers/Ryan is the new yearly playoff match up we'll look forward to.

As long as it's not more expensive than a steak, it's a deal.

Feel free to send a Amazon Gift card to sahyder1@gmail.com (Y)

PM me your address and I'll mail you a giftcard. My computer has just been eaten by a nasty computer virus, and I'm not going to be using my credit card on this thing until I figure out how to get rid of it.

Not sending my address. I wasn't expecting you to actually come through on this deal but whenever you sort out your computer issues feel free to send a gift card or something from one of my Amazon wishlists since that doesn't require me to give you my street address.


That Bart Scott clip was great. I'm hearing from people that there is an even better one with him in front of his locker.

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I have a friend who equated rooting for a winner in the Steelers vs. Jets to choosing between pnemounia and mono. Quite accurate.

Far from that. How about we just root for the team that doesn't have a rapist at QB?

I've considered taking that approach. And than someone from the Jets opens their mouth and I am back to having a hard time deciding again.

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Good game. The pass defense for the Jets was tight and Brady looked real shaky. I know they are really obnoxious and all, but after all the hype for the Pats it's nice to see them lose. People were pretty much crowning them champions and they fell at the first hurdle.

Also nice to see 3 defense driven teams in the final 4. QB's/Offense get way too much hype every year and it's nice to see them look silly when they face top D's. I like whoever wins the AFC in the Super Bowl though, Rodgers will have a tough time putting up numbers like he has against either of those defense (Or even next week against the Bears).

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I have a friend who equated rooting for a winner in the Steelers vs. Jets to choosing between pnemounia and mono. Quite accurate.

Far from that. How about we just root for the team that doesn't have a rapist at QB?

How can you root for both teams?

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I'll just root for the one that hasn't been accused of rape twice. I know you'll think that's impossible being that star QBs are ALWAYS getting accused by random skanks who want their money. That stuff happens to all 32 Starting QBs and half the back ups, right?

Refer to my post a month ago about how disgusting your particular defense of Roethlisberger is. I don't see naiwf in here blindly defending LT, probably because he's not willing to compromise his morals for a scumbag in the name of hero worship.

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I had forgotten about the Sanchez incident but after reading up on it I don't think the cases are similar at all. And this is coming from someone who is pretty tough on moral issues with all athletes. Was Sanchez stupid for being drunk around people he didn't trust? Absolutely. But I just did a quick google search and it said no charges were filed because a) there was no physical evidence of rape b) someone who was there at the house with them said that the girl didn't mention being assaulted c) The girl said in a sworn statement that she had willingly gone into bed with Sanchez and willingly stayed in bed AFTER the incident. Sure, b or c by themselves don't necessarily imply innocence on Sanchez's part but all 3 together do help him. And they did help him in the court of public opinion too.Hardly the same as eye witnesses claiming that police officers basically blocked access to a public bathroom while Roethlesberger (who had a history of bad judgement calls) was in there with this woman.

If there is more damning reporting feel free to send it my way. I will have no problem changing my opinion of Sanchez because I don't have a man crush on him like you do with Roethlesberger.

Edit: I may have forgotten particular details about Roethlesberger case but go back to the offseason and the posts we made then. All of us dissected every publically known fact in the story. Not having that discussion again.

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To add more fuel to this Jets/Pats fire I have a question for you guys. What do you think of Bill Belichick's chances when it comes to getting into the Hall of Fame?

I'll be honest as a coach he's absolutely brilliant. He is probably the best coach of this generation. But Spygate seems to be such a glaring problem. As far as cheating goes does it get any worse than what Belichik did? In my books its' far worse than baseball players using Steroids, and as of now it seems they won't be getting into the Hall. Oddly enough though people just don't seem to remember or talk about it anymore, and announcers speak of him as a sure-fire Hall of Famer as if it didn't matter. I don't think that's necessarily fair though.

Edited by Panni89
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To add more fuel to this Jets/Pats fire I have a question for you guys. What do you think of Bill Belichick's chances when it comes to getting into the Hall of Fame?

I'll be honest as a coach he's absolutely brilliant. He is probably the best coach of this generation. But Spygate seems to be such a glaring problem. As far as cheating goes does it get any worse than what Belichik did? In my books its' far worse than baseball players using Steroids, and as of now it seems they won't be getting into the Hall. Oddly enough though people just don't seem to remember or talk about it anymore, and announcers speak of him as a sure-fire Hall of Famer as if it didn't matter. I don't think that's necessarily fair though.

He's a first ballot HOFer as a coach. 5 total SB rings and a 6th SB appearance to date will do that for you.

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I believe it happened when he was 19, at USC. I'd be surprised if Chase was referring to that at all, being that he usually just lumps Ben in as a QB who hasn't committed rape.

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Why does the Roethlisberger thing keep coming up? It seems like it's every week in here. Everyone who's not a complete Steelers homer knows he's a complete sleaze, scumbag and sexual deviant and those who are complete Steelers homers blindly defend him despite the overwhelming evidence.

It's a never ending circle, can't it just be put to bed? I'm officially rooting for the one-time rapist on Sunday then, opposed to the serial rapist under center at Pittsburgh.

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I'm finding myself rooting for the Jets now .. and that really blows being a Bills fan.

I can't help notice though, how well and how smartly this team was put together.

They drafted the "Franchise" QB that they knew would need some time to develop. So, they went and got him TWO WRs (not too mention Keller the year before), brought in Tomlinson to help out both Sanchez AND Greene, and locked up Ferguson to procect the QB. The found a gem in Revis and then went and got Cormartie to lock down the other side.

Say what you want about their attitude and Ryan's disposition, but this team is doing things right from top to bottom. While there are only a couple of individual players on the team that I actually like, I'm really liking how this team is building.

God that hurt to say.

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