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To sing the anthem, or not to sing the anthem?


Sing the anthem?  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you sing the national anthem if representing your country?

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God Save the Queen never really sat well with me. I mean it's incredibly boring, but I could live with that, it's just the idea of asking God to save royalty would be a bit much for me. It's probably the atavism coming out in me, but Monarchies nowadays shouldn't even exist with the level-headed educated people, nevermind enshrined in song. I do find it funny when I'm in a pub and it's played on the TV for rugby or football and the bar owner mutes it. So childish :lmao:

That's why I love La Marseillaise, it's like the anit-God Save the Queen.

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I can't be arsed to read this thread...has it broken into "We should use Land Of Hope & Glory instead" yet? If so, I suggest "Rule Britannia" instead. A proper song when you're ready to win a fight.

Edited by YI
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Also none of your anthems can be turned into a rap chorus.

A rap where the video features Mr. Leahy from Trailer Park Boys, nonetheless.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjiwBwBL4Qo?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjiwBwBL4Qo?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjiwBwBL4Qo?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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I know more of the lyrics to O Canada than I do God save the Queen though copious amounts of drinking games with Candians.

I've also wondered, if the Queen died during a sporting tournament, what anthem would we use? God save the King would be incorrect as Charles wouldn't be crowned so quick and God can't really save the Queen if she's already dead. <_<

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Yes, because it looks a tad daft on TV when people don't sing along or are mumbling. Even if I don't technically agree with the senitments I'd still sing it.

And then I'd silently respect any other anthems that come on too, because not doing so is childish and classless.

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I would sing it, because I don't see why you shouldn't, it seems odd otherwise. However, GSTQ is the worst national anthem going. Strangely enough, since metalman doesn't like it, I always quite liked the Scottish anthem personlly, although it has nothing on the French or Italian. Jaunty tunes, brilliant stuff.

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Yes. No matter how shit the anthem is, patriotism is all good I say. Men died for our freedom in the wars, etc.

Australia's anthem is awesome. The German and Italian anthems are pretty well embedded into my brain thanks to bloody Schumacher winning everything for years.

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I would sing it, because I don't see why you shouldn't, it seems odd otherwise. However, GSTQ is the worst national anthem going. Strangely enough, since metalman doesn't like it, I always quite liked the Scottish anthem personlly, although it has nothing on the French or Italian. Jaunty tunes, brilliant stuff.

Oh I suppose Flower of Scotland is a nice enough tune but I think a national anthem should be far more rousing than that. That, GSTQ and SSB would be more fitting at a funeral I think. Or on Muse's next album.

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I voted yes, but then realised it would probably mean the English anthem in my case, in which case: Fuck no. What anthem do they play for British athletes at the Olympics? Still GSTQ? If I was representing Great Britain, then yes. But England? No. Wales? Definitely.

Also, Wales > France > Italy > Canada > The Rest.

If Ireland's Call was the Irish national anthem that'd be up there too, I'm not a fan of the actual anthem. But still, nobody does anthems like us Celts. Not quite sure what happened with Flower of Scotland, but Hen Wlad fy Nhadau owns enough ass to make up for it.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Ireland's Call fucking sucks, it's just a bad pub song. It's there to satisfy the stupid Northerners if we play as a united nation, which I disagree with to begin with because we're not a united nation and never will be. Piss off to form your own team or join up with the Brits and sing GSTQ. It annoys me off when we play away rugby games and that's the only anthem that's played. If I were ever in a situation where that played, I wouldn't sing it

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Yeah but let's face it, someone decided that Ireland should play rugby as an island unlike every other sport or politics that they partake in. Southern and Northern Ireland are totally different countries and so a large chunk of Northern Irish would baulk and probably riot if "their" rugby team sang the Irish national anthem as it's NOT THEIR ANTHEM.

So the problem lies more with playing as a united rugby team than anything else....and as they do then an anthem that ISN'T the Irish or Northern Irish (a.k.a British) anthem would need to be used. It's not about satisfying anyone cos there's no way you'd be happy if an Irish rugby team stood to God Save The Queen.

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Oh I understand why it's there, I just don't agree with us partakiong with Northern Ireland in sports. They're a different country run by different people, so I just don't see why there is a need to unite them. Especially when we don't benfeit at all from it. Al our best Rugby players are from the Republic and they play home games here. I do think that anybody from the North should have the choice of which nation to play for though, like Darron Gibson and Shane Duffy have done.

If any Ireland team ever stood to God Save the Queen, they're probably would be riots though.

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