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NCA reunited on Timesplitters 4! TS3 was one of the best most fun shooters I've played, and actually carried off humour really well. I'd love a new one.

Anyone who thinks Uncharted isn't going to get a threequel is off their head. It's guaranteed.

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Fire Pro Wrestling on the PS3 and not sold only in Japan.

And Mirror's Edge 2, but longer and possibly a little less infuriating and a bit more flowy at points.

Oh and Music 4000 I guess it'd be called. I loved Music, Music 2000 and 3000 on the PS1 and PS2, but felt a little cheapened that they promised the ability to rip samples from CD's on 3000, but then said you need a fucking adapter for it. YOu didn't need an adapter for Music 2000 on the PS1. You didn't need an adapter on MTV Music Generator 3. :(

Edited by TheModernWay
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Fire Pro Wrestling on the PS3 and not sold only in Japan.


Games I'd love to see a new sequel for: Guilty Gear (not like I-suck-a, more like the first three games. Sure we got BlazBlue now, but BlazBlue has a severe lack of Baiken, I-No, Bridget, Slayer, and Faust. Sol and Ky can go fuck right off though), Eternal Darkness (This game was SO FUCKING AWESOME but got buried under shit like Metroid Prime), Ogre Battle, Smash TV and more recently Persona (I know it's going to happen eventually, but if it released tommorrow it'd be too long a wait), Brutal Legend (less RTS levels plz, and like 300 more songs), Wet (more Endless Enemies killfests plz) and Painkiller.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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Shenmue 3. Close the thread. :pervert:

No doubt. We'll never find out where those sailors are otherwise. <_<

How cool would another Road Rash game be? Given gaming's hard-on for old franchises, I'm actually surprised nobody's made a shot at this one. Buy some motorcycle properties, give players every weapon imaginable, and just turn them loose. You could make that game in fifteen minutes.

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lol, *obvious Duke Nukem joke*.

How cool would another Road Rash game be? Given gaming's hard-on for old franchises, I'm actually surprised nobody's made a shot at this one. Buy some motorcycle properties, give players every weapon imaginable, and just turn them loose. You could make that game in fifteen minutes.

If it has Rusty Cage like the originals too, I'm all for it. :pervert:

Wouldn't mind it anyway. Had it on Amiga and loved it, the PS1 version was horrible though, the graphics hurt my eyes. RR3D was alright though (at least on the eyes).

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Beyond Good & Evil...I know their "working" on one, but we all know how games with 10 years development have gone.. <_<

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