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Games You Just Don't "Get"


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You know, those games that everyone else says are amazing but you just can't get into. For me there's a key two, mostly FPS', Halo and CoD being the big two. They're fun but I don't find any longevity in them whatsoever, the multiplayer gets bland or the maps cost a shitload and it just gets tiresome.

The other is the Zelda series. Don't get me wrong, they're fun, but I always find that the fun wears off pretty fast and you're just left with a pretty generic game.

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Modern Warfare (1/2) is a bit of an anomaly in that they're the only FPS that I can get into. I think that's because I find the space marines/WW2/etc. themes that dominate the genre utterly tedious.

Echo the Halo hate, and CoD online, you might as well just give up on unless you've devoted full time job hours worth of time into it.

I would extend this to virtually all forms of online gaming.

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I'll list some of the games I like. It'll make it easier than people having to remember them. :shifty:


Heavenly Sword

Mirror's Edge


Pro Cycling Manager

Cricket Captain

Empire: Total War




Those are some of the more niche/not excellent games that I could think of quickly that I own.

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Point-and-click strategy type games. I can sort of see the appeal of Command & Conquer as it's more modern weapons, but as whole I see the genre really boring because you don't actually do anything. You click an army and tell them to go here and fight, but you don't actually do the fighting. I just don't have the patience for them, and the same goes for games like WOW and The Sims and turn-based games. And this does include Final Fantasy.

I too dislike Halo, mainly because when I've played it (albeit against people who have Xbox's and thus are better than me at it) it just ends up being a bit too cartoony with all the bright coloured guns that don't feel as if they pack a punch, or as someone put it, "Fischer-Price" guns.

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echo the Halo stuff. I never really liked it from the very first one. I always kept hearing "best FPS of all time" about Halo...I played it and thought "Ok...maybe mediocre FPS at best.." CoD and Half Life are the only "recent" FPS games I've been able to really play and get into..well and DNF when it comes out :shifty:

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Guest jaywhyte

i got into Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Thats the only FPS i've enjoyed. I'm also not a fan of the Wii & the moving the controller crap games along with guitar hero games. Call me old fashioned but I'd rather hold a controller with buttons and smash them to death.

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Chalk up another one for FPS games.

A specific game I just haven't been able to get into recently is Odin Sphere. It got good reviews everywhere and I love me some RPG gaming but after playing it for a couple of hours I switched it off and haven't felt any desire to play it again. I think it's because of the stages and levels which make it feel more like a platform game.

Which reminds me: platform games.

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Call of Duty 2, all the way. Especially the "shocking" level in the Russian Airport, that's actually as tame as a plastic spoon.

And any of the Halo games after the first one.

Most driving games, though I did enjoy Project Gotham Racing 2.

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For me the list would look like...

- Every FPS except Goldeneye-007 and the Timesplitters series.

- FIFA, PES, and all of that football genre. Meh, I'd rather play FM thanks.

- Almost every car/bike/whatever racing game ever made. Perhaps this is just because I don't drive, but I never get into them, although I did like the Wipeout series back in the day, that was fun.

- Final Fantasy XIII, from a self-confessed fanboy of the series no less, I thought it was the most facile and overblown load of shit I'd played in years, and it truly makes me doubt Square-Enix's ability to do anything good again, especially when you factor in the abomination that was Star Ocean: The Last Hope.

- Street Fighter. I'd rather play Tekken I suppose.

- Super Smash Bros. This is probably because I've always been a Sony loyalist and only owned one Nintendo console ever, but surely I can't have been the only person who's reaction to the hype around Brawl was just a jaw-breaking fucking yawn? It's amongst the worst games I've ever played.

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