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Games You Just Don't "Get"


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Assassins Creed.

Thought it was a good game. Got into it a lot and still play it but it was not the second coming of Jesus like a lot of my friends thought.

That being said i have not played the sequel yet but hoping its improved a bit on gameplay.

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Assassins Creed.

Thought it was a good game. Got into it a lot and still play it but it was not the second coming of Jesus like a lot of my friends thought.

That being said i have not played the sequel yet but hoping its improved a bit on gameplay.

It did. I hated AC but thought AC2 was great

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Guest JukeboxHero

I'm laughing at all of you who completely miss the point of the Rock Band/Guitar Hero games.

I could never get into the Legend of Zelda games, personally. Not sure why, but I just never saw what everyone else sees in them.

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I can play real guitar better than I could a year ago because I played Guitar Hero and Rock Band a lot.

Wrap your heads around that one.

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All online gaming.

Pretty much all games that aren't sports games. With the exception of Timesplitters, GTA and Red Dead Redemption.

I'm quite a casual gamer so I prefer games you can just pick up and play for twenty minutes or so which makes sports games ideal.

The only games I've otherwise invested much time into were Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and GTA 4. But oh my goodhess they were worth it.

I especially loathe online FPS games. I have no idea how people can spend so much time playing them. I mean, all you can do is walk and shoot and you spend most of the game hiding. How is that fun?

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I can play real guitar better than I could a year ago because I played Guitar Hero and Rock Band a lot.

Wrap your heads around that one.

The controller makes your fingers stronger, yeah, but so does practicing. And I was referring to people that have no interest in learning a real instrument, but think getting 100% on Guitar Hero is such a meaningful accomplishment.

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I'm gonna throw this out there: GTA4.

I just thought it wasn't that good. Well, it was good, just not... fun. I LOVE Vice City and it probably my favourite game of all time, and San Andreas came close, but missed because it WASN'T the eighties. But GTA4 was just too 'gritty' and had no fun in it. I couldn't really relate to it either. Didn't help that I had to start over again because it wasn't showing any more missions about 3/4 way through.

Online fucking sucked too. The whole idea of it was to camp and I hate camping. And I hated the fact that I could be shooting some guy from the side in the head for a good 10 seconds and he doesn't go down, only for him to turn around POP POP POP with his shitty handgun and I'm dead? I've rage quitted several times.

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GTA4 I got onto the second island and thought "meh, I've been through this kind of thing on GTA so many times now, I can't be bothered anymore"....

Not played it since even though I love Nico. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyy!

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I liked the story to GTA4, loved the athmosphere. Hated how the game seemed to assume you were driving on ice like all the fucking time.

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Assassins Creed.

Thought it was a good game. Got into it a lot and still play it but it was not the second coming of Jesus like a lot of my friends thought.

That being said i have not played the sequel yet but hoping its improved a bit on gameplay.

It did. I hated AC but thought AC2 was great

AC2 is so much better than AC that it's not even funny. AC made playing the game a trial in itself, whereas AC2 has fixed the gameplay and is top notch. My only remaining gripe was the continuing need to include a bullshit conspiracy story (with accompanying bullshit puzzles to decode), when all you really want to do is run around being an assassin. Do I care what is happening in the 'present'? Not in the slightest.

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The only games I just cant get into are sports games and multiplayer games that are competitive.

I mean, I want to play with other people, then I want to have fun, not yell at them. In that sense, WoW raiding, multiplayer online shooters, all that crap. I just cant do it. I dont want to have to memorize a map so I can snipe a person through a wall. thats not fun, its boring.

As for sports games, I hate most sports. Why would I play a game that does shit I hate to do. Might as well have a game about having blue balls or doing homework or cleaning my house.

I think the real reason I hate multiplayer online? Is that everyone thinks they have to have it. Bioshock? You didnt need it. GTA4? you didnt need it. A host of others. theres games MADE for online, play them instead. All those others do is give me no chance in hell of getting platinum cuz Im never onlining that shit.

Also, halo can shove itself.

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All online gaming.

Pretty much all games that aren't sports games. With the exception of Timesplitters, GTA and Red Dead Redemption.

I'm quite a casual gamer so I prefer games you can just pick up and play for twenty minutes or so which makes sports games ideal.

The only games I've otherwise invested much time into were Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and GTA 4. But oh my goodhess they were worth it.

I especially loathe online FPS games. I have no idea how people can spend so much time playing them. I mean, all you can do is walk and shoot and you spend most of the game hiding. How is that fun?

It doesn't happen all that often, but I totally agree with you.

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FPS games I can get into at first but get incredibly bored with after a couple of weeks. I haven't looked at MW2 in like 6 months now.

I really do not get RPG games or any games that involve making your character walk around and fighting monsters to level up. It is just too repetitive and boring. The only exceptions really are the early Pokemon games.

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Guitar Hero games fall into the same category for me, with the exception of being able to play with the NCA laaaads, but I still have to sigh at Gazz's comment. Why bother playing FIFA when you could learn how to kick a ball in real life? etc. It's totally missing the point.

It isn't, I could go and kick a ball in real life, but I'm never going to be professional quality, which is what you simulate in games. The amount of time people invest in GH, they could easily get to a standard where they could form a band and perform live.

All MMORPG's, what's the point?

The point of any video game: Have fun and make the developer rich :shifty:

But MMORPG's never seem to end, where's the sense of accomplishment? Oh great, I'm level 60, now what? Go kill some more dragons? Yawn!

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The point of GH isn't simulating having a band and performing live though. It's simulating being Jimi Hendrix, or Slash, or Steve Vai, or whoever. No amount of practice is going to get you Yngwie Malmsteen like skills on a real guitar, but it might let you play like him in GH.

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The amount of time people invest in GH, they could easily get to a standard where they could form a band and perform live.

I've invested a lot of time in Rock Band and Guitar Hero, but at my peak, I was playing for a couple hours a day during my downtime. In that time, I certainly could not have learned how to play guitar, got good enough to play in a band, find a band, practice all our songs in order to be good enough to perform, then find the contacts to go perform live, and then end my weekend nights for the foreseeable future to go play those gigs.

I play RB because it's a fun video game, the same reason I play Mass Effect, not because I want to be a rock star.

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