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Games You Just Don't "Get"


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First Person Shooters. Mostly because I'm fucking terrible at them, though. Even Fallout 3 I didn't really get into, and I love that series. It's kinda fun watching somebody else play it, but for the most part I just can't get into any game of that genre.

MMORPGs, definitely. It's just Dungeons & Dragons, but even more antisocial as the people you're playing with are thousands of miles away, and probably dicks. And it's not like the gameplay makes up for it - most of them aren't fun to play, it's just an awful lot of drudging through menial tasks, fighting minor enemies, and trekking for miles with little to no reward more often than not. The worst part of it is that, increasingly, the MMORPG format is invading JRPGs and other more traditionally story-led formats - contributing largely to the downward spiral into mediocrity that is the Final Fantasy series from X onwards.

Never got into Zelda, either. Barely played it, to be honest, but when I did I just didn't find it especially compelling.

Mostly, though, I just don't enjoy "realistic" games any more. It's the same with most art forms. I don't want a replica of real life, because I have a real life. I'd rather see the product of somebody's imagination. I don't want to play a game full of dank grey warehouses, because I don't want to be reminded how miserable life is. I want an escape. I want bright colours, flashing lights, crazy music, I want fun. I'd take Katamari Damacy over Call Of Duty any day.

Edited by Skummy
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GTAIV was so boring. I didn't have fun at any point in the game. Fallout 3's story is nothing to write home about and the setting and world really isn't that great in my opinion and I've never seen the appeal of Halo. I downloaded the first one and played most of the campaign, but that's as far as I could be assed to, I haven't ever enjoyed playing it online. And 2D fighting games like Marvel Vs. Capcom. They're just not that great.

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MMORPGs, definitely. It's just Dungeons & Dragons, but even more antisocial as the people you're playing with are thousands of miles away, and probably dicks. And it's not like the gameplay makes up for it -

How was DND antisocial? More so than sitting alone playing video games in general I mean? EXPLAIN!

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While I'd admit that the last few Halo games have been getting a bit stale in terms of single player, I'd argue that the original Halo pretty much set the standard for modern FPS, the way Goldeneye set the standard for everything before that. Being able to carry two weapons, regenerative shields, and free-form vehicle combat were all pretty innovative at that time. Plus the latest games have pretty much the best console online matchmaking support there is out there.

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JRPGs. I just don't have the time to play a game for 100+ hours to see it to the end...or 200 hours to see it to the end with my character maxed out.

Me, I'd much rather get 100 hours of gameplay out of my 60 bucks than, say, 12 (which is how long I took to beat Brutal Legend, and that's WITH just cruising around to badass metal tracks). And then there's Metal Gear Solid 4, which is a good 20 hours or so, but twelve fucking hours of that is cutscenes.

Hell, if anything, I'd say Persona 4 (which took about 70 hours for me), was too short.

You're heading towards getting a dry slapping fella. The time I spent playing far outweighed the time spent watching cutscenes - of which many were top notch.

Oh don't get me wrong, the cutscenes were great. (Well, except the really fucking lame cop-out ending and how part of the story was Hideo Kojima trying to shove Raiden down my throat. I don't care if he can do swordplay with his feet, he's still a whiny emo twat). But like with MGS3 and the end parts of MGS2 it just seems like Kojima would rather just make a movie than a video game.

I love MGS games, I just wish there was a better gameplay to cutscene ratio. And fuck Raiden.

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World Of Warcraft. It's like some awful RPG/Strategy based hybrid. I hate the grinding parts of RPG games to start with, and to me it seems the ENTIRE GAME IS GRINDING>

Otherwise I can at least understand the appeal in games I don't like personally. But WOW I just don't 'get'.

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