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Each person should have their own Enderchest inventory or is that in the next update?

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It's back online now.

Also, guys, if you use an Ender Chest... can you just leave all buckets in there alone? I'm generating power from the nether with one and was hoping to have a full supply by now... but someone decided to take my the buckets out, meaning instead of a bunch of power, I've now got none. :/

You can still use Ender Chests, because it's designed so the only thing that comes out of them is Empty Buckets and Buckets of Lava and they come and go so quickly it should be hard to even notice. Just leave the buckets alone please. :)

Also ADG, you realize anyone exiting the Nether will exit into your house? :P

I didn't put a portal there!

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Ellis, I see you found my awesome machine. I modified your sign slightly, it's more accurate now. I managed to balance the outputs to make it a bit more self-sustaining as well. It'll eventually run out of blaze rods but I can always condense more when that happens (still fine-tuning it). Or, I could do the boring thing and hook it up to a solar array and have it run indefinitely. Either way, the end result is tons of diamonds for me :D

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Yeah your house is a goddamn lag bomb, I had to turn down a couple of my settings and go back to the original texture pack to even get away from there.

Maybe try that? Also how have blaze rods fallen out of your machine? Did you not balance it properly?

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Is the normal server updated yet? Haven't been able to jump on today to see.

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TKz you idiot. Your diamond generator broke the server again when it overflowed! :angry:

Either you figure out a way to deal with overflow, or ADG and I are going to confiscate your machine.

Surely not? It's only been on like 9 hours, I have no idea how it could overflow in that time. I'll sort it in about an hour.

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Also I turned the whole thing off, all your redstone torches should be in one of the chests along with the blaze rods.

If you want to deal with overflow I would suggest perhaps looking into an obsidian pipe setup. Just hook an engine up to it and it'll suck up any loose items, then you can direct them straight into the condenser.

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Well for perspective I used almost all of my diamonds to make a set of red matter armour, which I'll be upgrading to the Gem Armour when I have enough EMC. Also red matter tools.

But you do have tons of EMC stored in those diamonds and diamond blocks, tbf.

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The FC3 MC mod. A texture pack and save file/map

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man, I am rich beyond measure now. Got more diamonds than I will ever use, nearly five stacks of Red Matter from my new power flower, I've hooked a quarry up to my solar power supply and have it running indefinitely, along with a refinery to get enough fuel to power everything through the night.

A god am I!

Also for ADG and TKz (and Ellis if he still plays on the server >_>) I have plans for a special early Christmas present for you guys :shifty:

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