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I ran in to Psy-Creepers and Earth Creepers in a cave; the Psy ones could only move me across the cave which wasn't an issue, the earth one wasn't that bad but I dunno if you can get suffocated by the earth at some point?

The Fire Creepers, on the other hand, decided to en masse run in to the Millenaire village and burn the place to the ground.

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Psy-Creepers are bad in the open, they'll throw you across the map. I've never been hurt by an earth one, they just make the landscape ugly.

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In my current game. The unfinished looking thing is a project I'm working on thats one main building with 4 offshoot buildings that will all be connected by a hall. But thats not the point of this picture. While I was walking in the rain I found three trees in a triangle shape and thought it'd make a cool little look out thing so I connected them, put up a light and a oven(for glass on the sides) and just turned to watch the village at night while it rained.

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Coming soon:

Most of the basics of the game engine is in place, so it’s time to flesh this game out into something more gamey. More content, more exploration, more things to do, and interesting combat! Once this update is out, there will only some tweaks, optimizations and code cleanups left to the core game before we can call it a full release.

We’ve got a list of some 40+ things we want to add to the game, some small, some big. Some huge. We’ve finished a fair number of the items, but there’s still a significant amount of work left. While I can’t reveal the date yet for various reasons, we do have a release date for the Adventure Update in mind, and we’re hoping we’ll be able to hit it.

Jens and I are keeping the exact contents of the update secret, but we do leak some information every now and then to keep people interested and to stop us from going insane. For the most immediate spoilers, you can follow us on Twitter (@notch and @jeb_), or on Google+ (+Markus Persson and +Jens Bergensten).

Here are a few of the things we’ve revealed so far:

NPC villages

Randomly generated dungeons

New biome code

Fully working Creative Mode (and individual admins can enter Creative Mode on a Survival Mode server if they choose)

Critical hits


More farming options

As soon as I can reveal the release date we’re aiming for, I will!

Oh, and the modding support is happening, honest.

Minecraft Beta 1.7.3

Bug fixes, bug fixes and bug fixes.

- Corrected a block duplication bug when using pistons

- Corrected a redstone torch duplication bug when using pistons

- Corrected a client crash when placing a sign in front of the piston, powering the piston and then removing the block beneath the sign

- Ice blocks are now pushed without causing water streams breaking everything

- Booster rails are no longer being powered magically without a power source

- Pistons connected to the end of a piston-transistor via redstone are now properly closed when the power goes out

- Doors no longer create purple particles

- Hacking clients can no longer edit texts of placed signs in multiplayer

- Changed so that paintings pushed by pistons will pop off

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Also, 2 hours of Yogbox fun

Edited by Kirkland
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Theres the server I'm playing on, its quite fun and the admin is cool. Just say you're a yogscast fan and Murder told you about the server.

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Its Murder101 but people shorten it to Murder. Murder101 is the name I use everywhere aside from here. For some reason I decided to use my name here.

Edited by Kirkland
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Every time I think this game can't surprise me any more there's something new. This time I went digging, dug one bit of sand away and found a chest with a map and two blocks of TNT in it. :D

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Guest Canary4life

Forgot my password and the only guy who knows it is my brother, who created the account for me. He used his e-mail too, so I have to wait until he gets back from his residential trip to play again.

Also, my girlfriend is officially freaking awesome. She was awesome anyway, but I found out today that she plays Minecraft too! biggrin.gif She's also a huge fan of COD, L4D and skateboarding.

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Forgot my password and the only guy who knows it is my brother, who created the account for me. He used his e-mail too, so I have to wait until he gets back from his residential trip to play again.

Also, my girlfriend is officially freaking awesome. She was awesome anyway, but I found out today that she plays Minecraft too! biggrin.gif She's also a huge fan of COD, L4D and skateboarding.

You understand that your right hand isn't actually a female right?

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Forgot my password and the only guy who knows it is my brother, who created the account for me. He used his e-mail too, so I have to wait until he gets back from his residential trip to play again.

Also, my girlfriend is officially freaking awesome. She was awesome anyway, but I found out today that she plays Minecraft too! biggrin.gif She's also a huge fan of COD, L4D and skateboarding.

You understand that your right hand isn't actually a female right?


It's still real to him, damnit!

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