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The elemental creepers are a bit weird. Saying that, the fact you can modify which bits of the Yogbox you want on is a very handy little piece now, so I've been playing with some of the more useful mods but that's about it. Millenaire, sky pirates etc. were just too much I thought.

Saying that, Pokemobs = awesome.

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They don't really...do much, to be fair. If anything it just makes my game lag more and more.

To be honest, the only mod that I'd ever call a "must" right now is the Aether, because it fits so easily in to the game itself. Which is why the fact the Yogbox doesn't support it is even more annoying.

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Considering how much they loved it in their video covering it, I'm sure it'll be in there eventually. It's probably just a case of waiting for permission to add it and figuring out how to get it to work with certain other mods.

I do love the idea of levels for Mining, Fighting and so on. Seems like it'd add a little to the overall experience.

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I didn't plant that...officially the most random thing I've ever encountered underground...

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This is about an hour of Notch running around with a handheld camera at PAX. There's supposedly some meat in there, but I can't be arsed to find it. NPC villages and endermen and cobwebs and eating food and Creative Mode with flying (!!!) are all confirmed for 1.8.

EDIT: The meat doesn't take long to get to! At about 2:30 Notch starts playing in creative mode. Looks really neat. Gonna watch now.

3:15 - Some new biome stuff--hilly biomes. And shortly after, NPC villages! Neat little houses, farmed land, a well, ladders, all kinds of stuff.

4:50 - New bow! The bow can be charged for more power now.

5:25 - Eating animation. Om nom nom nom nom nom nom.

Fuck it, I'm not doing this whole thing. Dashing and rivers and other stuff are also in.

EDIT #2: Okay, I'm still watching it. Start at about 31:50. Endermen! Briefly!

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Do the NPC villages include actual people, or just buildings?

From what I've read the plan is for them to include people, but the code for them isn't quite ready yet. One confirmed NPC in these villages is a blacksmith who has a furnace that runs on lava.

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They also apparently had trouble with the blacksmith burning his house down... Personally, that should be left in the game at a small percentage of happening.

I'm just happy to know you can kill the enderman. Half my inventory will forever be buckets of water.

Does anyone know if the enderman will only spawn at night in the open or will the haunt the caves as well?

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Does anyone know if the enderman will only spawn at night in the open or will the haunt the caves as well?

We'll probably find out soon enough, but enemy mob spawns are almost exclusively tied to light levels rather than terrain, so there's that.

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My son tamed 10 of then and lagged the crap out of his game while riding a dolphin.


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I found ruins!


On either side there is a door that leads to steps. One side goes up,one side goes down.

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