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EWB's 51 Favorite Singers 2010: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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I don't get Hayley Williams love either. I guess people just like bland faux-punk chicks who look like they're 16 years old.

No problems with Heart, though it's true, they're a two-song band.

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Okay, correction; Ian Curtis was #44 last time, and I used the same photo twice. Whoops.

31. Morrissey (16 points, 4 ballots) (Last Time: #19)

30. Billy Corgan (16 points, 5 ballots)

27. Simon Neil (17 points, 2 ballots) (Last Time: N/A)

27. Scott Walker (17 points, 2 ballots) (Last Time: N/A)

27. Iggy Pop (17 points, 2 ballots) (Last Time: N/A)

NEXT TIME: The EWB Music Nazis riot and then are soothed, probably.

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Morrissey is grand. Considered voting for him myself.

Billy Corgan is not so grand. Actually...what the fuck Billy Corgan?

Simon Neil is a bit surprising, given that he can't sing and I wasn't really aware of him having any great popularity here.

Scott Walker is excellent. My highest vote to have made it on the list so far I think.

I love Iggy Pop's singing when he is all "I am a Passenger", less so when he is being a Stooge. Still like him on balance though.

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so, remind me again why basically everyone is defending/arguing against the placements? this isn't about skill, it's about personal preference. maybe i just answered my own question there.

anyways, the only shocker i'm seeing is Hayley Williams being on this list. she has a nice voice and all, but i mean.. what? damn you johnny perfect.

does this mean zooey is on the list? :shifty: i'm not even gonna touch the issue about reznor being on this list, i think we all know my personal bias towards the man and his music. i'm content with his placement. who was the other person that voted for him?


I think the list is fine. Sure, there are some people who I don't like personally, but whatever.

Regarding the whole Lemmy hate - While I agree that he is not an awesome singer from a technical perspective, his voice is just unique and kind of a embodiment of Rock'n'Roll or fast and hard music in general for me. I didn't even vote for him, but I'm happy that he made the list.

I also have nothing against Hailey Williams. Granted, she is not anything special and I can't see why she made the list (neither technically good or unique) but I'm not overly offended by it. The fact that she is kind of cute is influencing people probably :shifty:. Her picture is awesome.

Trent is a great singer in my opinion and I'd have liked him to be higher up the list. When I listen to Nine Inch Nails I get dragged along with the emotion of Trent, which to me is a indicator for a great voice.

Other than that, nothing I disagree with. I don't like the music of Madonna for example, but I can see why she's placed on the list.

Oh, and fuck yeah for Iggy! But he still should be higher, dammit :P

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Yeah, if you're looking only for technical skill in anything Motorhead does, you're completely missing the point of the band. They're all about raw energy and emotion.

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Woo, Iggy, we did it fr34k!

I didn't expect him to make the list, seeing him this high pleases me. Iggy is the fucking man, sort of like my love for Lemmy, it boils down to Iggy being a great rock and roll vocalist. He is high energy, and sounded as dangerous as he acted on stage. Iggy is the prototype for trashy rock singers, though he did prove he could venture away from his snarling approach later in his career. I enjoy his work on a song like Nightclubbing almost as much as his Raw Power work.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Some decent dudes in that list, though the one before was probably better.

Who do we think is still to come? I'm pretty sure we've still got Bowie, Dickinson, and Dio. Maybe James Hetfield. Did Elvis (Presley) get many high votes? I know he was voted for a fair few times, but not many seemed too high.

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23. Corey Taylor (18 points, 2 ballots) (Last Time: N/A)


23. Liam Gallagher (18 points, 2 ballots) (Last Time: N/A)

23. Shirley Manson (18 points, 2 ballots) (Last Time: N/A)


23. Aretha Franklin (18 points, 2 ballots) (Last Time: #9)


22. Neko Case (18 points, 3 ballots) (Last Time: #22!)

21. Patsy Cline (19 points, 2 ballots) (Last Time: N/A)

NEXT TIME: Take a bow, TheModernWay.

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...Corey Taylor?


I'm going to be as respectful as possible, as I think he's the one that recently died, but... seriously?

Granted I'm biased because I absolutely fucking cannot stand listening to Slipknot.

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In that case.

What the fuck is that talentless douchebag doing in the same fucking list as Lemmy, much less twenty fucking places above him?

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