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The Apprentice - Series 6

Timmoru Suzuki

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Cant stand Jamie in all honesty, hate him by far the most. He was mostly to blame too for deciding to change from 9 to 1, costing them the order.

For me, Stella is head and shoulders above the rest, so much that it's not even close. As hot as Laura is, she was annoying as fuck with her tantrum.

You have shit taste in apprentice contestants.

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Stella was awful this week, but Lord Sugar isn't basing his decisions on one task alone anymore, and Liz and Stella were just too strong for Laura. Right choice in the end.

Your Fired! played an amusing montage set to 'Love and Marriage' of The Brand and Laura having fun and laughing and saying how much they enjoy working together at various times in the series, which was quite amusing. I never picked up on their 'double act' before.

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Jamie does seem to have potential, but just keeps falling short. His bargaining was inspired. But the fact he only got 2 out of 5 items was seriously disappointing. I'd like to see a male vs. female final, but that's looking less likely to happen as the weeks go by. Though, I thought Chris was better this week.

Not a fan of Stella. She comes across so unlikeable. Right now, I can see Liz winning this.

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Chris and The Brand were brilliant this week (entertainment wise), mostly Chris.

"I'd love to pay more but I've only got £25"

"Actually mate you've only got £23 cus you've got the twenty and I've got the three here"

Liz actually showed some personality towards the end this week and it was quite entertaining. Also Joanne keeps getting better and better every week. Whereaas most contestants have got worse, she just goes from strength to strength.

Next week looks quite entertaining with the Chris/Brand situation. The Brand probably needs to win like every task now, or he's gone.

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Absolutely GUTTED my boy Laura has gone. I was supporting her right from the start. Especially in the place of Stella, the horrible, cold, haughty bitch that she is. I don't know what's worse about Stella; her personality or her accent. Or her weird face.

I like The Brand now. Shock horror.






The Brand


Jo (she's emerged as one of the leading candidates but she is still a bit annoying)

:angry::puke: (N)


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Laura. :crying:

I couldn't stand her last week but this week she was lovable again and in the board office when her voice went all quiet.... :(

Still, weirdly I had a sexy dream with her a couple of weeks ago....which was bizarre....but I'll always have the memories. :lol:

I'm not surprised that Stella works for a Japanese bank. If there's anything that'll knock the personality out of you it's a Japanese bank.

Also, Liz's face is tiiiiiiiiiny.

Jamie's brilliant - a flawed genius. Fantastic bartering from him too. The mrs and I were working out the maths and we could tell the boys had won as the truffles alone covered the fine difference and we guessed the rest would cover the difference between list price and what the girls paid.

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Liz and Stella last week did the business equivalent of the Hart/Austin double turn at WM13 for me. Before the episode I knew Stella was a bitch and quite liked her for it... but she is disgusting and has an annoying accent. I think it was Liz showing her bitchy side, and actually being quite hot as well, and actually showing some personality for once, that did it for me. So much in fact that she's now my "serious" favourite. Though it's very tight. Even Joanna's getting involved!


The Brand








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