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The Dark Knight Rises


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I can't think of one reason why it harms anything.

Money, money, money.

If a reboot isn't absolutely necessary, it shouldn't happen.

I work at a video store, and more than half of my customers will put something down as soon as they find out it's a Reboot, or Remake, or Reimagining. They just don't want it, because nine times out of ten, it's nowhere near as good as the original film(s).

Of all the big studio movies that we get, the only ones that don't make their money back are remakes. Granted, most of those have been horror films of late, but until I see definitive proof otherwise, that's my argument.

That, and personally, they're just going to tell similar stories anyways. If they're going to reboot the series, wait 10 years. Otherwise, continue on within the established continuity. All this start-stop bullshit with franchises is really starting to piss me off. At least with Spider-Man, the third one veered into ridiculous territory and warrants being forgotten.

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I don't think many movie studios are willing to wait 10 years to make millions of dollars when they can do the same thing with a reboot of the franchise in the next 3, and pump out 2 more sequels within that same 10 year span that you suggested.

We're all movie buffs here, but c'mon. It's all about the money, even you said it. Why wait? To appease a section of the fanbase that salivates and analyzes everything from pre-production to post-production (diehards). I mean, really now. At least use your noodle. :P Is anyone really surprised? It's the way comic book movies work now, it's just like the comics. Consider this trilogy one arc by a certain writer/director, and the next is just another arc using the same character, but applying different storylines, methods, little tricks, etc. to. It's not a bad idea. I'm not butt hurt 'bout it.

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Using your Story Arc analogy applies more to what I suggested than a reboot, Tristy.

Story Arcs happen within the same continuity. Art is different and writers change... characters change with the different people working on them, but they happen within the same continuity. Which is exactly what I said they should do. Keep going from here. They don't have to make movies that are the same as what Nolan's done, but what's the point in scrapping it all and starting over?

Same continuity, different style films... I don't see why that would be such a bad thing. It's just like Tristy said... just like comic books.

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Using your Story Arc analogy applies more to what I suggested than a reboot, Tristy.

Story Arcs happen within the same continuity. Art is different and writers change... characters change with the different people working on them, but they happen within the same continuity. Which is exactly what I said they should do. Keep going from here. They don't have to make movies that are the same as what Nolan's done, but what's the point in scrapping it all and starting over?

Same continuity, different style films... I don't see why that would be such a bad thing. It's just like Tristy said... just like comic books.

But that's just it: that's not "just like comic books". There are at times damn near close to a hundred different continuity chains for a single character. Take Spider-Man for example: you have Sensational Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, and many, many other different tellings of the same character, same universe, but with different outcomes to situations and different events happening that change the perspective and direction of the character's life. Story Arcs may happen within the same continuity, but one character can have multiple continuities, none of which relating to the original. Characters change with the people working on them, yes, but they do not always happen within the same continuity.

As for me, I say if they want to keep making Batman movies, don't continue Nolan's. The point of scrapping it all and starting over is to give a fresh, different, untold perspective on a character we've (or rather, will hopefully have seen) a successful trilogy of within the last decade. We don't need another telling of Batman's origins-- we got that already, the movie-going public will already know where he came from. Make a movie that's outside of the Nolanverse for Batman, but make it continue Batman's story as if we've known him all along (because we have). Doesn't have to reintroduce him, just tells his story from a different direction, different world entirely.

Nolan's works don't need to be potentially cheapened by milking a franchise off of what he's done that's been successful. Let future Batman movies stand on their own rather than banking off of his work, I say. And again, that would follow more into the comic book industry's footsteps: a change of direction, a change of artist/writer... a new universe to explore in. This isn't a different "Story Arc", it's a whole new story entirely, a different universe for the Batman we've always known. That's what would work the best, I think.

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I don't think there is any intention of running with Nolan's Batman films once they "reboot" it. He's just like DC's in-house consultant. He'll probably do the same thing with the reboots that he is with the Superman movie. That's how I'm taking this news, anyway.

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Nolan did more with the Batman franchise than any other director to take up the task, and if he only wants to do three movies - then I don't think it's too much to ask or expect that they would let those films stand and go with another characterization or feel for Batman when they decide to do another. Hell, if they're moving in the direction of the Justice League then it is pretty much needed. Do the Justice League movie and use that depiction of Batman as a jumping off point to a new series of films - but at the very least, I don't want to see Rises end and the next film pick up right where it left off.

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Nolan did more with the Batman franchise than any other director to take up the task, and if he only wants to do three movies - then I don't think it's too much to ask or expect that they would let those films stand and go with another characterization or feel for Batman when they decide to do another. Hell, if they're moving in the direction of the Justice League then it is pretty much needed. Do the Justice League movie and use that depiction of Batman as a jumping off point to a new series of films - but at the very least, I don't want to see Rises end and the next film pick up right where it left off.

100% agreement.

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Really good point, I can't see Nolan's Batman ever being a part of a group like the Justice League. He's such an outsider and loner, where as, I don't know, the George Clooney version of Batman would be more of a natural fit. But all of those 90s Batman movies seem kind of light-hearted, so replace him with Kilmer or Keaton, I guess. :P

How does Superman fit into this, though? If we're going with my whole comic book analogy, would Snyder's film be a "one shot" in the DC movies continuity, with the JL movie being the jumping off for an ever newer version of Supes? That begs the question, what's the fucking point?

Unless Snyder is doing Superboy :shifty:

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The point of it is that Marvel is doing it with Avengers and it's getting a lot of interest and will probably make a lot of money. Of course DC wants to do their own version. They want the cash it'll get them, they don't care about the fact it probably won't work and they haven't done anywhere near enough building through other films to make it. If The Avengers didn't have all the set up that Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain America have/will establish, I don't think it'd have quite as much interest.

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  • 3 weeks later...
In somewhat of a surprise, Cotillard ("Inception," "Ma Vie en Rose") will play Miranda Tate, a Wayne Enterprises board member who helps Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) in the business and philanthropic (and, likely, romantic) world. The rumor mill had the actress pegged to be appearing as Talia, the daughter of "Batman Begins" villain R'as al Ghul (Liam Neeson).

Gordon-Levitt ("Inception," "Hesher") will play John Blake, a Gotham City cop under the special command of Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman). This is a far cry from earlier reportage that the actor would play either enigmatic villain The Riddler or mafia heir Alberto Falcone.

I do not buy that both of those castings are exactly as they seem. Sort of feels like the "Ken Watanabe is Ra's al Ghul/Liam Neeson is Henri Ducard" trick, especially in the case of Cotillard.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They're filming some scenes down the road from where I work. Big, late Victorian (at a completely uneducated guess) building. Haven't seen anyone famous outside yet though to fill rumours. Just lots and lots and lots and lots of power cables.

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So, for anyone looking for possible plot spoiling updates, take a look at these pictures:


A lot of speculation going around that these could be shots of the Lazarus Pits. Not sure how I feel about that, doesn't really fit Nolans universe.

Might not fit the Nolan universe, but it's an almost essential part of Ra's Al Ghul's character

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's Bane. I'm not 100% feeling the mask, I'm wondering if that's for a prison scene. But Tom Hardy looks like a fucking beast in that shot.

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While I would prefer the more traditional mask, it's much more about getting the character right than the look, and I'm fairly confident that Nolan will get it right. That said it's still a damn good look

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