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How angry do you get?


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This all comes from a discussion I had in work with a mate, who gets VERY angry whilst playing video games. As an example, he's on his third 360 controller because of FIFA 11.

I know when I get frustrated by a game, I do tend to swear quite a lot at the screen and whoever will listen, but I'd never go as far as breaking anything because of it.

So, has anyone broken/punched anything because of a game - if so, which game, and why? :shifty:

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I swear like a trooper and tend to be a bad loser in real life, like with my mates or brothers or what, but I don't break anything. I'd often quite like to, it'd be a good stress reliever, but no :P

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Not at all. This always mystifies me about people; even at the most frustrating point in a game, the most I do is growl or moan or perhaps heave a heavy sigh and try again.

Whereas, say, my brother and my cousin both yell at the top of their lungs at the TV, hurling expletives like fastballs and getting royally pissed off at something as mundane as being killed in a game of Black Ops multiplayer. It baffles me.

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Not particularly, but a few weeks ago I was playing F1 2010 online, about to win my first race when the guy in second, frustrated at not being able to pass, just plowed straight into the back of me.

Ned Flanders would have called it the 'loudest profanity I've ever heard'...

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It depends on the game I'm playing.

If it's Madden or another football game, I can get pretty pissed.

If it's anything else not named World of Warcraft, I'm pretty laid back.

World of Warcraft anger depends on the levels of stupidity/incompetence that I'm presented with.

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I got pissed the fuck off whenever I discovered a PS2 game was a blue-backed disc. Because when you saw that, you knew you were going to have to spend 20 minuites trying to get the game to play, every time you play it.

Way of the Samuray 1 :crying:

Also, a really hard platformer called Red Ninja: Red of Honor made me ragequit over a fucking impossible platforming section. It was like the first stage of the Ninja Warrior/Sasuke tournaments in video game form... only harder.

Only thing that comes close now is Fallout games freezing up, which is more of a :( then a :angry: .

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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I get a bit grumpy from time to time but ultimately it's just a game. I can get frustrated but there's never any anger and definitely no broken controllers, TV screens or mugs.

Seriously some people need to chill out. While I'm generally against cannabis use and have never smoked it myself, I do wish more people would before they played games.

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My brother used to be like that when I owned his ass in mortal kombat for the sega back in the day. I remember on day he broke the controller in his bare hands he got so angry.

Good times.

That World of Warcraft note was pretty dead on. Though I only would really feel internal anger at something like that. Mostly when I get pissed at a video game it makes me try again. Except Fallout freezes. That just makes me walk away for an hour in disgust. No anger though.

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I'm fine generally. I don't like losing and if I lose like 9-0 I'll get pretty angry. Or if somebody's destroying me at a fighting game. But I won't throw controllers about or anything. It's only when I'm playing mates that I get angry.

Then of course I throw massive tantrums when I lose at FM... not all the time, just the stupid stuff I don't understand and there seems to be no logical basis for it. Like the game's habit of having strikers pick the small bit of net with the goalie in it to shoot at over and over again. And my players' insistance on shooting from range when I've told them not to. And the habit I had of always, always drawing or losing to bottom of the table teams. I'm getting better, mind you. And I do break stuff, but only very small stuff like pens and whatnot - if I just snap a pen in half or something that's my anger gone. I'm too poor to break anything valuable no matter how bad I get.

Edited by Pesci
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I don't think I've ever thrown a controller, that's just stupid. And the maddest I get is when I play Call of Duty, and as many EWBers can attest, I do swear/sigh when I'm on a bit of a losing streak.

When I play single player games? I groan, I sigh, I start over.

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Quite. I tell to the game to fuck off frequently. Typically when online when with cocks on COD. Or like last time, which it's been a week since I've turned my PS3 on, I was on GTA doing a race, and the cunts where stood on corners ready to shoot you. They kill you. Respawn next to the them with no weapons. Die again. Respawn again. Even if I'm adamant that I've made it around the corner. It's so fucking cheap. I ragequited.

Actually, it's probably COD and GTA that causes me to do it, because people on those games are more concerned about their level than enjoyment. And the fact that on GTA, I can shoot at you for 10 seconds with an AK and noting will happen, but you can fly past me in a car, fire one shot from a pistol and I'm down? No.

I've never broke anything to my knowledge, definitely not controllers.

My mate is on his third PS3 controller at least though because of COD, and once because of Devil May Cry, which also caused him to split open his wrist because he punched a poster/photo frame that was covered in plastic. But it turned out to be glass.

EDIT: Actually, you can probably add Burnout Paradise and UFC 2009 to the list, but I've stopped playing them.

Edited by TheModernWay
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Number of angry parents we get in having to replace controllers and headsets for their spoilt offspring who've had tantrums over Cod is staggering. Easiest solution would be to not let your beloved brat play a game he's clearly too mentally immature to play (nevermind legally too young to purchase 9 times out of 10).

Personally, I've developed a habit of flicking my pad in the air and catching it again, no wanton destruction for me. Cursing out and down-repping cheesers on NHL though, all the time.

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The only times I get really pissed off at games are when it's a flaw in the game that's making me fuck up, or if the design of the game makes what I'm trying to do ludicrously difficult. If I know that the only problem is with my own ineptitude, then I tend to stay pretty Zen.

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Not at all. This always mystifies me about people; even at the most frustrating point in a game, the most I do is growl or moan or perhaps heave a heavy sigh and try again.


My girlfriend on the other hand... She's a damn Rager from Nam!!!

Doesn't matter what why or how, I can hear her yelling at people... It's real funny though.

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