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Elder Scrolls V: Skeerim


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I'm a level 14 dark elf specialising in destructive magic and one handed swords. I've found Whiterun, jonied the Companions, become a Werewolf, and cured the three thing in the middle. I have not met a single dragon yet.

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Have you been to see the Greybeards yet? I believe that doing the mission to answer their summons 'unlocks' the random Dragon attacks.

If you have, then I dunno what to suggest.

EDIT - This was obviously a response to Kaney.

Edited by Yoshihiro timmayyama
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I actually can't remember what the main quest is any more. I have 12 Quests and 9 Miscellaneous Quests to work through after putting them all off in favour of travelling, but I'm going to work through them now.

Found a house, went inside to find a single bandit which I killed. Found a switch on the wall while looting the place, it opened a bookcase which took me underground. After killing all the bandits, and killing the leader in her sleep, I found quite a bit of pre-dug up treasure. I'm wondering I've accidentally stumbled upon the location of of treasure map? We'll see.

Also, that awesome drunk quest keeps giving. Some guy ran up to me asking for 10,000 gold because I apparently bet him to run into a bandit camp and steal a hat while drunk. I used my speechcraft to get him down to 750, but I still refused to give him it. He said he hated drunks, but hates people who can't settle their debts more, so started a fight. I killed him with a quick Fire Breath shout. I feel bad, because I probably did owe him money, and he was willing to lower the debt because I was really drunk.

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I haven't seen the Greybeards yet. I have like five or six different words, but still no dragons. Is there anyway to stop your horse from instantly running away from you as soon as you dismount? It's getting pretty fucking annoying now.

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I'm just trying to do the temple sap thing.. so I'm on my way. I reach a mill. A dragon attacks. I use a scroll for a shock alathing.. it helps a bit. I'm with the woman who brawls in the bar. She disappears right away. So it's me versus a dragon. Alone. He flies off to kill a bear on a mountain (seriously.) Then comes back. So I beat him. I'm a hero. (I had previously met this dragon, killed him, but was killed by meddling giants.. this battle was more epic anyway).

So I'm moving forward to do my business, get the sap. I hear a roar. I see another dragon circling in the sky, not too close.. but not far away. I beat the last one thanks to the cover of the mill and the house. It's wide fucking open here. And the giants are far away. A dragon battle starts near them and they come over.

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Do I have to join the thieves guild to find out what my unusual gems are? I am getting a lot of them now but I kind of fell like it's against my nature to be a theif. I already killed off the Dark Brotherhood so I kind of feel like the theifs should be next. Right? Or am I being too good to all things non dog?

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This is me, decked out in Gilded Elven Armour, Glass Gauntlets and Glass Boots. I also use an enchanted Elven Helmet. That's a Glass Mace on his belt, I have a second but you can't see it in that picture.

I've also enchanted both maces - one deals Fire damage, the other Frost. I like the duality there, fire and ice.

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If you look over my shoulder, pretty much directly below the crosshair, you'll see the remains of the last dragon I killed (third total, and the first one I killed alone).

So that's me. In my Wolf armour, Dwarven bow on my back. My Skyforge Steel Sword is my other regular weapon.

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