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Elder Scrolls V: Skeerim


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If I've had to dump a load of stuff in a cave because I couldn't carry more, if I go back later is there a chance that it will all still be there?

Not that it's too much for me to find out for myself, but I'm the the middle of another quest, so by the time I finish one of you guys might have answered :)

I just did the quest where you become a companion, and I've just started the 'In my Time of Need' side quest. I accidentally stumbled across a Giant's farm earlier...and ran like fuck.

Edited by Yoshihiro timmayyama
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I outsmarted the Falmer leader. I did the quest WAY too soon. I'd got all the way to him and his.. huge fucking creation thing. Everytime they approached me, they destroyed me. I just wanted to get the hell out of it, and didn't want to backtrack. So I ran in, shouted and made him run. The creation still came at me. So I ran like hell for the exit. I got up there and out. Lydia didn't. I kept going back in, shooting the leader, he'd chase me, I'd run. The last time.. he followed me out. I shit myself and ran. Two hits would kill me. So I legged it and dove through the gap into the water. He stood there trying to blast me with magic, so I just wore him down with my archery til he died. Still no sign of Lydia and his creation thing waiting for me. So I saved, manned up and went back for her. Half way through I bumped into her and we left together. Very happy that killing the leader completed the quest.

Had some good moments so far. I was attacked by some looting bandits, then some of their friends. After I was looting their loot a shadow moved over me, and I hear a roar, I look up.. a fucking dragon is just circling me. It flies off without any confrontation.

Just cleaned out a Fort and then killed the guys who wanted to kill the barmaid..

I'm not levelled my skills enough I don't think, but I don't want to grind stuff out.. I really can't be bothered.

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Fuck Dragon Priests, that is all..

They're not too bad once you're at around level 25, but yeah lower than that they're generally outrageously hard. Still, the drops are worth it.

Just a tip though: don't sell or disenchant the masks when you collect them. There's a pseudo quest that requires all eight of them.

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Fuckity shit. I own a house. I've also been storing stuff at the magic school because I thought it would be safe in my room. I have good stuff stored there. Is probably fair if people take stuff though, I sort of pillaged the school :shifty:

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Is there any negative effect to being a werewolf? I know in Oblivion as a vampire you took damage during the day but buffed up during the night, and your appearance changed if you didn't feed and so on, but is there a counterpart to being a wolf?

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I had some archer dude as my follower. I had a really good system in place, he would teach me archery for like 300 gold, and everytime I paid him all my money, I could just go into his inventory and get it back again, for more lessons till I was maxed out. Then he died in a spider cave.

You can do that? And get all of the cash back? I know where I'm heading later.

Fucking hell, Shimmermist Cave.

I was not expecting to get my arse handed to me like the Dwarven Centurion has managed. Jesus Christ that thing is unstoppable.

Ennit. That thing is boss.

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Is there any negative effect to being a werewolf? I know in Oblivion as a vampire you took damage during the day but buffed up during the night, and your appearance changed if you didn't feed and so on, but is there a counterpart to being a wolf?

Silver weapons hurt you more, but apart from that I haven't seen any negatives.

Well ... the owner of the shop in Whiterun isn't around any more, so I can't sell him stuff. I'm not entirely sure why, but my best guess would be I killed him by accident when I first transformed.

Winterhold College is quite fun. I'm starting to get the appeal of magic so I'm going to start levelled that side of my game up, since my archery, one-handed, heavy armor, sneak and blocking are all 50+.

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Is there any negative effect to being a werewolf? I know in Oblivion as a vampire you took damage during the day but buffed up during the night, and your appearance changed if you didn't feed and so on, but is there a counterpart to being a wolf?

Silver weapons hurt you more, but apart from that I haven't seen any negatives.

Well ... the owner of the shop in Whiterun isn't around any more, so I can't sell him stuff. I'm not entirely sure why, but my best guess would be I killed him by accident when I first transformed.

Winterhold College is quite fun. I'm starting to get the appeal of magic so I'm going to start levelled that side of my game up, since my archery, one-handed, heavy armor, sneak and blocking are all 50+.

How did you accidently kill him?

Also.. 50+ in so much? Jeeze. What level are you?

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Fucking hell, Shimmermist Cave.

I was not expecting to get my arse handed to me like the Dwarven Centurion has managed. Jesus Christ that thing is unstoppable.

Ennit. That thing is boss.

I KNOW. I've skipped that until I get my Archery skill up so I can kill it without having to get steamed.

Also.. 50+ in so much? Jeeze. What level are you?

I'm level 14 and I'm already 55+ in one-handed. I don't think it's tricky, I'd probably be there in Block if I'd stopped arsing around with magic and stuck with the shield.

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Fucking hell, Shimmermist Cave.

I was not expecting to get my arse handed to me like the Dwarven Centurion has managed. Jesus Christ that thing is unstoppable.

Ennit. That thing is boss.

I KNOW. I've skipped that until I get my Archery skill up so I can kill it without having to get steamed.

Have you cleared everything else though?

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So, I pressed thw wrong button and punched a guard. Rather than fight, or pay bounty I thought that since I'd only just saved, I'd reload. Which I did. Only, now my character has an arrow stuck into her right arm, which was not there before! Curious...

Anyhow; my game's coming along. I've been levelling as a sort of single-handed fighter/mage hybrid (basically a fighter with a few spells to back it up, duel-wielding a mace and a spell ATM) and I'm enjoying it; but I'm already dreaming of being starting a 'pure' Mage. Fuck weapons and health, just spells and Magicka, or as close to that as you can manage and not just be cannon fodder in the early levels. Next time I have a huge chunk of time free at once, I think I'll start that; and continue the game I have now when I can in smaller pieces.

Edited by Yoshihiro timmayyama
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