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Elder Scrolls V: Skeerim


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Kaney, the one downside to being a Werewolf, is you can no longer be 'Well Rested'. Basically when you sleep your blood stays boiling and/or restless, so you no longer get any perks from a decent nights sleep on a bed.

Thats as far as I've noticed anyway.

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Fucking hell, Shimmermist Cave.

I was not expecting to get my arse handed to me like the Dwarven Centurion has managed. Jesus Christ that thing is unstoppable.

Ennit. That thing is boss.

I KNOW. I've skipped that until I get my Archery skill up so I can kill it without having to get steamed.

Have you cleared everything else though?

Uh. Define everything else. Define cleared, in fact.

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Woo! Just brought my first house, in Whiterun :) And now comes earning money to furnish it!

Anyway, two awesome things just happened in the space of about sixty seconds of me walking around some grasslands to the North - West of Whiterun. The first was more of a cool visual than a great bit of story: As I was approaching the crest of a hill, two wolves attacked me from the top of it. I killed one with my mace. The other wolf lept off the crest of the hill down towards me (over-shooting in fact to go over me) at the exact moment I used the Flame magic spell to set it on fire. The result - a Flaming Wolf leaping towards me! The angle of the camera (low downbehind me, wolf looking dominant from higher up the hill) made the moment look just so badass cool. In what way can a wolf me more intimidating? If it's on Fire!

Then, I'd literally had the time to take the pelts off the wolves when I was attacked by a mystery assassin, who it turns out had been sent to kill me. Seems there is a bounty on my head, and I have no idea why.

All in the space of a minute, tops. Quality stuff.

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How did you accidently kill him?

Also.. 50+ in so much? Jeeze. What level are you?

I'm level 27 right now. Though I was wrong, my block is 43 and heavy armor 36, but Archery is 51, sneak is 55 and one-handed is 59.

When you first turn into a werewolf there is a little bit were you run amok in Whiterun, the guards and town people attack you and I just swatted them off. I thought it was supposed to be a dream sequence, but now that I see the shopkeeper is no longer in his home I'm thinking it wasn't and I killed him by mistake.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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I think I've been playing this game too much. I have this ornament thing, it basically looks like an urn but is a china thing that looks like an artichoke (very French Provincial). I was wondering what loot may be in it. I was then wondering if it was ashes what I would try combining with them to make a decent potion. I'm glad I don't have any dead family members who have trusted me with their ashes.

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So which stone have you lot picked? I started out with the Warrior one, but I've just found the Steed stone and that's so much awesome. I've been complaining about the carry limit for ages because it always seems to fill up way too fast, so an extra hundred pounds of carrying capacity and no movement penalty for armour goes down very nicely.

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I'm using the Atronach stone. Absorbing spells into your magicka is actually quite fantastic, particularly when fire traps work as well. It's especially good when I'm low on magicka, some witch hurls lightning or fire at me and completely recharges my magicka, so I repay them by blasting them in the face with Lightning Bolt.

Shock magic is awesome.

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When you first turn into a werewolf there is a little bit were you run amok in Whiterun, the guards and town people attack you and I just swatted them off. I thought it was supposed to be a dream sequence, but now that I see the shopkeeper is no longer in his home I'm thinking it wasn't and I killed him by mistake.

That.. never happened to me at all. I went through the ritual and then woke up after having passed out.

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Just killed my second dragon. Holy shit. I was intimidating Sven for the Companions. I step out the tavern in Riverwood and bam. Fire hits me before I know what's going on. The dragon stays high most of the time swooping. I, and a few Whiterun Guards, pelt it with arrows. It's burning the village up. It lands near a bridge and a guard rushes it, getting burnt to a crisp. I finish it with a few arrows to the head. Man that was a rush. Out of nowhere, small little village for a battle so epic.

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Movie moments galore! I wait til morning to leave Riverwood. Three hired's thug show up to battle me. I'm doing okay but the numbers game is making it tight. I take one down and then see one of the others take an arrow to the arm. Faendal had heard the commotion and came to my aid! That was so badass.

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I used the Love Stone, it makes all your skills increase faster. I did have whatever stone it was that allowed you to turn all the dead bodies in your vicinity into zombies for awhile. That was fun, creating zombie hit squads that don't disappear after a minute.

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So which stone have you lot picked? I started out with the Warrior one, but I've just found the Steed stone and that's so much awesome. I've been complaining about the carry limit for ages because it always seems to fill up way too fast, so an extra hundred pounds of carrying capacity and no movement penalty for armour goes down very nicely.

Where it that? I seem to reach my carry limit really quick too even with a charmed necklace and volsung which give me an extra 50.

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So which stone have you lot picked? I started out with the Warrior one, but I've just found the Steed stone and that's so much awesome. I've been complaining about the carry limit for ages because it always seems to fill up way too fast, so an extra hundred pounds of carrying capacity and no movement penalty for armour goes down very nicely.

Where it that? I seem to reach my carry limit really quick too even with a charmed necklace and volsung which give me an extra 50.

Probably all those puppy corpses you carry round. <_<

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