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Elder Scrolls V: Skeerim


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I officially joined the Imperials and the quest note popped up on screen "FAILED: JOIN THE STORMCLOAKS". Nice to know they were okay with me murdering everyone in their camps, including their injured, but as soon as I join the Imperials they take the offer off the table.

I was sort of hoping to play both sides while really being loyal to the Companions.

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The Emperor's Niece never made it home from her Wedding either. I enjoyed being responsible for that.

I didn't, however, enjoy Miss Ace sitting next to me and repeating over and over 'You can't kill a Bride on her wedding day! Don't do it! DONT DO IT!'

Women. Can't they understand I just wanna be a Good Assassin? Sheesh.

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So, as I said, caved. Never played Oblivion or such.. so I'm gonna be diving in blind later. Any tips for when I do start? Nothing spoilery like. I do want to be using magic and a single handed weapon.. and a bow. Is that gonna be doable? Also.. best way to make plenty cash so I can own a house and a horse and stuff?

You can become a vampire right, and a werewolf? Anything else?

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So, as I said, caved. Never played Oblivion or such.. so I'm gonna be diving in blind later. Any tips for when I do start? Nothing spoilery like. I do want to be using magic and a single handed weapon.. and a bow. Is that gonna be doable? Also.. best way to make plenty cash so I can own a house and a horse and stuff?

You can become a vampire right, and a werewolf? Anything else?

Yeah, that's doable, pretty much what I have going on. I use my bow primarily and it's now super powerful, then my mace is a secondary and then I have destruction magic as a fall back.

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Lydia has died for some of you?

For some reason the only time Lydia dies in my game is if I land the final blow (whether by accident or otherwise shifty.gif) - at which point I normally end up dying anyway so I have to reload.

Otherwise she remains in that "knocked down" state for a few moments before recovering.

Is my game glitching or are all of you secretly Lydia killers?

It was a wild melee. Atrocities were committed by both sides.

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So, as I said, caved. Never played Oblivion or such.. so I'm gonna be diving in blind later. Any tips for when I do start? Nothing spoilery like. I do want to be using magic and a single handed weapon.. and a bow. Is that gonna be doable? Also.. best way to make plenty cash so I can own a house and a horse and stuff?

You can become a vampire right, and a werewolf? Anything else?

I was using Magic in one hand and a weapon in the other, until I realized that using a shield makes life a lot easier. Now I switch between the two depending on what I want. Honestly, you'll figure out in the first hour how to play, it's not hard to get into it. Best way to make cash is to do lots of side quests, loot everything that isn't food and sell it on.

And yes, you can, nothing else though. Vampire sounds pretty useless, but Werewolf is sweet for clearing out Bandit Camps. Mages and The Silver Hand tend to destroy you as a Werewolf though.

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Fuck Spiders so much D:

I've actually reached level 22 without killing (read: going anywhere near) another since the opening stages.but have reached a point where I have to kill a few if I want to get anywhere in the thieves guild.

So I've recruited someone, going to spend the next few hours crafting incredible armour for them, then going down to slaughter some fucking tarantulas!

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Oh shit...I caught the 'Vampireism'. I was walking back to town after a quest...and I see two peopl fighting a vampire. I help out, the other two get killed, and I finish off the vampire. I check my 'active effects'....

Not sure I'm gonna cure it :shifty:

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Never mind! Did it now! I also went and killed myself another dragon, but it killed my lovely horse!

Also, the weapon you get from Sanguine is fucking awesome. You can summon a Daedra Soldier to fight for you for 60 seconds. And it can be used over and over. It's fantastic. Made killing the Dragon so much easier.

Also does anyone know if joining the Stormcloaks will have a lot change on my game? I don't want to join and then find myself fighting ever guard in every city.

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If you have high sneak I suggest doing what I do. Hit her with an arrow from afar then leg it. Most likely she won't have seen you so won't follow you and will eventually stop looking, then you can return and do it again. Rinse and repeat until she is dead or until she is weak enough to engage.

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I 'Won' my first fight with the Dragon (the one where you learn you're first Dragon shout) without actually getting a hit in. I got nowhere near the thing, since as I sold my bow..

Anyway, I just asked Lydia to follow me and she said, "It looks like you have someone with you." But I don't. Bug? Or is she just a lazy bitch? She's meant to be MY servant damnit!

EDIT - Remembered I have a companions quest active with someone waiting for me somewhere. That might be the trouble.

Just hit level 4 and seem to be blustering about into caves that are too high a level for me all time.

Or, I just suck.

Edited by Yoshihiro timmayyama
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There's ways to get quick level ups, I would personally grind Lockpicking, Alchemy, and Smithing. Both have benefits with new items as well as with experience gained. There's a Corundum vein right outside of Whiterun and there's some mines scattered throughout the area with weak enemies. And Alchmey is self-explanatory, just find ingredients and run with it. Lockpicking is even easier, just make sure you don't get caught.

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