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The Shows Mostly Formerly Affiliated with NBC's Thursday Night Comedy Block Thread **SPOILERS**

GoGo Yubari

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Damn. Even though he was clearly a negative aspect of the show behind-the-scenes and there will be a lot of fans who won't miss him, it would be really weird for Community going forward without a member of the Greendale Seven. That being said, that and the Donald Glover sitcom make me think season 4 really is going to be it.

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Basically he's impossible to deal with, doesn't actually like the show at all, and maaaay have uttered a racial slur during shooting in the last month or two. Also he and Dan Harmon got into a big, ugly public altercation (public, mind you, because Harmon is also a difficult person to deal with and he made it public) near the tail end of season 3.

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Damn. Even though he was clearly a negative aspect of the show behind-the-scenes and there will be a lot of fans who won't miss him, it would be really weird for Community going forward without a member of the Greendale Seven. That being said, that and the Donald Glover sitcom make me think season 4 really is going to be it.

I think his firing implies the opposite actually because there are only like two more episodes they need to film and if it's not getting another season, it's a bit redundant to fire him, no?

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I agree with GoGo. It has been made very clear that Pierce Hawthorne was pretty much gonna end up being the "big bad" of the series. They already filmed the season finale out of order, so it's quite possible that Pierce being vanquished is the last climax for the show.

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If that's the case then it's pointless to come out and say he's leaving the show because if it's meant to the series finale then there's no show to come back to anyways. That's why I think this could mean they have some indication that the show could continue in some way or another after this season.

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I don't see how there's doubt that they're going into this season thinking it's the end of the show. If (and that's a HUUUUUUUUUUGE if) they get picked up for another season, I'm sure they'll gladly take it, but it won't be with Chevy Chase anymore. It makes sense to announce it given that the pick up is SLIGHTLY possible, and it gets people talking about the show.

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I don't doubt that they originally went into this season like it would be the last but saying that a cast member is leaving the show with only two episodes to shoot left just seems pointless if the show is going to end anyways. I mean, this could easily just be me reading too much into this because it's one of my favorite shows and I will take any silver lining of hope that would mean it returns but it's also redundant to announce that someone is leaving a show that's going to end. And c'mon, it's not like the internet needed that much more incentive to talk about the show now than it did two days ago.

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I thought that the Greendale Seven had united together, so Pierce won't be the bad guy. In fact, the ending of season 3 implied that City College would finally step in as the bad guy of the fourth season. When my friend heard about Chase leaving, though, he instantly jumped into a theory about Pierce being Winger's dad :huh:

It won't be the same without Chevy, though. Also, what's this about a Donald Glover sitcom?



It has Brian Pullman! That's not bad! It looks bad, though.

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