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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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Speaking of Heath Slater, the game outright cheated me earlier. I was working on the achievements for hard wins and Edge wins and had a match setup to win via first blood or first finisher. Normally you can press Y to go for the spear and the bell will ring immediately, unless it gets countered. It's actually pretty amusing the first time you do it caus the bell rings, you start doing the taunt in the corner and then you start running at your opponent, only for Edge to stop dead in his tracks and then the end of match cut scene plays.

This one time though, I hit Y and don't hear the ring bell. I figure he's just countered it though, no big deal. However, the spear hits and no win for me! Heath gets up and hits his stored finisher and wins! Bullshit!

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Anybody got any good slider recommendations? Oyaji on DVD-VR posted these, in case anyone wants longer, more competitive matches:

The sliders aren't too complex but I find the most popular set way, way too reversal happy like the Smackdown games of old. Just turn it up to legend, turn down all the human reversal sliders to a minimum (under 'general' in the balancing options), bump up the cpu reversals a few notches, take down the momentum rate attacks slider down to 3 notches from 0, put momentum rate taunts to 0. Turn off reversal damage when you change the difficulty as well. Before each match, make sure you go into match creator and have the momentum bar change speed on slow.

The real key is to take 25 points off each wrestlers' strike and grapple power attributes while bumping up their durability 5 or 10 notches. They had originally suggested to take 50 points off but the matches were too long and the wrestlers not aggressive enough. Most matches for me with these settings and attribute changes go ~15 minutes and I find I don't get finishers more than twice a match unless it goes really deep or I'm toying with my opponent, neither of which happen too often.

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God this game is infuriating sometimes.

Every...single...bloody...week it wants to run 'remarkable matches' that make no sense. No, I don't ever want to do CM Punk vs John Cena & Zack Ryder. They're all friends and they all have other people they're feuding with! And NO, I don't want to do Kane & Wade Barrett vs Mark Henry and CHAVO FUCKING GUERRERO...because it's Chavo Guerrero!

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I can't remember if I mentioned this but for those who have been having the problem for the Royal Rumble Winner's match, it seems that to continue you just play as if the person who isn't champion really is.

Basically, I had CM Punk, who was #1 contender for the WWE Title, win the Royal Rumble and when the time came for the RRW match, the participants were Mark Henry (World Champ) vs. CM Punk. I just picked someone random to interfere (HBK, who was #2 contender. Just in case it kept the bug going). The game says "It looks like he's made his choice for Wrestlemania" after I attacked Henry and then at Wrestlemania it was Henry vs. Punk for the World Title.

I don't know whether this will work for everyone but it's worth a try.

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So I remember saying before about how heel Cody Rhodes was attacked by face Daniel Bryan and turned face but Bryan remained face(despite the vicious attack).

Well Cody just returned the favour and viciously assaulted Bryan but both men are still face.

I'm also sick of the game trying to set up a feud between Rey/Cena v Swagger/Chavo. Swagger is a tag team champion on my WCW brand and part of a stable that is vital in my WCW storylines but the game keeps dragging him over to the WWE brand to fight in the most horribly unbalanced feud in wrestling history!

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I suggest everyone follow the slider instructions I posted. I just went through and changed them, and edited down/up every member of the roster and all of the DLC/CC stats, and the matches are like 4 times longer than usual, very competitive, fun, back and forth. It's awesome.

I had a nice LA Park/Mistico match, RVD/A-Ri and Muta/Kobashi matches. Each match felt like it was in the style that each worker is accustomed to. Enjoying the game so much more now. Universe is about to be reallyyyy fun. RAW = WWF Raw is War, Superstars = New Japan, SD = Impact Wrestling.

Oh, and the CC servers are running very smoothly. I downloaded about 20 CAWs an hour ago, 6 logos and 3 arenas.

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the only bug I ever had was in a tag match in RTWM where i had to finish it by pinning in the ring, the ref would refuse to count out the AI and john cena was on the ramp broken, you couldn't touch him, he'd just reverse everything, no questions for about 10 minutes before i realised what was going on.

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