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I am up for multi-ing with Srar. Us newbies need the help we can get :(

Something I wondered is what difference the readyness indexes actually make. Without any spoilers, if you guys can, will it actually make any difference to the end of the solo game if my readyness meter is at 100% rather than 50? Is multi the only way to get readyness up?

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I am up for multi-ing with Srar. Us newbies need the help we can get :(

Something I wondered is what difference the readyness indexes actually make. Without any spoilers, if you guys can, will it actually make any difference to the end of the solo game if my readyness meter is at 100% rather than 50? Is multi the only way to get readyness up?

You don't have to do multi, from what I understand it's possible to collect enough War Assets in the game to get the good ending without doing Multiplayer.

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I am up for multi-ing with Srar. Us newbies need the help we can get :(

Something I wondered is what difference the readyness indexes actually make. Without any spoilers, if you guys can, will it actually make any difference to the end of the solo game if my readyness meter is at 100% rather than 50? Is multi the only way to get readyness up?

You don't have to do multi, from what I understand it's possible to collect enough War Assets in the game to get the good ending without doing Multiplayer.

I think i collected everything there is and i still had to get my readiness up to about 70% i think. You can use the datapad app for iPad to play a game that raises your readiness... the infiltrator game (ios as well) also raises it. There might be more little things out there. But nothing is as quick as a won Multiplayer game.

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I am up for multi-ing with Srar. Us newbies need the help we can get :(

Something I wondered is what difference the readyness indexes actually make. Without any spoilers, if you guys can, will it actually make any difference to the end of the solo game if my readyness meter is at 100% rather than 50? Is multi the only way to get readyness up?

You don't have to do multi, from what I understand it's possible to collect enough War Assets in the game to get the good ending without doing Multiplayer.

I think i collected everything there is and i still had to get my readiness up to about 70% i think. You can use the datapad app for iPad to play a game that raises your readiness... the infiltrator game (ios as well) also raises it. There might be more little things out there. But nothing is as quick as a won Multiplayer game.

You don't even have to win. Make it to Round 10 and you still get the +3 Readiness. As I found out earlier when I suffered through the worst team I've ever had to put up with. Idiots dying in the first few seconds of the round, never reviving anyone, charging into groups of Brutes and Harvesters, never sticking together, not going after the objectives... If it weren't for me and one other guy, we'd have never made it past Round 3.

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Sorry guys I was in the middle of a mission when you invited me to play. Too late now. Just time to grab some food before RAW.

Genophage Mission


:( That was heart wrenching. "Is ashamed. Would have liked to run tests on those shells". God bless you Mordin Solus. You're conducting experiments for god now :crying:

Also forgot how much I loved Wrex. "It's nice. I still don't have a window like in Liara's room, but I guess I don't kiss as good eh Shepard? heh heh" :wub:

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*walks into multi player lobby for first time ever*


Earn Credits and buy the Veteran Packs, you have a chance to unlock a random race for a random class. I still haven't got a Krogan. :( Turian, Salarian, Drell and Asari, but no Krogan.

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So I haven't gone online with this yet because I don't wanna play with strangers. Though I wouldn't mind playing with some EWBers. Add me..GT is also Lint6...just tell me who you are so I know. I work alot and probably won't be on much this week though

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I played a bit of multi with Srar - we lasted for six waves with just the two of us. Didn't die until one of those, "go to this position and try not to die while you do that" things. I decided to make the game public after that, it turned out okay.

And Lint6, if you're on at all, chances are one of us will be on. It's fairly rare not to see an EWBer online.

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