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Fuck that. Sets a bullshit precedent.

Unless the last hour is 60% nip slips I can wait for the blu ray. Releasing it three months after first coming out is a dick print on the face of everyone that paid to see it already for the ridiculous price of 3d anyways.

There's no way Disney would've let a 3+ hour superhero movie out the door on first release, if it happens, it's only because it was so successful.

Personally, I like to see movies supported after the first four weeks, this is how cinema used to work, movies would be in theaters for months, sometimes even years and frequently re-released. Re-releases have become slightly more common in the last few years due to Oscar buzz or major box office business. The Blu-ray is still coming out if you want to wait for it, but to allow folks to see a the special edition on the big screen, if they so desire, seems like fan service. Now, releasing the Blu-ray, then a special edition Blu-ray three months later, THAT would be bullshit, but this is just gravy.

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Titanic 3d added its cash to original sum. Why doesnt this one wait a year then do the same then? Three months is just too soon.

Because if you wait a year A) any momentum is lost and B) most people have probably got the DVD/Bluray and already seen the directors' cut.

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It actually is when it gets to that point of ridiculous.

Id buy a directors cut, but seeing a rerelease of a movie that came out 3 months before? Not for me. I didnt see the remake of girl with dragon tattoo either, given the closeness of the releases on that.

Theres no "time limit" to break the record, so I think the "three month" thing is just a little crap. before avengers 2? Why not.

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Because you strike while the iron is hot? In three months, the hype may just be starting to die down. You can stoke the flames again and close out summer in a big way by re-releasing it with new content. Everyone loved it, most people saw it twice, they'll likely go see it again, happily.

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It actually is when it gets to that point of ridiculous.

Id buy a directors cut, but seeing a rerelease of a movie that came out 3 months before? Not for me. I didnt see the remake of girl with dragon tattoo either, given the closeness of the releases on that.

Theres no "time limit" to break the record, so I think the "three month" thing is just a little crap. before avengers 2? Why not.

Star Wars is a series that even people who haven't seen a sci-fi movie before will know of.

The Avengers has become the third highest grossing movie ever, with a hardcore fan audience that would go see the 3 hour director's cut on the big screen. It's pure fan service.

Also your reasoning for not seeing an American remake of a foreign film with different actors just because they were both released close together is ridiculous.

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I have to admit, I've never watched a deleted scene on a DVD/blu-ray and thought anything else than "...Yeah I can see why this was cut."

Get This is Spinal Tap. A lot of the deleted parts are tremendous, but that's mostly because Christopher Guest movies are largely improvised and full of legitimately funny people instead of actors playing comedy roles.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have to admit, I've never watched a deleted scene on a DVD/blu-ray and thought anything else than "...Yeah I can see why this was cut."

The best example I can think of to counter that is the alternate ending to I Am Legend. The default ending is bullshit but the alternate ending, which was the original ending, is actually pretty good and gives the movie much deeper context. However, focus audiences who saw test screenings "didn't get it", so the dumbed down ending ended up being the one they delivered to theaters.

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I have to admit, I've never watched a deleted scene on a DVD/blu-ray and thought anything else than "...Yeah I can see why this was cut."

The best example I can think of to counter that is the alternate ending to I Am Legend. The default ending is bullshit but the alternate ending, which was the original ending, is actually pretty good and gives the movie much deeper context. However, focus audiences who saw test screenings "didn't get it", so the dumbed down ending ended up being the one they delivered to theaters.

Sadly, many movies are often ruined by 200 dumbasses in one room.

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