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2011-12 MLB Offseason Thread


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Really I see the Mets finishing right around where they did in 2011 (~77 wins or so). I actually don't think their lineup is that bad. Obviously not having Reyes sucks, but the lineup was not the issue at all last year despite the fact that Reyes went on 2 DL stints, Wright missed half a season with a back injury and sucked when he played, Ike missed all but one month, and Beltran got traded at the deadline. The team consistently hit well with Murphy, Duda, and even Tejada getting a lot of ABs. Torres instead of Pagan is basically a wash, and I do think the lowered left field wall will help Bay since he got robbed of a ton of HRs in that spot.

The issue, as always, is the rotation. When a knuckleballer is the pitcher you have the most faith in on your staff, you know it's a bad sign. If Johan can provide close to a full season, it'll be a huge help. Even if he's not "vintage Johan", a diminished Santana is probably no worse than Jon Niese. That's why I really like the bullpen acquisitions that were made. The less quality innings your rotation needs to be counted on for, the better off they are.

Of course, ~77 wins will probably still land the Mets in the cellar in the improved NL East. Gonna be interesting entering the year having ZERO expectations for the first time since 2003/04 or so. I'm expecting a last place finish and anything on top of that is gravy.

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I think the Mets can be a .500 team. A full year of Wright and Davis will definitely help. Heck, Murphy took a big step forward next year. Wright and Bay should benefit from the walls being brought in. Their offense will be just fine. Starting pitching is the problem once again. What do they get out Santana and Pelfrey? The bullpen should hold its own. Will they be a playoff team? No, but they'll be a lot better then people will predict them to be. I think they end up at .500 .

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So everybody's saying the Blue Jays won the bidding on Yu. With the rumours that they're also in the running for Fielder, it could be quite a fun year next year. With Bautista, Fielder, Lind, Lawrie, and Rasmus playing and a rotation of Yu, Romero, and Morrow, I would be in that ball park all the time.

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Barry Bonds lied to a jury, cost possibly millions in taxpayer money during this case and all he's getting is probation, community service and house arrest, which means spending 30 days in his Beverly Hills mansion. Oh the suffering. Money can't buy you happiness (or so they say), but it sure can buy you a not guilty verdict.

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Barry Bonds lied to a jury, cost possibly millions in taxpayer money during this case and all he's getting is probation, community service and house arrest, which means spending 30 days in his Beverly Hills mansion. Oh the suffering. Money can't buy you happiness (or so they say), but it sure can buy you a not guilty verdict.

He didn't cost taxpayers a cent. This witch hunt was the design of the politicians, not the accused.

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That's a few dollars. But they lost Cliff Lee last offseason. CJ Wilson this one. Can't fault them for going all in.

It does seem weird to get outbid on Wilson and then put in nearly $52 million for the right to negotiate with Darvish. Surely they could have upped the offer to CJ and come out spending less than they will on this deal since it's going to end up costing them at least $100 million to land him. After seeing Dice-K, Irabu and Igawa all flop I wouldn't waste the money for these Japanese starters.

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The point was more that he contributed some regular season wins, and it was more sarcastic than anything.

I know. I just wanted to bust out the I-Rob-U pronunciation of his last name. The sheer and utter hatred from Yankees fans of that signing was the best thing he brought to the team. I can't remember another player in any sport that inspired that much disgust from his own fanbase.

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