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2011-12 MLB Offseason Thread


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Yeah the hole at DH is going to be saved for ARod. They'll ease him in over the course of this season and next offseason find a new everyday 3B. I'm fine with the trade, M's pick up a much-needed young bat and Yanks pick up a much-needed young arm.

I'm less convinced Prince goes to DC now though. Usually they just put a bid down that blows everyone else out of the water because they have so much money to spend thanks to their owner. They'd be smart not to tie too much up in him because of the Werth albatross. The Nationals are running themselves far too similarly to the Orioles right after Angelos took over, with huge free agency splashes that don't pan out. The difference being it appears they have a vested interest in developing talent through the farm system. Something Angelos has failed to learn in 19 years.

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The Braves just...aren't doing anything. I'm beginning to wonder if they got the memo that, y'know, you can sign players from other teams.

The infield just looks completely anemic. Pastornicky at short, Dan "Who The Fuck Needs OBP" Uggla at second, and no backups for either right now. Meanwhile, our outfield looks like we held a fucking Job Fair at a Goodwill and took anyone who showed.

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Atlanta was going to get Adam Jones from Baltmore for Jurrgens and Prado, but Baltimore nixed the deal at the last minute. But yeah they aren't doing anything, but 2013 might be their year since Hamels will be gone from Philly.

I will be very surprised if Prince goes to Texas, they're going to make an offer but I see a couple other destinations as a better fit and more likely.

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Atlanta was going to get Adam Jones from Baltmore for Jurrgens and Prado, but Baltimore nixed the deal at the last minute. But yeah they aren't doing anything, but 2013 might be their year since Hamels will be gone from Philly.

I will be very surprised if Prince goes to Texas, they're going to make an offer but I see a couple other destinations as a better fit and more likely.

Signing Hamels will be Tim Hudson 2.0 at best. At worst, Derek Lowe 2.0 <_<

If the Rangers land Prince Fielder, everyone who bitches about the Yanks and the Sawx spending like mad will need to divert some of that vitrol down south. After what they paid for Dervish, Texas may as well be papering the outfield walls in hundred dollar bills.

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I've read a couple of stories in the last 24 hours saying that the Rangers want to get fielder and will let Hamilton go at the end of the year.

It's not a terrible idea. Hamilton's contract will likely carry him well past his productive years, they'll get 3 or 4 more years out of a long-term Fielder contract than a long-term Hamilton contract.

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I can't wait for the Dan Duquette's explanation of how the Orioles were unable to compete with the financial might of fucking Detroit.

That 1-2 punch of Cabrera and Fielder is pretty scary. I like the Tigers chances if the pitching shows up, I thought they were one bat away last year.

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It's about time middle America realizes they can pay for players too. Between Texas and Detroit, ESPN may be forced to start showing more than just the east coast teams.

ESPN shows plenty of games that don't involve the East coast teams in the postseason and the second game of doubleheaders during the regular season. What more do you want? You know that America wants to see Yankees/Sox 19 times a year just like Skip Bayless can't go a segment without talking about Tebow. They're simply giving us what we want :rolleyes:

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I can't wait for the Dan Duquette's explanation of how the Orioles were unable to compete with the financial might of fucking Detroit.

You do know Little Ceasers and the Detroit Red Wings pretty much fund this team.

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