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Steam/PC Mega Thread

RoHitman Reigns

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I need to learn how to resist a sale. Just bought Batman: Arkham City GOTY for $7.99 off Steam, despite the fact that I probably won't be able to play it for a week or two. But man, when I do play it.. it's gonna be glorious.

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Bill me later is a thing? It's probably a good thing I don't know about that.

It's a thing, but I think you have to have a pretty good credit rating to use it, which is what's always stopped me. >_>

Yeah I looked it up - can't even get it in Canada. But I DID go ahead and finally start the process of linking up my PayPal to my bank account so I will stop buying friggin' prepaid credit cards when Steam sales come around.

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I bought Batman Arkham City GOTY edition during the previous Steam sale, but have yet to play it. Just haven't been in the mood.

During this sale I bought the Saints Row The Third pack, which is the main game and most of the DLC (there are only two that aren't included: one that unlocks everything from the main game and one that lets you play as a vampire) for $7.49, plus I started playing Star Trek Online and spent $10.00 on the game's currency.

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Admittedly it was mainly from the Indie Bundle. But I've also bought Tropico 4, Sim City 4 Deluxe, KOTOR 1+2, FM 2013, Galactic Civs 1+2, Half Life 2 (w/ episode 1 + 2), Dragon Age Origins, Penny Arcade Episode 1 + 2. I don't imagine I'll play the majority of the games I've bought either.

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