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Instantly. You need (or perhaps not, but I did) to download NVidias game store for free, and it tells you which games work with a controller. 50p cable from Amazon to allow a USB wire to go into the micro USB one, £3 for the game. All controls exactly as per the PS2 version.

I think there's faffy ways to be able to play wirelessly, but I'm happy with the cable to be honest.

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Given that actual soldiers are pretty rude and the COD games are all about pretending that you're in a real life war (which sounds pretty shit to me but then maybe that's why I've only ever played them for about half an hour round a friend's house) and its also a bunch of guys pretending to be 'lads' and in a sporting event rather than having fun for a couple of hours I'd say its not surprising. Boring admittedly.

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Yeah, if you're rooted you can pair a Dual Shock via Bluetooth. I believe there's an effort to get 360 pads working wirelessly too, but I lost track of their progress. I have a PS1 emulator on my N7, love playing the original GTA again (always though the top-down ones were a better match for mobile devices).

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Is that the cable you mean? Stick that in your phone/tablet and then the PS3 charging cable into the regular USB end?

Caus those are like 50p-£1 on Amazon so I wouldn't be opposed to picking one up to try out.

Oh, that's why they're all cheap, they're Hong Kong jobbies. Still, I'm the kind of guy that wont pay the extra 40p for the sake of getting one shipped from the UK. :shifty:

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Is that the cable you mean? Stick that in your phone/tablet and then the PS3 charging cable into the regular USB end?

Caus those are like 50p-£1 on Amazon so I wouldn't be opposed to picking one up to try out.

Oh, that's why they're all cheap, they're Hong Kong jobbies. Still, I'm the kind of guy that wont pay the extra 40p for the sake of getting one shipped from the UK. :shifty:


Looks like thats the one, mine came within three days, works fine.

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Harmonix team performing American Pie, as well as some facts about the Rock Band series, commemorating the final DLC track

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Having just finished the second God of War game, I've come to be really fond of them. I just ordered the origins set with Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta, and I have 3 sitting around waiting to be played as well... What I'm asking is what order should I play the rest in now? I plan on picking up Ascension too eventually, but for now I have the other 3 and I want to get some feedback on which to play first from this point. Thanks!

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Disney closes LucasArts.


Man. Disney's done a lot good for Star Wars and Marvel. But fuck that. Fuck that, so hard.

The one possible upside to this is that Disney still own the rights to some of the games, and are open to outsourcing to other developers, so we may see Star Wars games produced by other companies that will exceed our expectations.

That is a very small silver lining, though, considering how much Disney has already downsized its own video games development wing, and how this has put hundreds of developers out of work, and means we'll probably never see another LucasArts-developed game. It's possible that Star Wars 1313 will be picked up by another developer, though, apparently.

For me, the only possible upside is that Disney will allow Ron Gilbert to take the Monkey Island license to a new developer, and finally produce the "real" third Monkey Island game. But I can't see Disney having any interest in Monkey Island when they've got their own piratical cash cow.

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If this means Star Wars 1313 doesn't come out: Fuck Disney.

$4.05 billions seems like an inordinate amount to spend on just a licensing deal though, the fact that they aren't merging the studios and just flat-out shutting down LucasArts seems like a humungous waste, I haven't read up on it too much though, so I could be missing something.

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It's not as out of the blue as people seem to think; Disney are all but removing themselves from the video games market. They've been quietly shutting down studios they own for the last couple of years, it's only because this one's associated with Star Wars that the media's really picked up on it. I don't remember anyone shedding a tear for Black Rock or Junction Point.

They're basically putting all their eggs in one basket with Disney Infinity, as video games just have not been a money-maker for them for some time.

Personally, as sad as I'll be to see LucasArts go, that's not really rooted in anything but nostalgia. The best case scenario, for gamers, would be that the existing properties get licensed to other developers, and that's most likely what will end up happening. A new Star Wars game will be released, and the vast majority of people will forget this ever happened.

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It mostly sucks because Star Wars 1313 is bound to take a hit from this. Even if it's still made, I doubt it'll hold up quite as much with a complete change of team. In the future, you're right, it could be good. I mean, really, we haven't had THAT many great Star Wars games lately. If anything, the best ones came from Bioware with KOTOR. I mean, it'd be fantastic to see a company like Rocksteady take a stab at a Star Wars game.

I don't know how much it'd appeal to everyone else, but I've always loved the idea of a Star Wars game like Mass Effect/KOTOR, but based during the actual films. I mean, we already know what happens, sure, but it'd be so much fun to run around in a beautifully rendered Hoth. I'd love a Star Wars game with tons of side missions where we can help build up the Rebel Fleet and take down local gangs in Mos Eisley.

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It's another round of 'Ellis finally plays a game many years after it's release', it's Arkham Asylum.


Combat is cool, jumping all over the room, smacking people around and chaining it into different combos and takedowns. Adding in some armed thugs toowas allows you to do the stealth thing and string them up from the rafters, take them down silently etc so that's great but, I dunno, the way the game seems to throw new common enemies at you, only for them to never be seen again after about five minutes was a little iffy to me. It was like 'Here are some redshirts! Now here's some armed ones! This one has a knife! OK, how about this taser wielding one? Or a sniper?' etc etc etc.

Batman handles really well in general with all his various gadgets and the Metroid style exploration of going back to find collectibles after getting new tools. This was a collectible hunt done right, what with the mix of 'find this object' and platform based riddles, the interview recordings and Spirit of Arkham all revealing some extra backstory to the characters in this universe which is one I'm not overly familiar with outside of the bigger names from the movies and an episode or two of some animated shows.

Though, some of the characters just struck me as weird. Like, two sets of characters based on Alice in Wonderland? Plus there's the happy coincidence of having a real name that happens to lend really well to their alter ego. Deever and Dumfrey? Harleen Quinzel? Are these even real names? :shifty:

Oh, speaking of Harley Quinn, her voice acting just seemed really bad at times in that disjointed 'bad-acting' sort of way. I think perhaps moreso in the interview recordings rather than the sections where she's taunting you or whatever so maybe this is something in the characterisation of her real self.

Best part of the game though is SPOILERS

All the Scarecrow stuff,

Again, someone I'm not really familiar with outside of Batman Begins and it's been a long time since I saw that so I'm forgetting the bulk of what he does in that movie but this was amazing. After hearing about it through the years, I imagine this is very similar to Eternal Darkness on the GameCube. The very slight shifts at first make you wonder what the hell is going on, the landscape suddenly tilted, changes in colour, Batman's eyes now glowing red...

And of course, moments where the game doesn't so much break the fourth wall as it does demolish it. Walking down a corridor only for the screen to suddenly go pitch black and start glitching up before finding yourself transported back to the start of the game, only it's you in the back of the Batmobile and Joker in the drivers seat. Then you're carted inside and Joker pulls out a gun and shoots you dead.

Cue the Game Over screen. 'Wait' I thought 'That wasn't a nightmare sequence?' as I hastily read the on screen text about dodging the Joker's attack by using the stick, only to fully read it as 'using the middle stick'. Bravo.

Even the actual gameplay levels of his sections are cool in spite of the whole 'forced stealth' mechanic. At times it almost feels like it's like a 2D platformer.

Now I just have to see if I can manage to beat all the different challenges to try and beat the game 100%.

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