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Download Festival: 2012

Stevie B

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I like how you've only ruled out 3 bands for definite DFF!

And yeah, camping has totally sold out and I believe Saturday day tickets have now sold out too. Unsurprising as Saturday is looking like the best day at the moment.

We having this meet-up sometime then? I will be there from Wednesday afternoon so...

I still have no idea when I'm getting there but I don't see why not.

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I've been going through the line-up and Youtubing bands I don't know to see if I would like them and if they would be worth seeing. I propose a game... post a song from a band you are going to see. I'm sure we can all benefit from this.

I start off with the band that's been slated the most for being on the Download bill.

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Good idea Stevie, very good idea. I'll try and start with a band that maybe isn't obvious/high up the bill.

BLACK SPIDERS. Good rock, funny videos. I missed them at Sonisphere last year, decided to stay at Biffy Clyro instead but my mates assured me they were terrific, and we met them the following day as well!

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I like how you've only ruled out 3 bands for definite DFF!

And yeah, camping has totally sold out and I believe Saturday day tickets have now sold out too. Unsurprising as Saturday is looking like the best day at the moment.

We having this meet-up sometime then? I will be there from Wednesday afternoon so...

What can I say? I'm open minded! :P

I'll be there from Wednesday too if people want to grab a beer? What about the Thursday when the bands are playing the 'village' area? Does any of them take your fancy?

As for random songs by bands playing:

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What bands are these? Can't say I've paid any attention to the announced village entertainment tbh. I'm definitely up for a meet on the Thursday though if peeps are there.

Last year (and maybe previous to that), a few bands were booked as 'entertainment' in the village on the Thursday. It went down well, so it's back this year.

Here is this year's timetable. I've linked to a song from each, with vids from the two I'm more likely to watch:

9:15pm-10:15pm Seven Deadly


8pm-8:45pm Huron

7pm-7:30pm Allerjen

6pm-6:30pm Lazarus Syndrome

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Thursday will probably be good with me to slip away from the group.

But yeah, my 5ft x 3ft Brazil flag has been ordered off Ebay for Fozzy. My mates are pretty big, so hopefully they can get me on their shoulders at least for when Jericho comes out on stage. I'm sure he will see the funny side...

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Just listening to Machine Head and I'm really looking forward to seeing them, I've been told they're amazing live. Anyway, can we get some sort of definitive list of who's going so we can all organise a meet-up, off the top of my head there's me, Adam, Stevie and DFF, anyone else? Since it's next week we should probably organise this now, at least in terms of exchanging phone numbers and shit.

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I saw Machine Head 3 years ago supporting Metallica at the O2 Arena. I can't really remember but I think they had a couple of songs I thought were okay but they don't realyl interest me. They do have a loyal following though so expect mosh-pits and "MACHINE FUCKING HEAD!" for a while.

Although I do remember their drummer (or maybe it was The Sword's as they were also supporting) at one point seemingly dropping his sticks, and it looked like someone from the side tossed in a new pair and he caught them and carried on drumming in one fell swoop. That was the best thing from Machine Head, IMO. <_<

Anyway, looking forward to hearing how Soundgarden get on considering I'm seeing them at Hard Rock Calling a month later.

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Just listening to Machine Head and I'm really looking forward to seeing them, I've been told they're amazing live. Anyway, can we get some sort of definitive list of who's going so we can all organise a meet-up, off the top of my head there's me, Adam, Stevie and DFF, anyone else? Since it's next week we should probably organise this now, at least in terms of exchanging phone numbers and shit.

Agreed, was going to suggest some kind of phone number exchange over the next couple of days. Certainly count me in anyway.

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I'm up for meeting up :)

As for a definitive list, they release the stage times on Friday, so that might be the best time to try and work out what we're seeing.

What I can say is that my headliners are Devin, Metallica and Sabbath. I'll also be knocking around for the extra bands on the Thursday.

Oh, some random news, Porter Robinson has pulled out. He's been replaced by Voodoo Six.

Here's my updated chart:


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