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Electronic Entertainment Expo 2012 (E3)

King Ellis

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Ooooh, they're looking at ZombiU on GTTV and the game works under 'hardcore' rules. That is to say, 1 life. You die, that's it.

When you die, you come back as someone else but if you make it back to where you died, you can take your backpack back and get your stuff back.

Sounds cool to me but after seeing people rage over Dead Rising's saves and stuff, people will haaaaaaaate this.

I complained about Dead Rising's saves, but don't mind this at all. I really really really like the concept.

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Ooooh, they're looking at ZombiU on GTTV and the game works under 'hardcore' rules. That is to say, 1 life. You die, that's it.

When you die, you come back as someone else but if you make it back to where you died, you can take your backpack back and get your stuff back.

Sounds cool to me but after seeing people rage over Dead Rising's saves and stuff, people will haaaaaaaate this.

....oh come on. I don't wanna get a WiiU just for one game :(

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Ooooh, they're looking at ZombiU on GTTV and the game works under 'hardcore' rules. That is to say, 1 life. You die, that's it.

When you die, you come back as someone else but if you make it back to where you died, you can take your backpack back and get your stuff back.

Sounds cool to me but after seeing people rage over Dead Rising's saves and stuff, people will haaaaaaaate this.

Fuck, that sounds cool. If that's at PAX I will definitely stand around forever to get a chance to play it.

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I had hoped for a vita price drop. Even 30 could move millions.

After three months? Are you high? I wouldn't be surprised if there was one by Christmas, but still.

3ds came out late march had an 80 dollar price drop promised four months later. Sales for both are comparable before this happened. Sales for 3ds took off after.

So no. Im not high. I was looking at the vita seeing what they would annonuce to boost sales and on a personal level wanted to save a few bucks.

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Am I really that bad? Sorry.

Not as bad as Ellis.

Is there anything worth checking out for PS3 or 360 for a guy that mainly plays sports and RPGs?

Well, EA have said that they want Madden to be the world's first Sports RPG, so there's that.

Guy from Ubisoft is on, says Watch Dogs was running on a PC during the conference. Wouldn't elaborate on the hint of multiplayer/co-op at the end.

Also, ATTN: Dragsy. New EDF coming to Vita in Japan!

Exxcellent. I'm liking the look of Soul Survivor, too.

I had hoped for a vita price drop. Even 30 could move millions.

After three months? Are you high? I wouldn't be surprised if there was one by Christmas, but still.

3ds came out late march had an 80 dollar price drop promised four months later. Sales for both are comparable before this happened. Sales for 3ds took off after.

So no. Im not high. I was looking at the vita seeing what they would annonuce to boost sales and on a personal level wanted to save a few bucks.

Yes, but this is Sony. The company that figured selling the PS3 for 8 million pounds for ages was a good idea.

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Mostly agree, outside of the "RAWR PC GAMING IS SO MUCH BETTER AND IF YOU'RE ON CONSOLES YOU'RE A DUMMY FACE" bullshit that is always going around.

Console-exclusive DLC is silly, but the article barely addresses the idea that having three very different consoles is beyond outdated. I buy a Samsung DVD player, any DVD will play on it. I take it to a friend's house, it will play on his Toshiba DVD player. Exclusivity in gaming needs to die across the board.

But yeah, E3 is awful. You get a couple decent trailers in between mind-numbing marketing bullshit. E3 is primarily for industry insiders and journalists, I don't know how parading Usher on stage is met with anything other than painful groans.

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Ooooh, they're looking at ZombiU on GTTV and the game works under 'hardcore' rules. That is to say, 1 life. You die, that's it.

When you die, you come back as someone else but if you make it back to where you died, you can take your backpack back and get your stuff back.

Sounds cool to me but after seeing people rage over Dead Rising's saves and stuff, people will haaaaaaaate this.

So it's quite similar to the Arma 2 Day-Z mod? That sounds awesome, the name needs to change though.

Where are people getting their news/coverage from?

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I read that whole article, got super excited and then saw that the damn thing isn't out for about another year.

God dammit.

March is too far away :(

I want South Park and Tomb Raider NOW!

...although, I guess this gives me time to play some games in my backlog. Working on Disgaea 4 right now! Then Persona 3. Then 4.

Also playing-sorta Dynasty Warriors 5. Strangely fun for a hack and slash game.

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