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Legends of Tomorrow is absolutely fucking amazing.


The Monitor cameo, where at first they just show him, and they weren't in this season's crossover! Then Wicksty shows up, fully grown, and we cut back to the Monitor eating fucking popcorn like he's at the fair. The guy that's planning the Crisis on Infinite Earths is just there, in the best way possible.

I mean, how can you top that? No show can. All your comic book films and TV shows suck compared to that.

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On 22/05/2019 at 02:24, Benjamin said:

Legends of Tomorrow is absolutely fucking amazing.

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I mean, how can you top that? No show can. All your comic book films and TV shows suck compared to that.

How about

Bringing back Vandal Savage and making him wonderful!  Imagine just hashing things out with Ray over giant Jenga was all he needed!

Also, Todd McFarlane really needs to give up his quest for "A Spawn movie that doesn't feature Spawn".  Its not going to happen

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I need to catch up on Arrow.

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Swamp Thing is cancelled already, and Warner Bros/AT&T are re-evaluating DC Universe since they're going to launch a streaming service later in the year.

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X-Men Dark Phoenix...


It's not the worst superhero movie ever, but Dark Phoenix made me extremely glad this will be the last of Fox's efforts at Marvel properties. Nothing new brought to the table at all, and generally just a mediocre rehash of the already mediocre X-Men Last Stand with a much weaker cast of actors.


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Dark Phoenix


My goodness that was terrible. Absolutely boring movie. All over the place in what the heck it was trying to do, and just ridiculous all around. The alien shape shifters just felt like a terrible plot device, the ending of Charles being out of the school and it renamed was just so awful and forced. 

I can't believe this is how the franchise ends after the promise of First Class and DoFP being so good 

I also have to laugh at how absurd it is that so much time passes between First Class and this, and then Apocalypse and this, but no one really ages whatsoever 😂


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Catching up on Arrow. Nyssa intentionally pestering Felicity with "Husband" and "Sister-Wife" is great.

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Dark Phoenix is nowhere near as bad as people want others to believe. It's easily my second favorite of the new saga of films, behind Days of Future Past.

Is it as good as the worst MCU film? Nah. Is it worse than stuff like Last Stand or X-Men Origins: Wolverine? Absolutely not. Sophie Turner was awesome in this - in fact, give me any of this cast (besides J-Law) over the "original" 00s X-Men. While I'm sad that we won't get to spend more time with Turner's Jean Grey, and Magneto/Professor X will be recast eventually, I'm more than ready to let Marvel Studios take over and do this franchise justice. Nothing they've released in the First Class group of films have been bad, but the MCU's track record speaks for itself.

What we got is infinitely better than what Kinberg wanted to do originally, which was make X-Men: Civil War, with the next movie being where everyone comes back together to fight a big threat or whatever. Whoever put the kibosh on that idea/ending is very smart, because it would have made it seem like they're just trying to retread stuff that already worked for the MCU. Having the team split up, fight, and be a fractured team at the end? A big battle in New York involving Skrulls? I'm perfectly okay with the movie we ended up getting.

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Reminder that JLU is the best.


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You know, If DC weren't so tight with Batman then Batman Beyond would be a good project for the CW.

The showrunners love having someone in the chair behind the hero and that's a thing already with Terry and Bruce.

Relationship drama: Oh there's plenty to work with with Terry's relationships with Dana and Ten. Then there's Bruce's stuff with Barbara in the past.

Creative freedom: There's really only a few villains adapted for Terry's future from Bruce's time. They have plenty they could punk out and update with ruffling feathers.

Big Cast: Oh boy, there's the classic Bat Family as well as the Batgirl of the future and Catwoman of The future.

Flashbacks!: To explain. Bat Family drama there'd have to be flashbacks to when Bruce was Batman and things started going south.

They already have a future timeline in the Arrowverse: we already get to see the future of Star City so why not Gotham? It might be hard to pull off the cyberpunk vibe but it'd be worth a try.


It won't happen at all with Batwoman being a thing on CW now but I just had the thought.

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The wife and I actually just watched Batman and Batman Returns over the past couple of weeks. There's a lot to like about those movies, even now, but watching them made me realize that they were definitely a product of their times, in terms of their success. I don't think DC would be able to get away with doing movies like those anymore. I actually remarked to my wife during Returns that it really seemed like they weren't sure what to do or how to proceed, so they tried to recapture what worked in the first movie. What I mean by that, is that it's almost like Tim Burton, DC and whoever wrote it felt like the villains needed to be super over the top in order to work, instead of just trying to make the best movie they could. The Joker was over the top, but it fit the character and everything worked out great. Returns felt like they wanted that same feel, but they also wanted it to be really dark, and we kind of just got a ridiculous, kind of dark movie.

We talk about those first two like they were classics (not to say that I don't love them), but it's really easy to see how we ended up with Batman Forever following those two movies.

I really love the Nolan trilogy, but even then, I'm prepared to be made fun of for saying that Ben Affleck is probably my favorite Batman, in regards to playing the character the way that I feel he should be portrayed, based off of my experience with Batman comics over my life. Bale did well, but I feel like the quality of the films themselves, and the hunger for new Batman after the Batman & Robin debacle, make people believe that he was the best Batman.

I don't think DC has ever nailed Batman, 100%. Marvel did it with Iron Man right out of the gate, but DC has never been able to capture Batman perfectly.

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2 minutes ago, Gabriel said:

The wife and I actually just watched Batman and Batman Returns over the past couple of weeks. There's a lot to like about those movies, even now, but watching them made me realize that they were definitely a product of their times, in terms of their success. I don't think DC would be able to get away with doing movies like those anymore. I actually remarked to my wife during Returns that it really seemed like they weren't sure what to do or how to proceed, so they tried to recapture what worked in the first movie. What I mean by that, is that it's almost like Tim Burton, DC and whoever wrote it felt like the villains needed to be super over the top in order to work, instead of just trying to make the best movie they could. The Joker was over the top, but it fit the character and everything worked out great. Returns felt like they wanted that same feel, but they also wanted it to be really dark, and we kind of just got a ridiculous, kind of dark movie.

We talk about those first two like they were classics (not to say that I don't love them), but it's really easy to see how we ended up with Batman Forever following those two movies.

I really love the Nolan trilogy, but even then, I'm prepared to be made fun of for saying that Ben Affleck is probably my favorite Batman, in regards to playing the character the way that I feel he should be portrayed, based off of my experience with Batman comics over my life. Bale did well, but I feel like the quality of the films themselves, and the hunger for new Batman after the Batman & Robin debacle, make people believe that he was the best Batman.

I don't think DC has ever nailed Batman, 100%. Marvel did it with Iron Man right out of the gate, but DC has never been able to capture Batman perfectly.

Agreed on all counts. Batman and Batman Returns are weird because it feels like they're supposed to be dark and somewhat serious to get away from the '66 campiness. But there's a lot of goofy stuff in both movies. Batman Forever and Batman & Robin are absolutely goofy but it's intentional.

I favor Bale over Affleck, though. (Again, I'm biased.) I definitely think Marvel nailed it with the pairing of Robert Downey Jr/the way they wrote Stark. Sadly, DC hasn't found that level of success. 

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They have got Batman right in Cartoons and games but never movies. That's why Kevin Conroy is still best Batman without even having worn the suit.


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Director of Shazam explaining some of the "problems" with his own movie

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On 27/06/2019 at 22:16, =BK= said:

They have got Batman right in Cartoons and games but never movies. That's why Kevin Conroy is still best Batman without even having worn the suit.


I just realised that no matter who is talking, whenever I see a Batman (even one who is talking with another voice) I hear Kevin Conroy.

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