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EWR 2013 Stats Update: February ***PLEASE USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Is that true of male wrestlers as well? Are they automatically awful if they haven't wrestled outside WWE? Or is just the wimminz? And did Beth Phoenix stop being good when she went to WWE, because she was a Diva then?

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Is that true of male wrestlers as well? Are they automatically awful if they haven't wrestled outside WWE? Or is just the wimminz? And did Beth Phoenix stop being good when she went to WWE, because she was a Diva then?

Yes. CM Punk? More like 'Worst in the World!'

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I checked out their webpage. While I haven't seen any videos, I did search a bit. I have to ask though Fusion, do you know anything more recently? The website is almost 3 years outdated and the first videos of Jimmy Moore I saw pop up are the same. I'm fine with adding people, but I think we need as current of stats as possible. Even their youtube page which says version 2, only has stuff as recent as 9 months ago. My own personal opinion, but if the stats are that outdated, then I'd rather not have them in the game. We have enough wrestlers in the game, so I don't think we need some that aren't current.

Fair enough, I'll just search for more backyard promotions more up-to-date and get stats made for their wrestlers..that solves that problem. But, it's really up to Bill. If he wants to add them into the game, then let him. It's really up to him. Plus these backyard wrestlers will come in handy when it comes to backyard to global games as most of the backyarders in game now are between 30-40 years old. There's just a fair few that are between 18-29.

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I'm down with lowering Kelly's stats, cause let's be honnest she was never THAT good. 43 speed is plenty for her. The rest, totally disagree. The Divas matches on TV have been decent / very good lately, and the biggest reason why is they've been allocated much more time than normal. It would be extremely difficult for CM Punk to put on a 5* classic with Daniel Bryan in the time the ladies get.

But reports from house shows generally say that the Divas matches are "good and the girls seem way better than they do on TV".

FACT - The Divas in WWE, who according to people here are "teh wrost in te WROLD" because they didn't wrestle before WWE, have wayyyyy more experience than the majority of the girls you listed. They wrestle much more frequently, train much more frequently and as such a year in WWE equals several years on the Indies in certain cases (some of these indy darlings only wrestle a few times a month, and have had very little training).

Having the skills to put on a good match is much different than being given the time to have a good match. I'd say their stats are fair as is.

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One question: who the fuck is a Courtney Rush?!

White Kamala

And whilst we are on the subject, Eve:

Once knocked out a Bison with a single punch - 100 brawl

Once submitted a Gracie with a Kimura - 100 tech

Can run 100 metres in less than 8 seconds - 100 speed

Youtube it if you want proof.

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I'm down with lowering Kelly's stats, cause let's be honnest she was never THAT good. 43 speed is plenty for her. The rest, totally disagree. The Divas matches on TV have been decent / very good lately, and the biggest reason why is they've been allocated much more time than normal. It would be extremely difficult for CM Punk to put on a 5* classic with Daniel Bryan in the time the ladies get.

But reports from house shows generally say that the Divas matches are "good and the girls seem way better than they do on TV".

FACT - The Divas in WWE, who according to people here are "teh wrost in te WROLD" because they didn't wrestle before WWE, have wayyyyy more experience than the majority of the girls you listed. They wrestle much more frequently, train much more frequently and as such a year in WWE equals several years on the Indies in certain cases (some of these indy darlings only wrestle a few times a month, and have had very little training).

Having the skills to put on a good match is much different than being given the time to have a good match. I'd say their stats are fair as is.

You're right. Good Matches need time. Bud good wrestlers can perform kicks, punches and fundamental moves believable. Good wrestlers can sell moves. Good Wrestlers have presence in the ring. All these has nothing to do with time. Maybe you should watch womens wrestling in japan (and that's no "Indy Wrestling"), shimmer, europe or the tna knockouts (2008-2009).

Girls like Kelly Kelly don't lear anything in years. Kelly is afraid of the ring ropes. "Experience" means not wrestle bad matches with other bad "divas" every night. You learn nothing when you wrestle Alicia Fox every night. Girls like Fox and Kelly are bad because they have no (wrestling) talent. They are Models from swimwear catalogs.

And male wrestlers? Have you ever heart names like Ezekiel Jackson, The Great Khali, David Otunga? Maybe some of the worst wrestlers in the world.

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One question: who the fuck is a Courtney Rush?!

White Kamala

And whilst we are on the subject, Eve:

Once knocked out a Bison with a single punch - 100 brawl

Once submitted a Gracie with a Kimura - 100 tech

Can run 100 metres in less than 8 seconds - 100 speed

Youtube it if you want proof.

:o It's true!

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-Lower BJ Whitmer's overness to 45.

-Raise Tom Prichards' talent to 100. Some of the guys he is responsible for includes Kurt Angle, Val Venis, The Rock, Edge, and Dolph Ziggler.

-Lower Gino Caruso's talent to 40. Lower his wages to 8,000.

-Raise Rip Rogers' talent to 72.

-Lower Robert Gibson's talent to 59. In a shoot Cabana said he was an awful trainer.

-Delete Steve Weiner as a staff member. Add him as a worker:

Steve Weiner


September, 29


B- 31

S- 9

T- 17

Stiff- 26

Sell- 54

Over- 32

Charisma- 63

Att- 89

Behav- 90

Check Announcer.

-Open contract to Chikara, Face, Fun Babyface


Speaks, American

Finisher: Shell Shock (Impact), Kingdom Hearts (Impact)

Alter egos: Steven Weiner, Steve The Turtle Weiner

Loyalty to Bob Evans (his trainer).

Edited by KrisClassic
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Keep CM Punk's and Shawn Michaels' overness where they are now cause their both still pretty well known.

Punk maybe but Michaels is no where near as over as the likes of Cena Punk Austin Rock etc, I think 97 is good for him.

Anyone know the sort Attendance TNA are getting in the World Tour or whatever the fuck it is, depending on what the attendance is, I think they deserve a small Image boost.

Edited by ModestATT
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The Great Khali, prior to recent months when his knees have started to give up on him, is fantastic at what he does. He doesn't need to have a lengthy exchange of holds and counterholds, or bust out a Hurricanrana every now and then because it wouldn't make sense. He's a consummate big man.

As for Kelly Kelly being "afraid of the ring ropes", that's fucking hilarious. Kelly's not great, but she's been one half of a whole bunch of memorable Divas matches.

Again, you seem to be ignoring the fact that WWE have employed a lot of talented female wrestlers. You say that wrestlers like Kelly Kelly "learn nothing from working with Alicia Fox every night", what about the months she spent wrestling Beth Phoenix and Natalya every month?

The TNA Knock-Outs division is, by and large, even worse than the Divas division. And I could name you a ton of Japanese and indie women wrestlers who are worse than the majority of WWE "Divas". Wrestling for SHIMMER, or wrestling in Japan, doesn't automatically make you a good wrestler any more than wrestling for WWE automatically makes you a bad one.

The WWE Divas, and the male wrestlers you mentioned, are nowhere near the "worst wrestlers in the world", and that suggestion is laughable enough to completely invalidate any other point you're struggling to make.

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However, if you want to know more about the excellent women's wrestlers who grace the squared circle of SHIMMER Women Athletes, you can always read the watch through that some handsome EWBer is doing right now in the Ring! [/gratuitous plug]

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"The TNA Knock-Outs division is, by and large, even worse than the Divas division. And I could name you a ton of Japanese and indie women wrestlers who are worse than the majority of WWE "Divas". Wrestling for SHIMMER, or wrestling in Japan, doesn't automatically make you a good wrestler any more than wrestling for WWE automatically makes you a bad one."

Ok for the Knock-Out now, because in 2008-2009, they had Melissa, Roxx, Kong and Hamada who are better than all of the Divas Ever combined, and with ease.

And you say you can give me a ton of women wrestlers who are worst than the Divas, i doubt it, but go ahead, so i could tell you the tons of Indys/Jiohi wrestlers who are BETTER than the Divas.

I know that there is fans of the WWE here, but come on, a little common sense to realize that kelly kelly never did a good match, and that she and all the Divas could make 1000 match a year, they would still be horrible, because it doesn't work like that, you don't just upgrade after a certain number of matches.

Edited by Maelas
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Then how do you get better? Do you think Joshi wrestlers were given some magic secret that made them great wrestlers from day one?

I'm no WWE apologist, and I don't like the Divas division - one look at my avatar and signature would indicate that I'm a massive Joshi fan, but being as this is the internet, and everything needs to be in broad black and white brush strokes, it's either "WWE Divas are the best" or "WWE Divas are the worst", not the point that everyone is actually arguing, which is "some WWE Divas aren't half as bad as you seem to think they are".

as good as a Diva is, she will always be one of the worst female wrestler in the world, espceially if she never wrestled beforer the WWE.

This is absolutely one of the most absurd statements I've ever seen posted in here.

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A Joshi wrestler, to keep your example, will train to wrestle, will do matches against GOOD wrestlers, and will imporve because of that.

You don't improve your wrestling skills when you train to show your boobs to the Camera, or by facng Aksana. I'm sorry, but Kelly Kelly could do billions of matches, thaht doesn't mean she will become the best wrestler in the world, because it's not that simple.

"as good as a Diva is, she will always be one of the worst female wrestler in the world, espceially if she never wrestled beforer the WWE. "

I'm sorry, but if you don't agree with that statement, prove me otherwise, by telling me the name of one Diva that never wrestled before WWE and can be considered as a good wrestler.

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Trish Stratus. Victoria. Despite your argument, most people in here would probably agree that Kelly Kelly was a perfectly adequate wrestler. Layla ain't bad. Melina.

The idea that Joshi wrestlers "train to wrestle" while WWE Divas don't is hilarious. Even ignoring the fact that a huge amount of newer Joshi wrestlers are Idols, models, pop stars or otherwise hired for their looks, WWE Divas fight sometimes four or five times a week - I'm pretty sure they've trained to wrestle at some point there. And I never said that Kelly Kelly was, or could become, one of the best wrestlers in the world. Again, you seem to be working on the logic that I'm arguing "WWE Divas are the best", when I never once have done, I've argued that WWE Divas aren't as bad as you seem to think they are. But it's a lot easier to argue when you can just make up what the other person's saying, I guess.

And is this only true of "Divas"? That "not wrestling before WWE" automatically makes you "one of the worst wrestlers in the world"? So is Dolph Ziggler one of the worst wrestlers in the world? Was Kurt Angle?

Or is just women who need all the extra special attention to get better, while men can be relied upon?

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You can't win an argument by just making a statement and then saying "prove me otherwise". There are a good number of women who have come through the ranks of WWE and aren't poor wrestlers at all. Most of whom have already been named against your argument.

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