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Lil' Wayne on his death bed


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This is a crazy story

5:16 PM PT -- We're told Wayne is being prepared for his last rites ... with his family surrounding him to say their goodbyes.

Wayne's mother is currently on a plane flying to Los Angeles -- and we're told all major decisions about Wayne's health (including the decision to discontinue life support) will not be made until she arrives.

Lil Wayne is in ICU in critical condition after suffering yet another seizure, and we're told it doesn't look good ... TMZ has learned.

We broke the story ... the 30-year-old rapper was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Hospital in L.A. Tuesday night after suffering multiple seizures. He was released Wednesday but just hours later one of his bodyguards found him in his room, on the floor and unconscious.

Wayne was rushed to the hospital again, but this time he did not stabilize. He was taken to ICU, where he was placed in restraints because he was shaking uncontrollably.

We're told Wayne is currently "unstable," and has been placed in an induced coma. He is breathing through tubes.

We're told several people are at Wayne's bedside crying, and a number of rap artists and family members are on the way. Sources say the scene is violent as Wayne shakes uncontrollably.

Sources say there's evidence Wayne went on a Sizzurp binge after being released Wednesday, because doctors found high amounts of codeine in his system.

We're told Wanye's stomach was pumped 3 times to flush the drugs from his system.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/03/15/lil-wayne-seizures-hospitalized-drugs-sizzurp-critical-condition-icu/#ixzz2NetxDJPg

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TMZ has come down off of their original story:

6:30 PM PT -- Sources at the hospital tell us Wayne is still in critical condition in the ICU ... but stabilizing.
We're told the prognosis is uncertain.
Wayne is sleeping right now ... which is odd, because he just tweeted saying he's OK and thanking people for the prayers and love.

They've gone from "death rites", to "medical coma" to "sleeping". They got played, and I hope they get raked over the coals for reporting what every other news agency had the decency to be suspicious of. Classic case of being first instead of being right.

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I wonder if his seizures could be caused by his years of Dextromethorphan abuse in the past? I know Lil' Wayne isn't a "young adult", but...

Dextromethorphan abuse should be considered in young adults who present with previously undiagnosed seizure activity.


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I had a roommate who had epilepsy and I witnessed a few of her seizures. They aren't pretty and are often quite scary. While I think TMZ jumped the gun for sure, I could understand somebody overreacting. It's probably horrible to witness a seizure and the guy was having multiple seizures that were longer than normal, I could see how somebody would freak out and tell TMZ he was dying.

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TMZ need to realise that there's a reason why newspapers don't like to run stories this prolific unless there's an absolute confirmed source involved.

And for all the news outlets reporting this, they are covering their backs by saying "TMZ is reported as saying that..." so if it's true the story has been reported correctly, if not then TMZ get ripped to pieces.

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TMZ need to realise that there's a reason why newspapers don't like to run stories this prolific unless there's an absolute confirmed source involved.

And for all the news outlets reporting this, they are covering their backs by saying "TMZ is reported as saying that..." so if it's true the story has been reported correctly, if not then TMZ get ripped to pieces.

Over reaching the importance/severity of a news article and doing it AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE is and has been the only reason that TMZ exists at all.

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TMZ need to realise that there's a reason why newspapers don't like to run stories this prolific unless there's an absolute confirmed source involved.

And for all the news outlets reporting this, they are covering their backs by saying "TMZ is reported as saying that..." so if it's true the story has been reported correctly, if not then TMZ get ripped to pieces.

Yeah, but it's TMZ. They're a glorified gossip website. I doubt they (or anyone) cares about the credibility, or lack thereof, for a website like TMZ.

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